AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyDetails - AWS Security Hub


The mixed instances policy for the automatic scaling group.



The instances distribution. The instances distribution specifies the distribution of On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances, the maximum price to pay for Spot Instances, and how the Auto Scaling group allocates instance types to fulfill On-Demand and Spot capacity.

Type: AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyInstancesDistributionDetails object

Required: No


The launch template to use and the instance types (overrides) to use to provision EC2 instances to fulfill On-Demand and Spot capacities.

Type: AwsAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupMixedInstancesPolicyLaunchTemplateDetails object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: