AWS::ECS::Service TimeoutConfiguration - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::ECS::Service TimeoutConfiguration

An object that represents the timeout configurations for Service Connect.


If idleTimeout is set to a time that is less than perRequestTimeout, the connection will close when the idleTimeout is reached and not the perRequestTimeout.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "IdleTimeoutSeconds" : Integer, "PerRequestTimeoutSeconds" : Integer }



The amount of time in seconds a connection will stay active while idle. A value of 0 can be set to disable idleTimeout.

The idleTimeout default for HTTP/HTTP2/GRPC is 5 minutes.

The idleTimeout default for TCP is 1 hour.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 2147483647

Update requires: No interruption


The amount of time waiting for the upstream to respond with a complete response per request. A value of 0 can be set to disable perRequestTimeout. perRequestTimeout can only be set if Service Connect appProtocol isn't TCP. Only idleTimeout is allowed for TCP appProtocol.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 2147483647

Update requires: No interruption

See also