Validating AWS Marketplace integration - AWS Partner Central

Validating AWS Marketplace integration

AWS Marketplace agreements

With the CRM Connector, AWS sellers and Channel Partners can access agreements for private offers and view agreement details.

To import an agreement into the AWS Partner CRM Connector
  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Agreements tab.

  4. Choose Import Agreement.

  5. Choose the seller account.

  6. Enter the agreement ID.

  7. Choose Submit.

To refresh agreements from AWS Marketplace
  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Agreements tab.

  4. Choose Refresh Agreement.

  5. In the Do you want to pull the list of Agreements from AWS Marketplace? dialog box, choose Proceed.


Available agreements for all private offers are synced and viewable on the Agreements tab.

Agreement-based offers

AWS Marketplace sellers and Channel Partners can create agreement-based offers (ABOs) to generate new private offers based on existing agreements.


Before creating an agreement-based offer, Channel Partners should refresh the Shared resale authorization tab.

To create an agreement-based offer
  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Agreements tab.

  4. In the Agreements list, choose the agreement name.

  5. Choose Create Agreement Based Offer.

  6. On the Create an Offer form, complete the required fields.

  7. Choose Create offer.

Synchronizing your AWS Marketplace products

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as a system administrator.

  2. From the App launcher, search for an choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the MP Products tab.

  4. Choose Refresh Products to sync the AWS Marketplace products.

  5. For the prompt Do you want to pull the list of products from the AWS Marketplace, choose Yes.


Available AWS Marketplace products are synced and viewable on the MP Products tab.

AWS Marketplace private offers

Creating an AWS Marketplace private offer

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App launcher, search for an choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. Choose New.

  5. On the Create an Offer page, at a minimum, you must complete the required fields. You can also create a flexible payment schedule and future dated agreement.

    • To create a flexible payment schedule

      1. (Direct private offers of AMI and Container Contract products only) In the Product Pricing section, choose Contract Model.

      2. In the Product and Buyers section, choose Enable fixed units and allow buyers to pay for this product in installments.

      3. Configure payments in the Payment Schedule section. For more information, refer to Flexible payment schedule (FPS).

    • To create a future dated agreement

      1. In the Service Length section, choose New offer starting at future date.

      2. Enter Service start date and Service end date (if required). For more information, refer to Future dated agreement (FDA).

  6. Choose Create Offer.

Private offer required fields

Products and buyers
  • ISV–Self

  • Products–Choose from the list of available products synced through the connector.

  • Buyer Accounts–Enter your own seller test account to validate the integration.

Offer details
  • Offer Name–Enter a custom name.

  • Offer Description–Enter a custom offer description.

Service length or contract duration
  1. Choose New offer.

  2. Choose a service length (for example, 12 months).

Offer dimensions
  1. Choose the entitlement type that you want to offer.

  2. Add offer rates to or update existing rates of your chosen dimensions.

  3. To submit an offer in which any of the dimension rates are set at $0, choose I want to enable zero dollar pricing.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Choose Standard Contract for AWS Marketplace or Custom EULA. If you choose Custom EULA, you must configure an Amazon S3 bucket to store the custom EULA when you onboard the AWS seller account.


For Is this offer intended to renew an existing paid subscription with an existing customer for the same underlying product?, choose Yes or No.

Expiration information

Enter the offer expiration date. For subscription-type products enter the subscription end date.

Viewing and refreshing the private offer status

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. From the Private Offers list, choose the Private Offer Name.

  5. Choose Refresh Offer Status. The offer status (PREPARING, APPLYING, SUCCEEDED, or FAILED) displays at the bottom of the page.


Private offer status can take up to two hours to change to SUCCEEDED.

Modifying an offer expiration date

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. From the Private Offers list, choose the Private Offer Name.

  5. Choose Modify Expiration Date.

Canceling a private offer

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. From the Private Offers list, choose the Private Offer Name.

  5. Choose Cancel Offer.

Copying an offer URL

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. From the Private Offers list, choose the Private Offer Name.

  5. Choose Copy URL.

Cloning a private offer

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. From the Private Offers list, choose the Private Offer Name.

