Dataviews for querying data - Amazon FinSpace

Dataviews for querying data

Dataviews allow you to place portions of your Managed kdb Insights object store database onto disk for faster read-only access from your kdb clusters. To your kdb process, the dataview looks like a kdb segmented database, with data placed across one or more disk mounts (volumes) and the object store. This lets you place frequently-queried data on a fast-access disk for more performant access while keeping the rest of the data in the object store layer for less frequent access. With dataviews, the golden copy of your database’s data still remains in the object store format. The data stored on disk for faster access is a copy.

A diagram that shows how dataviews work.

Dataviews can be accessed from HDB and General purpose (GP) type clusters for read only access. The data within a dataview is accessible from the cluster as a kdb segmented database that is automatically configured when you associate the dataview with the cluster.

A segment is a mount point that can contain a portion of a database. Different segments could contain different data partitions, tables, or even columns. A kdb par.txt file that FinSpace automatically creates when you mount a database defines the segments.

The segments of this segmented database can reside on different kdb Insights disk volumes. A segment of your database can be any portion of it. For example, consider a database with contents as the following date-partitioned layout.

/sym /2023.10.01/trades/price /2023.10.01/trades/time /2023.10.01/trades/quality /2023.10.01/trades/price /2023.10.02/trades/time /2023.10.02/trades/quality /2023.10.02/trades/price /2023.10.03/trades/time /2023.10.03/trades/quality /2023.10.03/trades/price /2023.10.04/trades/time /2023.10.04/trades/quality /2023.10.05/trades/price /2023.10.05/trades/time /2023.10.05/trades/quality /2023.10.05/trades/price /2023.10.01/trades/.d /2023.10.02/trades/.d /2023.10.03/trades/.d /2023.10.04/trades/.d /2023.10.05/trades/.d

In this example, trades is a table and time, quantity, and price are columns. You can store the most recent day of data on a high throughput volume, two days prior to that on 250 MB/s/TiB volume, with the rest accessible as a segment from the object store layer. The following table shows the data and segments.

Database contents Segments




Segment: Dataview Segment 1

Stored On: Managed kdb Insights Volume 1

[High throughput – 1000 MB/s/TiB]







Segment: Dataview Segment 2

Stored On: Managed kdb Insights Volume 2

[Medium Throughput – 250 MB/s/TiB]







Segment: Dataview Default Segment

Stored On: Object store

This gives you control to place copies of portions of your database on the appropriate type of disk for access, if you require higher performance access than what is available with the default object store storage.

In addition, having the ability to explicitly place data on different volumes when creating a dataview, the contents directly under the root (/) path of the database, such as /sym in this example, are always copied to the cluster’s local storage for fast access.

Auto-updating vs static dataviews

When you create a dataview, you can specify from one of the following types of dataview.

  • Auto-updating –An auto-update dataview contains the most recent version of the data in the database. Its contents are automatically updated as new data is added to the database.

  • Static – For a static dataview, the data within the view is not updated automatically as new data is added to the database. When creating a static dataview, you specify a database version identifier that is the changeset ID. The dataview will contain contents of the database as of that changeset ID. To refresh the contents of a static dataview, you need to update it. If you do not provide a changeset ID when updating a dataview, system picks the latest one by default.

Dataview versions

When you create a dataview, it is assigned an initial version. Each update, whether automatic or manual, creates a new version of a dataview. A dataview version becomes active when it is mountable. A dataview version is released when it is not attached to any clusters and when it's no longer the latest active version.

Data placement

For each volume, you specify a list of paths for the data that you want to place on the volume. This can be done by using the db paths. Your paths can include the wildcard characters — asterisk (*) and question mark (?). Here are a few examples of how you can use db paths for segment configuration.

  • To specify a particular partition – /2020.01.02/* or /2020.01.02*

  • To specify all partitions for Jan 2020– /2020.01.* or /2020.01*

  • To specify all partitions for 1st of each month in 2020 – /2020.??.01 or /2020.*.01

  • To specify all partitions – /* or *

Data cardinality

You can create multiple dataviews for a single database. For example, you may wish to create one dataview based on an older version of the database for historical analysis, at the same time you may want an auto updating dataview for applications to query more recent data in your database. You can also use multiple dataviews with the same data in each, as a way to spread query load from a large number of clusters querying the data. You can create two different dataviews on the same changeset version.


  • Dataviews are only available for clusters running on a scaling group. They are not supported on dedicated clusters.

  • The paths placed on different volumes cannot overlap. For example, you could not place a path of /2023.10.31/* on one volume of a dataview and /2023.10* on another volume of the same dataview because the paths overlap. This constraint is because each volume is a different segment in the par.txt file on the database and contents of a segment can’t overlap.