查看示例查詢以分析 Studio 筆記本中的數據 - Managed Service for Apache Flink

Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink 之前稱為 Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink。


查看示例查詢以分析 Studio 筆記本中的數據

如需有關 Apache Flink SQL 查詢設定的資訊,請參閱用於互動式資料分析的齊柏林飛艇筆記本上的 Flink

若要在 Apache Flink 儀表板中檢視您的應用程式,請FLINKJOB在應用程式的齊柏林飛艇注意頁面中選擇。

如需視窗查詢的詳細資訊,請參閱 Apache Flink 文件中的視窗

如需 Apache Flink 串流SQL查詢的更多範例,請參閱 Apache Flink 文件中的查詢


您可以使用 Amazon MSK Flink 連接器搭配 Apache Flink 工作室的受管服務來驗證您的連線與純文字或身分驗證。SSL IAM根據您的需求,使用特定屬性建立資料表。

-- Plaintext connection CREATE TABLE your_table ( `column1` STRING, `column2` BIGINT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'your_topic', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<bootstrap servers>', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset', 'format' = 'json' ); -- SSL connection CREATE TABLE your_table ( `column1` STRING, `column2` BIGINT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'your_topic', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<bootstrap servers>', 'properties.security.protocol' = 'SSL', 'properties.ssl.truststore.location' = '/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-amazon-corretto/lib/security/cacerts', 'properties.ssl.truststore.password' = 'changeit', 'properties.group.id' = 'myGroup', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset', 'format' = 'json' ); -- IAM connection (or for MSK Serverless) CREATE TABLE your_table ( `column1` STRING, `column2` BIGINT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'topic' = 'your_topic', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<bootstrap servers>', 'properties.security.protocol' = 'SASL_SSL', 'properties.sasl.mechanism' = 'AWS_MSK_IAM', 'properties.sasl.jaas.config' = 'software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;', 'properties.sasl.client.callback.handler.class' = 'software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler', 'properties.group.id' = 'myGroup', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset', 'format' = 'json' );

您可以將這些與 Apache 卡夫卡SQL連接器的其他屬性相結合。

使用 Kinesis 動創建表

下列範例示範如何使用 Kinesis 建立資料表:

CREATE TABLE KinesisTable ( `column1` BIGINT, `column2` BIGINT, `column3` BIGINT, `column4` STRING, `ts` TIMESTAMP(3) ) PARTITIONED BY (column1, column2) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kinesis', 'stream' = 'test_stream', 'aws.region' = '<region>', 'scan.stream.initpos' = 'LATEST', 'format' = 'csv' );

如需可使用的其他屬性的詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon Kinesis Data Streams SQL 連接器


下列 Flink 串流SQL查詢會從表格中選取每個五秒鐘的翻滾視窗中的最高價格:ZeppelinTopic

%flink.ssql(type=update) SELECT TUMBLE_END(event_time, INTERVAL '5' SECOND) as winend, MAX(price) as five_second_high, ticker FROM ZeppelinTopic GROUP BY ticker, TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '5' SECOND)


下列 Apache Flink 串流SQL查詢會從表格中選取每五秒滑動視窗中的最高價格:ZeppelinTopic

%flink.ssql(type=update) SELECT HOP_END(event_time, INTERVAL '3' SECOND, INTERVAL '5' SECOND) AS winend, MAX(price) AS sliding_five_second_max FROM ZeppelinTopic//or your table name in AWS Glue GROUP BY HOP(event_time, INTERVAL '3' SECOND, INTERVAL '5' SECOND)

使用互動式 SQL

此範例會列印事件時間和處理時間的最大值,以及索引鍵-值資料表中的值的總和。請確定您擁有 使用斯卡拉生成示例數據 執行中的範例資料產生指令碼。若要在您的 Studio 筆記本中嘗試其他SQL查詢,例如篩選和聯結,請參閱 Apache Flink 文件中的文件:查詢

%flink.ssql(type=single, parallelism=4, refreshInterval=1000, template=<h1>{2}</h1> records seen until <h1>Processing Time: {1}</h1> and <h1>Event Time: {0}</h1>) -- An interactive query prints how many records from the `key-value-stream` we have seen so far, along with the current processing and event time. SELECT MAX(`et`) as `et`, MAX(`pt`) as `pt`, SUM(`value`) as `sum` FROM `key-values`
%flink.ssql(type=update, parallelism=4, refreshInterval=1000) -- An interactive tumbling window query that displays the number of records observed per (event time) second. -- Browse through the chart views to see different visualizations of the streaming result. SELECT TUMBLE_START(`et`, INTERVAL '1' SECONDS) as `window`, `key`, SUM(`value`) as `sum` FROM `key-values` GROUP BY TUMBLE(`et`, INTERVAL '1' SECONDS), `key`;

