Document history for AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways - AWS Network Manager

Document history for AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways


Added me-central-1, ap-south-2, ap-southeast-4, ca-west-1, eu-south-2, and eu-central-2 to the list of available Regions.

The Network Manager User Guide was renamed to the AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways User Guide, as the AWS Network Manager console was reorganized. AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways are now a part of the greater-feature Network Manager console.

October 3, 2024

Added ap-southeast-3 Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region to the list of available Regions.

The Network Manager User Guide was renamed to the AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways User Guide, as the AWS Network Manager console was reorganized. AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways are now a part of the greater-feature Network Manager console.

March 26, 2024

The AWS Network Manager User Guide was renamed to the AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways User Guide.

The Network Manager User Guide was renamed to the AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways User Guide, as the AWS Network Manager console was reorganized. AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways are now a part of the greater-feature Network Manager console.

November 28, 2022

New AWS managed role

The Network Manager User Guide was updated, as Network Manager as permission for a new role, GetTransitGatewayRouteTablePropagations was added to AWS managed policies.

July 12, 2022

Multi-account support

The Network Manager User Guide was updated, as Network Manager now supports multi-account, which allows you to centrally manage multiple AWS Organizations accounts and transit gateways in a single global network.

May 24, 2022

Documentation updated for AWS Cloud WAN

The AWS Network Manager User Guide was updated, as Network Manager supports both AWS Transit Gateways and AWS Cloud WAN.

December 2, 2021

Created a new AWS Network Manager User Guide

Network Manager documentation was removed from the AWS Transit Gateway User Guide and included as part of a new, standalone AWS Network Manager User Guide.

December 2, 2021