  5. Choose Clone Offer, which creates a new offer based on the offer you selected to clone. The CRM Connector automatically inserts the AWS seller account number in the Buyer Accounts list. This helps the seller to refer to the private offer from the buyer's perspective.

  6. Edit the Offer Details section of the cloned offer as necessary.

  7. If necessary, re-upload the EULA.

  8. Choose Create offer.

Using the FPS utility to populate payment schedules

When creating an AWS Marketplace private offer, use the FPS utility to populate payment schedules with fixed costs and equal payment gaps.

  1. On the Payment Schedule tab, choose Yes to generate a payment schedule with fixed cost and equal payment gaps.

  2. Choose a Payment Frequency of 15, 30, 90. or 365 days.

  3. Choose Remainder Options. To place the remainder of the uneven payment on the first payment, choose Frontload. To place the remainder on the last payment, choose Backend.

  4. For Calendar Options, to configure the payment frequency to include weekend days, choose Calendar Day. To not include weekend days, choose Business Day.

  5. Enter the payment amount (sum of all payments), payment start date (first payment), and approximate payment end date.

  6. Choose Generate Schedule.

  7. Review and edit the payment amounts and invoice dates as needed.

Importing existing private offer details from AWS Marketplace

You can import an existing private offer from AWS Marketplace into Salesforce.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. In the App Launcher, choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. Choose Import Offer.

  5. Enter the offer ID.

  6. Choose Submit.

Saving an offer as a draft

You can save an offer as a draft to complete later without releasing it to the buyer.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. In the App Launcher, choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Private Offers tab.

  4. Choose New.

  5. On the Create an Offer form, complete the mandatory fields.

  6. Choose Save as Draft.

AWS Marketplace resale authorizations

Creating an AWS Marketplace resale authorization

As an ISV, you can authorize an AWS Channel Partner to resell your products by creating a resale authorization. You can specify a fixed rate per product dimension to create a wholesale price for the AWS Channel Partner. The AWS Channel Partner can mark up the wholesale price when creating their private offer for a buyer.

To create an AWS Marketplace resale authorization
  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Resale Authorizations tab.

  4. Choose New.

  5. On the Create a Resale Authorization page, at a minimum, you must complete the required fields. You can also create a flexible payment schedule.

    To create a flexible payment schedule

    1. (Direct private offers of AMI and Container Contract products only) In the Product Pricing section, choose Contract Model.

    2. In the Product and Buyers section, choose Enable fixed units and allow buyers to pay for this product in installments.

    3. Configure payments in the Payment Schedule section. For more information, refer to Flexible payment schedule (FPS).

  6. Choose Create Resale Authorization.

  7. View and refresh the resale authorization status. For more information, refer to Viewing and refreshing resale authorization status.

Resale authorization required fields

Products and buyers
  • Products–Choose from the list of available products synched through the CRM Connector.

  • Buyer Accounts–A list of comma-separated buyer accounts to target the private offer, as needed.

Resale Authorization Details
  • Resale Authorization Name–Enter a name.

  • Description–Enter a description (viewable by the AWS Channel Partner).

  • Reseller Account–Enter the 12-digit AWS account number of the reseller.

Contract duration (if applicable)
  • Choices include Standard or Custom Duration.

  • For Custom Duration, enter Custom Service Length.

Product pricing (if applicable)
  • Choices include Usage model or Contract model.

  • For Contract model, you can enable FPS in the Buyers and Products section.

Product dimensions
  • Add or update offer rates and units to the chosen dimensions.

  • Choose I want to enable zero-dollar pricing, to create a resale authorization in which any of the dimension rates are set to $0.

  • Choose Standard Contract for AWS Marketplace or Custom EULA for End User License Agreement for the buyer.

  • Optionally, choose Reseller Contract for AWS Marketplace or Custom Contract for Reseller Agreement.

  • For Custom EULA (Buyer) and Custom Contract (Reseller), ensure that you have configured the Amazon S3 bucket for the seller account to store the custom EULA.

Resale Authorization Duration

Choose Duration Type and provide details for the Resale Authorization Expiration Date as required.


For Is this offer intended to renew an existing paid subscription with an existing customer for the same underlying product?, choose Yes or No, and enter the required details.

Deactivating a resale authorization

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Resale Authorizations tab.

  4. From the list of resale authorizations, choose the Resale Authorization Name.

  5. Choose Deactivate Resale Authorization.

  6. Choose Refresh Resale Authorization Status.


The status is Restricted for a successfully deactivated resale authorization.

Cloning a resale authorization

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Resale Authorizations tab.

  4. From the list of resale authorizations, choose the Resale Authorization Name.

  5. Choose Clone Resale Authorization

  6. Review and edit the Resale Authorization Details section of the cloned authorization. If you use a custom EULA or a custom contract (reseller agreement) in the cloned authorization, you must re-upload the legal terms.

  7. Choose Create Resale Authorization.

Viewing and refreshing resale authorization status

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Resale Authorizations tab.

  4. From the Resale Authorizations list, choose the Resale Authorization Name.

  5. Choose Refresh Resale Authorization Status.

  6. Choose Proceed.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the resale authorization status is SUCCEEDED.


It is recommended to allow a 30-second interval before choosing the Refresh Resale Authorization Status button again. This ensures that each refresh request is fully processed and preserves data integrity by preventing potential record duplication.

Saving a resale authorization as a draft

You can save a resale authorization in draft form for completion later without releasing it to the Channel Partner.

  1. Log in to your Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. In the App Launcher, choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Resale Authorizations tab.

  4. Choose New.

  5. On the Create a Resale Authorization form, complete the mandatory fields.

  6. Choose Save as Draft.

AWS Marketplace Channel Partner Private Offers

Creating an AWS Marketplace Channel Partner Private Offer

For recurring discount private offers, an ISV authorizes an AWS Channel Partner to resell one or more of their products on AWS Marketplace. The discount, called the wholesale price, is an agreed-to price or percentage discount off the product’s list price. AWS Channel Partners can use the discount with buyers to the extent specified by the ISV in the resale authorization.

The following instructions explain how to create an AWS Channel Partner private offer on the Shared Resale Authorizations tab. You can also create an AWS Channel Partner private offer on the Private Offers tab.

  1. Log in to the Salesforce organization as an AWS Marketplace user.

  2. From the App Launcher, search for and choose AWS Partner CRM Connector.

  3. Choose the Shared Resale Authorizations tab.

  4. Choose the shared resale authorization.

  5. Choose Create offer.

  6. On the Create an Offer page, at a minimum, you must complete the required fields. You can also create a flexible payment schedule and future dated agreement.

    • To create a flexible payment schedule

      1. (Direct private offers of AMI and Container Contract products only) In the Product Pricing section, choose Contract Model.

      2. In the Product and Buyers section, choose Enable fixed units and allow buyers to pay for this product in installments.

      3. Configure payments in the Payment Schedule section. For more information, refer to Flexible payment schedule (FPS).

    • To create a future dated agreement

      1. In the Service Length section, choose New offer starting at future date.

      2. Enter Service start date and Service end date (if required). For more information, refer to Future dated agreement (FDA).

  7. View and refresh the offer status. For more information, refer to Viewing and refreshing the private offer status.


To create a Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) or an agreement-based offer (ABO) using a shared resale authorization (SRA), review the shared resale authorization record details in the CRM Connector.

Channel partner private offer required fields

Products and Buyers
  • Enter the buyer account(s)

  • Accept the reseller contract.

  • Enable fixed units and allow buyers to pay for this product in installments.

Offer Details

Add your desired name.

Contract Duration

If an applicable product exists, the value defaults to the one used in the shared resale authorization.

Usage Duration

Enter a duration for the offer.

Price Adjustment

Enter your price adjustment.

Review ISV terms for the buyer.

Upload additional legal terms, if applicable.

Expiration Information

Enter a date.

Flexible payment schedule (FPS)

You can enable a flexible payment schedule (FPS) for private offers, resale authorizations, agreement-based offers, and Channel Partner Private Offer.

FPSs are available for the following product types:

  • SaaS contract

  • SaaS contract with consumption

  • AMI contract

  • Container contract

Future dated agreement (FDA)

You can create future dated agreements for the following product types:

  • SaaS Contract with Consumption

  • SaaS Contract


For more information about Future Dated Agreements (FDAs), refer to Working with future dated agreements and private offers in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide.