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PutUser - IAM Identity Center SCIM Implementation
此頁面尚未翻譯為您的語言。 請求翻譯


An existing user can be overwritten by making a PUT request to the /Users endpoint with the user ID.

Not supported

The IAM Identity Center SCIM implementation does not support the following aspects of this API operation.

  • ims, photos, x509Certificates, entitlements, and password attributes

  • displayName subattribute for manager

  • display subattribute for emails, addresses, and phoneNumbers


The IAM Identity Center SCIM implementation has the following constraints for this API operation.

  • givenName, familyName, userName, and displayName are required.

  • The addresses field can contain letters, accented characters, symbols, numbers, punctuation, space (normal and nonbreaking).

  • IAM Identity Center does not support multiple values in multi-value attributes (such as emails, addresses, phoneNumbers). Only single values are permitted.

  • The emails attribute value must be marked as primary.

  • groups cannot be specified with createUser request.

  • The userName field can contain letters, accented characters, symbols, numbers, punctuation, space (normal and nonbreaking).


The following IAM Identity Center SCIM implementation errors are common for this API operation.

Error Condition HTTP Status Code
ValidationException Request cannot be parsed, is syntactically incorrect, or violates schema. This error also occurs if the operation is unsupported. 400
UnauthorizedException Authorization header is invalid or missing. This error also occurs if the tenant ID is incorrect. 401
AccessDeniedException Operation is not permitted based on the supplied authorization. 403
ConflictException User already exists. 409
ThrottlingException Too many requests exceeded the limits. 429
InternalServerException Service failed to process the request. 500


Following are example requests and responses for this API operation.

Example Request
PUT https://scim.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/{tenant_id}/scim/v2/Users/9067729b3d-94f1e0b3-c394-48d5-8ab1-2c122a167074 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token> { "id": "9067729b3d-94f1e0b3-c394-48d5-8ab1-2c122a167074", "externalId": "701984", "userName": "bjensen", "name": { "formatted": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen, III", "familyName": "Jensen", "givenName": "Barbara", "middleName": "Jane", "honorificPrefix": "Ms.", "honorificSuffix": "III" }, "displayName": "Babs Jensen", "nickName": "BabJ", "profileUrl": "https://login.example.com/bjensen", "emails": [ { "value": "bjensen@example.com", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "work", "streetAddress": "100 Universal City Plaza", "locality": "Hollywood", "region": "CA", "postalCode": "91608", "country": "USA", "formatted": "100 Universal City Plaza Hollywood, CA 91608 USA", "primary": true } ], "phoneNumbers": [ { "value": "555-555-5555", "type": "work" } ], "userType": "Employee", "title": "Tour Guide", "preferredLanguage": "en-US", "locale": "en-US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active":true, "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": { "employeeNumber": "701984", "costCenter": "4130", "organization": "Universal Studios", "division": "Theme Park", "department": "Tour Operations", "manager": { "value": "9067729b3d-ee533c18-538a-4cd3-a572-63fb863ed734", "$ref": "../Users/9067729b3d-ee533c18-538a-4cd3-a572-63fb863ed734" } } }
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 02:36:15 GMT Content-Type: application/json x-amzn-RequestId: abbf9e53-9ecc-46d2-8efe-104a66ff128f { "id": "9067729b3d-94f1e0b3-c394-48d5-8ab1-2c122a167074", "externalId": "701984", "meta": { "resourceType": "User", "created": "2020-03-31T02:36:15Z", "lastModified": "2020-03-31T02:36:15Z" }, "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User", "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User" ], "userName": "bjensen", "name": { "formatted": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen, III", "familyName": "Jensen", "givenName": "Barbara", "middleName": "Jane", "honorificPrefix": "Ms.", "honorificSuffix": "III" }, "displayName": "Babs Jensen", "nickName": "BabJ", "title": "Tour Guide", "userType": "Employee", "preferredLanguage": "en-US", "locale": "en-US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "active": true, "emails": [ { "value": "bjensen@example.com", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "addresses": [ { "formatted": "100 Universal City Plaza Hollywood, CA 91608 USA", "streetAddress": "100 Universal City Plaza", "locality": "Hollywood", "region": "CA", "postalCode": "91608", "country": "USA", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "phoneNumbers": [ { "value": "555-555-5555", "type": "work" } ], "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": { "employeeNumber": "701984", "costCenter": "4130", "organization": "Universal Studios", "division": "Theme Park", "department": "Tour Operations", "manager": { "value": "9067729b3d-ee533c18-538a-4cd3-a572-63fb863ed734" } } }




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