Passing through SI/PSI tables - Conductor Live and Elemental Statmux

Passing through SI/PSI tables

You can pass through any stream from a source TS to the output MPTS. You can pass through any number of streams.

This section describes the procedure for passing through one or more SI/PSI tables that have been created outside of Elemental Statmux. If you want to pass through a custom stream rather than an SI/PSI table, see the previous section.

You can pass through the following:

  • An SI/PSI table that Elemental Statmux doesn't implement. For example, an EIT.

  • An SI/PSI table that Elemental Statmux does implement. For example, a PAT.

You include the table by setting it up in the MPTS as a passthrough stream.

You can combine SI/PSI table passthrough with custom stream passthrough and program passthrough.

Setting up

You pass through one or more SI/PSI tables by setting it up in the MPTS as a passthrough stream.

To include passthrough streams, follow these steps:

  • Design the MPTS workflow in the regular way.

  • When you create the MPTS, add the passthrough streams.

    You must specify the following information for the stream:

    • The location where the upstream system is sending the source program. Elemental Statmux listens for the stream at that location.

    • The PID to assign to this stream in the output MPTS.

    For detailed instructions about passing through a stream, see Including passthrough streams in an MPTS.

  • You might want to suppress some or all of the tables that Elemental Statmux usually generates.

    • You must suppress table generation for a specific table if you are also passing through that table. Elemental Statmux won't allow two tables with the same PID.

    • You can optionally suppress table generation even if you aren't passing through the table. For example, you can suppress the PAT, even if you aren't passing it through. The MPTS won't include a PAT.

    For detailed instructions about suppressing table generation, see Advanced tab – Suppressing generation of SI/PSI tables.

Handling by Elemental Statmux

When passing through this type of stream, Elemental Statmux reads the PID of a passthrough table, to ensure that it doesn't conflict with other PIDs. But it treats the contents as a black box. Elemental Statmux doesn't perform any validation on the contents.

It is your responsibility to make sure that all the SI/PSI tables are acceptable to the downstream system. It is your responsibility to ensure that the SI/PSI tables correctly reference the program and stream PIDs.