決策矩陣 - AWS 規定指引



下表根據您的使用案例和資源,概述舊版 .NET 應用程式的移轉和現代化選項。

使用案例 移轉策略與架構
重新主持 重新平台為視窗容器 重新建構為 Linux 容器 在 Linux 容器中重新構建為微服務 重新構建為沒有容器的微服務
You have resources for refactoring.

Your .NET legacy application is in constant use.

You can resolve .NET Framework dependencies.

You can remove Windows dependencies.

You want to run your application as a native Windows application on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance.

Your code can be ported from .NET Framework to .NET Core or .NET 6.

You want to split your monolithic application.
