AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
API Reference

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.NET Framework 4.5
A factory for creating resources to be used in the policy.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public static class ResourceFactory : Object

The ResourceFactory type exposes the following members


Public Method Static Method NewS3BucketResource(string) Constructs a new bucket resource that represents the the specified bucket but not any of the contained objects.
Public Method Static Method NewS3ObjectResource(string, string) Constructs a new object resource that represents the specified objects. The keyPattern argument may contain the '*' wildcard to match multiple objects. For example, an object resource created for bucket 'mybucket' and key pattern 'foo*' will match any object stored in 'mybucket' with a key that starts with 'foo'.
Public Method Static Method NewSQSQueueResource(string, string) Constructs a new SQS queue resource for an access control policy. A policy statement using this resource will allow or deny actions on the specified queue.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5