使用 AWS ParallelCluster API - AWS ParallelCluster


使用 AWS ParallelCluster API

在本教學課程中,您會使用 Amazon API Gateway 和 anCloudFormation 範本建置和測試 API。 AWS ParallelCluster CloudFormation 然後,您可以使用 GitHub 上可用的範例用戶端來使用 API。如需如何使用 API 的詳細資訊,請參閱 AWS ParallelCluster API

本教學課程摘錄自 HPC for Public Sector Customer Workshop

使用 AWS ParallelCluster 命令列界面 (CLI) 或 API 時,您只需為建立或更新 AWS ParallelCluster 映像和叢集時建立 AWS 的資源付費。如需詳細資訊,請參閱AWS 所使用的 服務 AWS ParallelCluster

PCUI 是以無伺服器架構為基礎,您可以在大多數情況下的 AWS 免費方案類別中使用它。如需詳細資訊,請參閱PCUI成本


  1. 安裝實用的 JSON 命令列處理器。

    $ sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools" sudo yum install -y jq python3-devel
  2. 執行下列命令以取得您的 AWS ParallelCluster 版本,並將其指派給環境變數。

    $ PCLUSTER_VERSION=$(pcluster version | jq -r '.version') echo "export PCLUSTER_VERSION=${PCLUSTER_VERSION}" |tee -a ~/.bashrc
  3. 建立環境變數,並將您的區域 ID 指派給該變數。

    $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1" echo "export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" |tee -a ~/.bashrc
  4. 執行下列命令來部署 API。

    API_STACK_NAME="pc-api-stack" echo "export API_STACK_NAME=${API_STACK_NAME}" |tee -a ~/.bashrc
    aws cloudformation create-stack \ --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \ --stack-name ${API_STACK_NAME} \ --template-url https://${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}-aws-parallelcluster.s3.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}.amazonaws.com/parallelcluster/${PCLUSTER_VERSION}/api/parallelcluster-api.yaml \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND \ --parameters ParameterKey=EnableIamAdminAccess,ParameterValue=true { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/my-api-stack/abcd1234-ef56-gh78-ei90-1234abcd5678" }


  1. 登入 AWS Management Console。

  2. 導覽至 Amazon API Gateway 主控台

  3. 選擇您的 API 部署。

    Amazon API Gateway 主控台,其中包含您可以選擇的閘道清單。
  4. 選擇階段並選取階段。

    您可以從中選擇的階段的主控台檢視。您也可以檢視 API Gateway 為您的 API 提供的 URL。
  5. 請注意 API Gateway 提供用來存取或叫用 API 的 URL。它以藍色反白顯示。

  6. 選擇資源,然後選取 GET下的 /clusters

  7. 選擇測試圖示,然後向下捲動並選擇測試圖示。

    API 資源和測試機制的主控台檢視。

    您的 回應/clusters GET隨即出現。

    API 資源、測試機制和測試請求回應的主控台檢視。

複製 AWS ParallelCluster 原始程式碼、 cd 目錄api,並安裝 Python 用戶端程式庫。

  1. $ git clone -b v${PCLUSTER_VERSION} https://github.com/aws/aws-parallelcluster aws-parallelcluster-v${PCLUSTER_VERSION} cd aws-parallelcluster-v${PCLUSTER_VERSION}/api
    $ pip3 install client/src
  2. 導覽回您的主要使用者目錄。

  3. 匯出用戶端在執行時使用的 API Gateway 基礎 URL。

    $ export PCLUSTER_API_URL=$( aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${API_STACK_NAME} --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ParallelClusterApiInvokeUrl`].OutputValue' --output text ) echo "export PCLUSTER_API_URL=${PCLUSTER_API_URL}" |tee -a ~/.bashrc
  4. 匯出用戶端用來建立叢集的叢集名稱。

    $ export CLUSTER_NAME="test-api-cluster" echo "export CLUSTER_NAME=${CLUSTER_NAME}" |tee -a ~/.bashrc
  5. 執行下列命令來存放範例用戶端用來存取 API 的登入資料。

    $ export PCLUSTER_API_USER_ROLE=$( aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${API_STACK_NAME} --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ParallelClusterApiUserRole`].OutputValue' --output text ) echo "export PCLUSTER_API_USER_ROLE=${PCLUSTER_API_USER_ROLE}" |tee -a ~/.bashrc
  1. 將下列範例用戶端程式碼複製到您主要使用者目錄中test_pcluster_client.py的 。用戶端程式碼會請求執行下列動作:

    • 建立 叢集

    • 描述叢集。

    • 列出叢集。

    • 描述運算機群。

    • 描述叢集執行個體。

    # Copyright 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Author: Evan F. Bollig (Github: bollig) import time, datetime import os import pcluster_client from pprint import pprint from pcluster_client.api import ( cluster_compute_fleet_api, cluster_instances_api, cluster_operations_api ) from pcluster_client.model.create_cluster_request_content import CreateClusterRequestContent from pcluster_client.model.cluster_status import ClusterStatus region=os.environ.get("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION") # Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost # See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters. configuration = pcluster_client.Configuration( host = os.environ.get("PCLUSTER_API_URL") ) cluster_name=os.environ.get("CLUSTER_NAME") # Enter a context with an instance of the API client with pcluster_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client: cluster_ops = cluster_operations_api.ClusterOperationsApi(api_client) fleet_ops = cluster_compute_fleet_api.ClusterComputeFleetApi(api_client) instance_ops = cluster_instances_api.ClusterInstancesApi(api_client) # Create cluster build_done = False try: with open('cluster-config.yaml', encoding="utf-8") as f: body = CreateClusterRequestContent(cluster_name=cluster_name, cluster_configuration=f.read()) api_response = cluster_ops.create_cluster(body, region=region) except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling create_cluster: %s\n" % e) build_done = True time.sleep(60) # Confirm cluster status with describe_cluster while not build_done: try: api_response = cluster_ops.describe_cluster(cluster_name, region=region) pprint(api_response) if api_response.cluster_status == ClusterStatus('CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'): print('. . . working . . .', end='', flush=True) time.sleep(60) elif api_response.cluster_status == ClusterStatus('CREATE_COMPLETE'): print('READY!') build_done = True else: print('ERROR!!!!') build_done = True except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling describe_cluster: %s\n" % e) # List clusters try: api_response = cluster_ops.list_clusters(region=region) pprint(api_response) except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling list_clusters: %s\n" % e) # DescribeComputeFleet try: api_response = fleet_ops.describe_compute_fleet(cluster_name, region=region) pprint(api_response) except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling compute fleet: %s\n" % e) # DescribeClusterInstances try: api_response = instance_ops.describe_cluster_instances(cluster_name, region=region) pprint(api_response) except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling describe_cluster_instances: %s\n" % e)
  2. 建立叢集組態。

    $ pcluster configure --config cluster-config.yaml
  3. API 用戶端程式庫會自動偵測來自環境變數 (例如 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYAWS_SESSION_TOKEN) 或 的組態詳細資訊$HOME/.aws。下列命令會將您目前的 IAM 角色切換為指定的 ParallelClusterApiUserRole。

    $ eval $(aws sts assume-role --role-arn ${PCLUSTER_API_USER_ROLE} --role-session-name ApiTestSession | jq -r '.Credentials | "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\(.AccessKeyId)\nexport AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\(.SecretAccessKey)\nexport AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\(.SessionToken)\n"')


    如果您看到類似下列的錯誤,表示您已擔任 ,ParallelClusterApiUserRole且您的 AWS_SESSION_TOKEN 已過期。

    An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the AssumeRole operation: 
    User: arn:aws:sts::XXXXXXXXXXXX:assumed-role/ParallelClusterApiUserRole-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/ApiTestSession 
    is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/ParallelClusterApiUserRole-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

    捨棄角色,然後重新執行 aws sts assume-role命令以使用 ParallelClusterApiUserRole。


    若要提供目前的 API 存取使用者許可,您必須展開資源政策

  4. 執行下列命令來測試範例用戶端。

    $ python3 test_pcluster_client.py {'cluster_configuration': 'Region: us-east-1\n' 'Image:\n' ' Os: alinux2\n' 'HeadNode:\n' ' InstanceType: t2.micro\n' ' Networking . . . :\n' ' SubnetId: subnet-1234567890abcdef0\n' ' Ssh:\n' ' KeyName: adpc\n' 'Scheduling:\n' ' Scheduler: slurm\n' ' SlurmQueues:\n' ' - Name: queue1\n' ' ComputeResources:\n' ' - Name: t2micro\n' ' InstanceType: t2.micro\n' ' MinCount: 0\n' ' MaxCount: 10\n' ' Networking . . . :\n' ' SubnetIds:\n' ' - subnet-1234567890abcdef0\n', 'cluster_name': 'test-api-cluster'} {'cloud_formation_stack_status': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS', 'cloudformation_stack_arn': 'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/test-api-cluster/abcd1234-ef56-gh78-ij90-1234abcd5678', 'cluster_configuration': {'url': 'https://parallelcluster-021345abcdef6789-v1-do-not-delete...}, 'cluster_name': 'test-api-cluster', 'cluster_status': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS', 'compute_fleet_status': 'UNKNOWN', 'creation_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 18, 47, 972000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'last_updated_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 18, 47, 972000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'region': 'us-east-1', 'tags': [{'key': 'parallelcluster:version', 'value': '3.1.3'}], 'version': '3.1.3'} . . . . . . working . . . {'cloud_formation_stack_status': 'CREATE_COMPLETE', 'cloudformation_stack_arn': 'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/test-api-cluster/abcd1234-ef56-gh78-ij90-1234abcd5678', 'cluster_configuration': {'url': 'https://parallelcluster-021345abcdef6789-v1-do-not-delete...}, 'cluster_name': 'test-api-cluster', 'cluster_status': 'CREATE_COMPLETE', 'compute_fleet_status': 'RUNNING', 'creation_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 18, 47, 972000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'head_node': {'instance_id': 'i-abcdef01234567890', 'instance_type': 't2.micro', 'launch_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 21, 46, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'private_ip_address': '', 'public_ip_address': '', 'state': 'running'}, 'last_updated_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 18, 47, 972000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'region': 'us-east-1', 'tags': [{'key': 'parallelcluster:version', 'value': '3.1.3'}], 'version': '3.1.3'} READY!
  1. 將下列範例用戶端程式碼複製到 delete_cluster_client.py。用戶端程式碼會發出刪除叢集的請求。

