Best Practice 18.4 – Evaluate the cost impact of storage options based on the required characteristics - SAP Lens

Best Practice 18.4 – Evaluate the cost impact of storage options based on the required characteristics

Select from object storage, file storage, and block storage services to host, archive, and secure your SAP system. Design your storage to reduce cost and increase agility.

Suggestion 18.4.1 – Evaluate the most cost-effective way to design for the I/O and throughput requirements of your workload

For most SAP requirements, solid state drives (SSDs) are recommended for your EBS volumes. To ensure a flexible, cost-effective selection, we recommend starting with the General Purpose Amazon EBS type gp3, if supported by the instance family. Over time, review the usage using CloudWatch metrics and application/database monitoring. If higher durability or I/O rates greater than 16,000 per volume are required, consider the Provisioned IOPS Amazon EBS type.

To balance cost and performance considerations, the storage configuration used for SAP HANA data and log volumes should meet the SAP storage KPI. The storage layouts outlined in the following document have been tested for the SAP TDI guidelines: SAP HANA Tailored Data Center Integration

Suggestion 18.4.2 – Plan for dynamic changes to storage size and configuration

Optimize storage costs by right sizing storage according to data usage or IOPS requirements.

Extend volume size dynamically as required. Evaluate the option of changing volume types during activities that require increased performance such as application upgrades.

Ensure all orphaned or unused volumes are reviewed regularly to ensure cost control.

Suggestion 18.4.3 – Evaluate the cost benefits for object storage

The core data for an SAP system is contained within the database and resides on Amazon EBS. Amazon S3 can provide low-cost object storage for auxiliary data, such as backups or archives and large objects such as images or documents. Cost can be further optimized by selecting the appropriate storage type for your retention and durability needs.

Suggestion 18.4.4 – Evaluate the cost benefits for shared file systems

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) provides a serverless, set-and-forget, elastic file system that lets you share file data without provisioning or managing storage. Cost can be further optimized by selecting the appropriate storage class based on your performance and availability requirement.

Amazon FSx provides a fully managed highly available and durable file storage solution built on Windows Server. Data deduplication allows you to optimize costs even further by removing redundant data.

Common SAP use cases for Amazon EFS or Amazon FSx include sapmnt, transports, interface files, storing backups, and software. Use of Amazon EFS or Amazon FSx can provide cost benefits over deploying your own highly available NFS solution.