使用 BlackHole SQL連接器

BlackHole SQL連接器不需要您建立 Kinesis 資料串流或 Amazon MSK 叢集來測試查詢。如需有關 BlackHoleSQL連接器的資訊,請參閱 Apache Flink 文件中的連BlackHole SQL接器。在此範例中,預設目錄是記憶體內目錄。

%flink.ssql CREATE TABLE default_catalog.default_database.blackhole_table ( `key` BIGINT, `value` BIGINT, `et` TIMESTAMP(3) ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'blackhole' )
%flink.ssql(parallelism=1) INSERT INTO `test-target` SELECT `key`, `value`, `et` FROM `test-source` WHERE `key` > 3
%flink.ssql(parallelism=2) INSERT INTO `default_catalog`.`default_database`.`blackhole_table` SELECT `key`, `value`, `et` FROM `test-target` WHERE `key` > 7


此範例使用 Scala 生成範例資料。您可以使用此範例資料測試各種查詢。使用 create table 陳述式來建立索引鍵-值資料表。

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.datagen.DataGeneratorSource import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.datagen.RandomGenerator import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream import java.sql.Timestamp // ad-hoc convenience methods to be defined on Table implicit class TableOps[T](table: DataStream[T]) { def asView(name: String): DataStream[T] = { if (stenv.listTemporaryViews.contains(name)) { stenv.dropTemporaryView("`" + name + "`") } stenv.createTemporaryView("`" + name + "`", table) return table; } }
%flink(parallelism=4) val stream = senv .addSource(new DataGeneratorSource(RandomGenerator.intGenerator(1, 10), 1000)) .map(key => (key, 1, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis))) .asView("key-values-data-generator")
%flink.ssql(parallelism=4) -- no need to define the paragraph type with explicit parallelism (such as "%flink.ssql(parallelism=2)") -- in this case the INSERT query will inherit the parallelism of the of the above paragraph INSERT INTO `key-values` SELECT `_1` as `key`, `_2` as `value`, `_3` as `et` FROM `key-values-data-generator`


這是 使用互動式 SQL 的 Scala 翻譯。有關更多斯卡拉示例,請參閱 Apache Flink 文檔API中的

%flink import org.apache.flink.api.scala._ import org.apache.flink.table.api._ import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.scala._ // ad-hoc convenience methods to be defined on Table implicit class TableOps(table: Table) { def asView(name: String): Table = { if (stenv.listTemporaryViews.contains(name)) { stenv.dropTemporaryView(name) } stenv.createTemporaryView(name, table) return table; } }
%flink(parallelism=4) // A view that computes many records from the `key-values` we have seen so far, along with the current processing and event time. val query01 = stenv .from("`key-values`") .select( $"et".max().as("et"), $"pt".max().as("pt"), $"value".sum().as("sum") ).asView("query01")
%flink.ssql(type=single, parallelism=16, refreshInterval=1000, template=<h1>{2}</h1> records seen until <h1>Processing Time: {1}</h1> and <h1>Event Time: {0}</h1>) -- An interactive query prints the query01 output. SELECT * FROM query01
%flink(parallelism=4) // An tumbling window view that displays the number of records observed per (event time) second. val query02 = stenv .from("`key-values`") .window(Tumble over 1.seconds on $"et" as $"w") .groupBy($"w", $"key") .select( $"w".start.as("window"), $"key", $"value".sum().as("sum") ).asView("query02")
%flink.ssql(type=update, parallelism=4, refreshInterval=1000) -- An interactive query prints the query02 output. -- Browse through the chart views to see different visualizations of the streaming result. SELECT * FROM `query02`

使用互動式 Python

這是 使用互動式 SQL 的 Python 翻譯。如需更多 Python 範例,請參閱 Apache Flink 文件API中的資料表

%flink.pyflink from pyflink.table.table import Table def as_view(table, name): if (name in st_env.list_temporary_views()): st_env.drop_temporary_view(name) st_env.create_temporary_view(name, table) return table Table.as_view = as_view
%flink.pyflink(parallelism=16) # A view that computes many records from the `key-values` we have seen so far, along with the current processing and event time st_env \ .from_path("`keyvalues`") \ .select(", ".join([ "max(et) as et", "max(pt) as pt", "sum(value) as sum" ])) \ .as_view("query01")
%flink.ssql(type=single, parallelism=16, refreshInterval=1000, template=<h1>{2}</h1> records seen until <h1>Processing Time: {1}</h1> and <h1>Event Time: {0}</h1>) -- An interactive query prints the query01 output. SELECT * FROM query01
%flink.pyflink(parallelism=16) # A view that computes many records from the `key-values` we have seen so far, along with the current processing and event time st_env \ .from_path("`key-values`") \ .window(Tumble.over("1.seconds").on("et").alias("w")) \ .group_by("w, key") \ .select(", ".join([ "w.start as window", "key", "sum(value) as sum" ])) \ .as_view("query02")
%flink.ssql(type=update, parallelism=16, refreshInterval=1000) -- An interactive query prints the query02 output. -- Browse through the chart views to see different visualizations of the streaming result. SELECT * FROM `query02`

使用交互式 Python,SQL和斯卡拉的組合

您可以在筆記本中使用 Python 和 Scala 的SQL任何組合進行互動式分析。在您計劃部署為具有持久狀態的應用程序的 Studio 筆記本中,可以使用SQL和 Scala 的組合。此範例顯示略過的區段,以及在應用程式中部署為持久狀態的區段。

%flink.ssql CREATE TABLE `default_catalog`.`default_database`.`my-test-source` ( `key` BIGINT NOT NULL, `value` BIGINT NOT NULL, `et` TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL, `pt` AS PROCTIME(), WATERMARK FOR `et` AS `et` - INTERVAL '5' SECOND ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kinesis', 'stream' = 'kda-notebook-example-test-source-stream', 'aws.region' = 'eu-west-1', 'scan.stream.initpos' = 'LATEST', 'format' = 'json', 'json.timestamp-format.standard' = 'ISO-8601' )
%flink.ssql CREATE TABLE `default_catalog`.`default_database`.`my-test-target` ( `key` BIGINT NOT NULL, `value` BIGINT NOT NULL, `et` TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL, `pt` AS PROCTIME(), WATERMARK FOR `et` AS `et` - INTERVAL '5' SECOND ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kinesis', 'stream' = 'kda-notebook-example-test-target-stream', 'aws.region' = 'eu-west-1', 'scan.stream.initpos' = 'LATEST', 'format' = 'json', 'json.timestamp-format.standard' = 'ISO-8601' )
%flink() // ad-hoc convenience methods to be defined on Table implicit class TableOps(table: Table) { def asView(name: String): Table = { if (stenv.listTemporaryViews.contains(name)) { stenv.dropTemporaryView(name) } stenv.createTemporaryView(name, table) return table; } }
%flink(parallelism=1) val table = stenv .from("`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`my-test-source`") .select($"key", $"value", $"et") .filter($"key" > 10) .asView("query01")
%flink.ssql(parallelism=1) -- forward data INSERT INTO `default_catalog`.`default_database`.`my-test-target` SELECT * FROM `query01`
%flink.ssql(type=update, parallelism=1, refreshInterval=1000) -- forward data to local stream (ignored when deployed as application) SELECT * FROM `query01`
%flink // tell me the meaning of life (ignored when deployed as application!) print("42!")

使用跨帳戶 Kinesis 資料串流

若要使用擁有您 Studio 筆記本之帳戶以外的帳戶中的 Kinesis 資料串流,請在執行 Studio 筆記本的帳戶中建立服務執行角色,在具有資料串流的帳戶中建立角色信任政策。在建立資料表DDL陳述aws.credentials.role.sessionName式的 Kinesis 連接器中使aws.credentials.provideraws.credentials.role.arn、和,針對資料串流建立資料表。

對 Studio 筆記本帳戶使用下列服務執行角色。

{ "Sid": "AllowNotebookToAssumeRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" "Resource": "*" }

對資料串流帳戶使用 AmazonKinesisFullAccess 政策和下列角色信任政策。

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<accountID>:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": {} } ] }

為 create table 陳述式使用下面的段落。

%flink.ssql CREATE TABLE test1 ( name VARCHAR, age BIGINT ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'kinesis', 'stream' = 'stream-assume-role-test', 'aws.region' = 'us-east-1', 'aws.credentials.provider' = 'ASSUME_ROLE', 'aws.credentials.role.arn' = 'arn:aws:iam::<accountID>:role/stream-assume-role-test-role', 'aws.credentials.role.sessionName' = 'stream-assume-role-test-session', 'scan.stream.initpos' = 'TRIM_HORIZON', 'format' = 'json' )