Access datasets from a notebook - Amazon FinSpace

Access datasets from a notebook


Amazon FinSpace Dataset Browser will be discontinued on November 29, 2024. Starting November 29, 2023, FinSpace will no longer accept the creation of new Dataset Browser environments. Customers using Amazon FinSpace with Managed Kdb Insights will not be affected. For more information, review the FAQ or contact AWS Support to assist with your transition.

You can conveniently and securely access all datasets to prepare and analyze data from your Amazon FinSpace notebook. The following sections show how to access data from a FinSpace notebook.


In order to use notebooks and Spark clusters, you must be a superuser or a member of a group with necessary permissions - Access Notebooks, Manage Clusters.

Access data using a pre-populated notebook

To access data using a pre-populated notebook
  1. Sign in to the FinSpace web application. For more information, see Signing in to the Amazon FinSpace web application.

  2. Open a notebook by using one of the three methods listed in Opening the notebook environment.

    In the notebook, the dataset ID and data view ID are pre-populated.

  3. Run all cells to print the schema and content of the data view.

Access data using a newly created notebook

To access data using a newly created notebook
  1. Run the following code from your notebook to instantiate a cluster and connect the FinSpace PySpark image to the cluster.

    %local from aws.finspace.cluster import FinSpaceClusterManager finspace_clusters = FinSpaceClusterManager() finspace_clusters.auto_connect()

    The output should be similar to the following output

    Cluster is starting. It will be operational in approximately 5 to 8 minutes Started cluster with cluster ID: 8x6zd9cq and state: STARTING ...... cleared existing credential location Persisted krb5.conf secret to /etc/krb5.conf re-establishing connection... Persisted keytab secret to /home/sagemaker-user/livy.keytab Authenticated to Spark cluster Persisted Sparkmagic config to /home/sagemaker-user/.Sparkmagic/config.json Started Spark cluster with clusterId: 8x6zd9cq finished reloading all magics & configurations Persisted FinSpace cluster connection info to /home/sagemaker-user/.Sparkmagic/FinSpace_connection_info.json SageMaker Studio Environment is now connected to your FinSpace Cluster: 8x6zd9cq at GMT: 2021-01-15 02:13:50.

    Without the %local at the beginning of the cell, your code will be executed on the Spark cluster.

  2. To access the data view, you will need the dataset ID and data view ID. To get these IDs

    1. In the FinSpace web application, open the dataset details page of the dataset that you want to analyze.

    2. Under the All Data Views tab, find the data view that you want to analyze.

    3. Choose Details.

    4. Copy the Data View ID and Dataset ID to use in the notebook.

  3. Initialize dataset ID and data view ID in the notebook.

    dataset_id = "rgg1hj1" data_view_id = "VrvKEKnA1El2nr821BaLTQ"
  4. Instantiate FinSpace Analytics Manager to access the data and read into a Spark DataFrame.

    from import FinSpaceAnalyticsManager finspace_analytics = FinSpaceAnalyticsManager(Spark = Spark) df = finspace_analytics.read_data_view(dataset_id = dataset_id, data_view_id = data_view_id)