GetCertificateAuthorityCsr - AWS Private Certificate Authority



下面的 Java 示例演示了如何使用該GetCertificateAuthorityCsr操作。

此操作能為您的私有憑證授權機構 (CA) 擷取憑證簽署要求 (CSR)。當您呼叫CreateCertificateAuthority作業時,會建立 CSR。將 CSR 帶到您的內部部署 X.509 基礎設施,並使用您的根 CA 或次級 CA 簽署。然後呼叫作業,將已簽署的憑證匯入回 ACM PCA。ImportCertificateAuthorityCertificateCSR 會以 PEM 格式的 Base64 編碼字串傳回。

package com.amazonaws.samples; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder; import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.waiters.Waiter; import com.amazonaws.waiters.WaiterParameters; import com.amazonaws.waiters.WaiterTimedOutException; import com.amazonaws.waiters.WaiterUnrecoverableException; public class GetCertificateAuthorityCsr { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Retrieve your credentials from the C:\Users\name\.aws\credentials file // in Windows or the .aws/credentials file in Linux. AWSCredentials credentials = null; try { credentials = new ProfileCredentialsProvider("default").getCredentials(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AmazonClientException("Cannot load your credentials from disk", e); } // Define the endpoint for your sample. String endpointRegion = "region"; // Substitute your region here, e.g. "us-west-2" String endpointProtocol = "https://acm-pca." + endpointRegion + ""; EndpointConfiguration endpoint = new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(endpointProtocol, endpointRegion); // Create a client that you can use to make requests. AWSACMPCA client = AWSACMPCAClientBuilder.standard() .withEndpointConfiguration(endpoint) .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials)) .build(); // Create the request object and set the CA ARN. GetCertificateAuthorityCsrRequest req = new GetCertificateAuthorityCsrRequest(); req.withCertificateAuthorityArn("arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/11223344-1234-1122-2233-112233445566"); // Create waiter to wait on successful creation of the CSR file. Waiter<GetCertificateAuthorityCsrRequest> waiter = client.waiters().certificateAuthorityCSRCreated(); try { WaiterParameters<>(req)); } catch (WaiterUnrecoverableException e) { //Explicit short circuit when the recourse transitions into //an undesired state. } catch (WaiterTimedOutException e) { //Failed to transition into desired state even after polling. } catch (AWSACMPCAException e) { //Unexpected service exception. } // Retrieve the CSR. GetCertificateAuthorityCsrResult result = null; try { result = client.getCertificateAuthorityCsr(req); } catch (RequestInProgressException ex) { throw ex; } catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex) { throw ex; } catch (InvalidArnException ex) { throw ex; } catch (RequestFailedException ex) { throw ex; } // Retrieve and display the CSR; String Csr = result.getCsr(); System.out.println(Csr); } }

您指定的憑證授權單位 (CA) 的輸出應類似下列。憑證簽署要求 (CSR) 是以 base64 編碼 (PEM 格式)。儲存到本機檔案,並帶到您的內部部署 X.509 基礎設施,然後使用您的根 CA 或次級 CA 簽署。

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- base64-encoded request -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----