範例藍圖專案 - AWS Glue



資料格式轉換是頻繁的擷取、轉換和載入 (ETL) 使用案例。在一般的分析工作負載中,以欄為基礎的檔案格式 (例如 Parquet 或 ORC) 優先於 CSV 或 JSON 等文字格式。此範例藍圖可讓您將資料從 CSV/JSON 等格式轉換為 Parquet,以供 Amazon S3 上的檔案使用。

此藍圖會取得藍圖參數定義的 S3 路徑清單,將資料轉換為 Prquet 格式,並將其寫入另一個藍圖參數指定的 S3 位置。配置指令碼會為每個路徑建立爬蟲程式和任務。配置指令碼還會將 Conversion.py 中的 ETL 指令碼上傳至另一個藍圖參數指定的 S3 儲存貯體。然後,配置指令碼會將上傳的指令碼指定為每個任務的 ETL 指令碼。專案的 ZIP 封存包含配置指令碼、ETL 指令碼和藍圖組態檔。


以下是檔案 Layout.py 中的配置指令碼。

from awsglue.blueprint.workflow import * from awsglue.blueprint.job import * from awsglue.blueprint.crawler import * import boto3 s3_client = boto3.client('s3') # Ingesting all the S3 paths as Glue table in parquet format def generate_layout(user_params, system_params): #Always give the full path for the file with open("ConversionBlueprint/Conversion.py", "rb") as f: s3_client.upload_fileobj(f, user_params['ScriptsBucket'], "Conversion.py") etlScriptLocation = "s3://{}/Conversion.py".format(user_params['ScriptsBucket']) crawlers = [] jobs = [] workflowName = user_params['WorkflowName'] for path in user_params['S3Paths']: tablePrefix = "source_" crawler = Crawler(Name="{}_crawler".format(workflowName), Role=user_params['PassRole'], DatabaseName=user_params['TargetDatabase'], TablePrefix=tablePrefix, Targets= {"S3Targets": [{"Path": path}]}) crawlers.append(crawler) transform_job = Job(Name="{}_transform_job".format(workflowName), Command={"Name": "glueetl", "ScriptLocation": etlScriptLocation, "PythonVersion": "3"}, Role=user_params['PassRole'], DefaultArguments={"--database_name": user_params['TargetDatabase'], "--table_prefix": tablePrefix, "--region_name": system_params['region'], "--output_path": user_params['TargetS3Location']}, DependsOn={crawler: "SUCCEEDED"}, WaitForDependencies="AND") jobs.append(transform_job) conversion_workflow = Workflow(Name=workflowName, Entities=Entities(Jobs=jobs, Crawlers=crawlers)) return conversion_workflow

以下是對應的藍圖組態檔 blueprint.cfg

{ "layoutGenerator": "ConversionBlueprint.Layout.generate_layout", "parameterSpec" : { "WorkflowName" : { "type": "String", "collection": false, "description": "Name for the workflow." }, "S3Paths" : { "type": "S3Uri", "collection": true, "description": "List of Amazon S3 paths for data ingestion." }, "PassRole" : { "type": "IAMRoleName", "collection": false, "description": "Choose an IAM role to be used in running the job/crawler" }, "TargetDatabase": { "type": "String", "collection" : false, "description": "Choose a database in the Data Catalog." }, "TargetS3Location": { "type": "S3Uri", "collection" : false, "description": "Choose an Amazon S3 output path: ex:s3://<target_path>/." }, "ScriptsBucket": { "type": "S3Bucket", "collection": false, "description": "Provide an S3 bucket name(in the same AWS Region) to store the scripts." } } }

檔案 Conversion.py 中的以下指令碼是上傳的 ETL 指令碼。請注意,它在轉換過程中會保留分割結構。

import sys from pyspark.sql.functions import * from pyspark.context import SparkContext from awsglue.transforms import * from awsglue.context import GlueContext from awsglue.job import Job from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions import boto3 args = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, [ 'JOB_NAME', 'region_name', 'database_name', 'table_prefix', 'output_path']) databaseName = args['database_name'] tablePrefix = args['table_prefix'] outputPath = args['output_path'] glue = boto3.client('glue', region_name=args['region_name']) glue_context = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate()) spark = glue_context.spark_session job = Job(glue_context) job.init(args['JOB_NAME'], args) def get_tables(database_name, table_prefix): tables = [] paginator = glue.get_paginator('get_tables') for page in paginator.paginate(DatabaseName=database_name, Expression=table_prefix+"*"): tables.extend(page['TableList']) return tables for table in get_tables(databaseName, tablePrefix): tableName = table['Name'] partitionList = table['PartitionKeys'] partitionKeys = [] for partition in partitionList: partitionKeys.append(partition['Name']) # Create DynamicFrame from Catalog dyf = glue_context.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog( name_space=databaseName, table_name=tableName, additional_options={ 'useS3ListImplementation': True }, transformation_ctx='dyf' ) # Resolve choice type with make_struct dyf = ResolveChoice.apply( frame=dyf, choice='make_struct', transformation_ctx='resolvechoice_' + tableName ) # Drop null fields dyf = DropNullFields.apply( frame=dyf, transformation_ctx="dropnullfields_" + tableName ) # Write DynamicFrame to S3 in glueparquet sink = glue_context.getSink( connection_type="s3", path=outputPath, enableUpdateCatalog=True, partitionKeys=partitionKeys ) sink.setFormat("glueparquet") sink.setCatalogInfo( catalogDatabase=databaseName, catalogTableName=tableName[len(tablePrefix):] ) sink.writeFrame(dyf) job.commit()

只能提供兩個 Amazon S3 路徑做為範例藍圖的輸入。這是因為 AWS Glue 觸發程序僅限於叫用兩個爬蟲程式動作。