Class DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
SdkPojo, ToCopyableBuilder<DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest.Builder,DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest>

@Generated("") public final class DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest extends LexModelsV2Request implements ToCopyableBuilder<DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest.Builder,DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest>
  • Method Details

    • testSetDiscrepancyReportId

      public final String testSetDiscrepancyReportId()

      The unique identifier of the test set discrepancy report.

      The unique identifier of the test set discrepancy report.
    • toBuilder

      Description copied from interface: ToCopyableBuilder
      Take this object and create a builder that contains all of the current property values of this object.
      Specified by:
      toBuilder in interface ToCopyableBuilder<DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest.Builder,DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest>
      Specified by:
      toBuilder in class LexModelsV2Request
      a builder for type T
    • builder

    • serializableBuilderClass

      public static Class<? extends DescribeTestSetDiscrepancyReportRequest.Builder> serializableBuilderClass()
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class AwsRequest
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class AwsRequest
    • equalsBySdkFields

      public final boolean equalsBySdkFields(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: SdkPojo
      Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one by SDK fields. An SDK field is a modeled, non-inherited field in an SdkPojo class, and is generated based on a service model.

      If an SdkPojo class does not have any inherited fields, equalsBySdkFields and equals are essentially the same.

      Specified by:
      equalsBySdkFields in interface SdkPojo
      obj - the object to be compared with
      true if the other object equals to this object by sdk fields, false otherwise.
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
      toString in class Object
    • getValueForField

      public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField(String fieldName, Class<T> clazz)
      Description copied from class: SdkRequest
      Used to retrieve the value of a field from any class that extends SdkRequest. The field name specified should match the member name from the corresponding service-2.json model specified in the codegen-resources folder for a given service. The class specifies what class to cast the returned value to. If the returned value is also a modeled class, the SdkRequest.getValueForField(String, Class) method will again be available.
      getValueForField in class SdkRequest
      fieldName - The name of the member to be retrieved.
      clazz - The class to cast the returned object to.
      Optional containing the casted return value
    • sdkFields

      public final List<SdkField<?>> sdkFields()
      Specified by:
      sdkFields in interface SdkPojo
      List of SdkField in this POJO. May be empty list but should never be null.