    # Copyright 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Author: Evan F. Bollig (Github: bollig) import time, datetime import os import pcluster_client from pprint import pprint from pcluster_client.api import ( cluster_compute_fleet_api, cluster_instances_api, cluster_operations_api ) from pcluster_client.model.create_cluster_request_content import CreateClusterRequestContent from pcluster_client.model.cluster_status import ClusterStatus region=os.environ.get("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION") # Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost # See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters. configuration = pcluster_client.Configuration( host = os.environ.get("PCLUSTER_API_URL") ) cluster_name=os.environ.get("CLUSTER_NAME") # Enter a context with an instance of the API client with pcluster_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client: cluster_ops = cluster_operations_api.ClusterOperationsApi(api_client) # Delete the cluster gone = False try: api_response = cluster_ops.delete_cluster(cluster_name, region=region) except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling delete_cluster: %s\n" % e) time.sleep(60) # Confirm cluster status with describe_cluster while not gone: try: api_response = cluster_ops.describe_cluster(cluster_name, region=region) pprint(api_response) if api_response.cluster_status == ClusterStatus('DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'): print('. . . working . . .', end='', flush=True) time.sleep(60) except pcluster_client.ApiException as e: gone = True print("DELETE COMPLETE or Exception when calling describe_cluster: %s\n" % e)
  2. 執行下列命令來刪除叢集。

    $ python3 delete_cluster_client.py {'cloud_formation_stack_status': 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', 'cloudformation_stack_arn': 'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/test-api-cluster/abcd1234-ef56-gh78-ij90-1234abcd5678', 'cluster_configuration': {'url': 'https://parallelcluster-021345abcdef6789-v1-do-not-delete...}, 'cluster_name': 'test-api-cluster', 'cluster_status': 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', 'compute_fleet_status': 'UNKNOWN', 'creation_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 50, 47, 943000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'head_node': {'instance_id': 'i-abcdef01234567890', 'instance_type': 't2.micro', 'launch_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 53, 48, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'private_ip_address': '', 'public_ip_address': '', 'state': 'running'}, 'last_updated_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 50, 47, 943000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'region': 'us-east-1', 'tags': [{'key': 'parallelcluster:version', 'value': '3.1.3'}], 'version': '3.1.3'} . . . . . . working . . . {'cloud_formation_stack_status': 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', 'cloudformation_stack_arn': 'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/test-api-cluster/abcd1234-ef56-gh78-ij90-1234abcd5678', 'cluster_configuration': {'url': 'https://parallelcluster-021345abcdef6789-v1-do-not-delete...}, 'cluster_name': 'test-api-cluster', 'cluster_status': 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', 'compute_fleet_status': 'UNKNOWN', 'creation_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 50, 47, 943000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'last_updated_time': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 50, 47, 943000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'region': 'us-east-1', 'tags': [{'key': 'parallelcluster:version', 'value': '3.1.3'}], 'version': '3.1.3'} . . . working . . . DELETE COMPLETE or Exception when calling describe_cluster: (404) Reason: Not Found . . . HTTP response body: {"message":"Cluster 'test-api-cluster' does not exist or belongs to an incompatible ParallelCluster major version."}
  3. 完成測試後,請取消設定環境變數。


您可以使用 AWS Management Console 或 AWS CLI 來刪除您的 API。

  1. 從 AWS CloudFormation 主控台選擇 API 堆疊,然後選擇刪除

  2. 如果使用 ,請執行下列命令 AWS CLI。

    使用 AWS CloudFormation。

    $ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${API_STACK_NAME}