AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Class AacSettings

Aac Settings

Class Ac3Settings

Ac3 Settings

Class AcceptInputDeviceTransferRequest

Container for the parameters to the AcceptInputDeviceTransfer operation. Accept an incoming input device transfer. The ownership of the device will transfer to your AWS account.

Class AcceptInputDeviceTransferResponse

Placeholder documentation for AcceptInputDeviceTransferResponse

Class AccountConfiguration

Placeholder documentation for AccountConfiguration

Class AncillarySourceSettings

Ancillary Source Settings

Class AnywhereSettings

Elemental anywhere settings

Class ArchiveCdnSettings

Archive Cdn Settings

Class ArchiveContainerSettings

Archive Container Settings

Class ArchiveGroupSettings

Archive Group Settings

Class ArchiveOutputSettings

Archive Output Settings

Class ArchiveS3Settings

Archive S3 Settings

Class AribDestinationSettings

Arib Destination Settings

Class AribSourceSettings

Arib Source Settings

Class AudioChannelMapping

Audio Channel Mapping

Class AudioCodecSettings

Audio Codec Settings

Class AudioDescription

Audio Description

Class AudioDolbyEDecode

Audio Dolby EDecode

Class AudioHlsRenditionSelection

Audio Hls Rendition Selection

Class AudioLanguageSelection

Audio Language Selection

Class AudioNormalizationSettings

Audio Normalization Settings

Class AudioOnlyHlsSettings

Audio Only Hls Settings

Class AudioPidSelection

Audio Pid Selection

Class AudioSelector

Audio Selector

Class AudioSelectorSettings

Audio Selector Settings

Class AudioSilenceFailoverSettings

Placeholder documentation for AudioSilenceFailoverSettings

Class AudioTrack

Audio Track

Class AudioTrackSelection

Audio Track Selection

Class AudioWatermarkSettings

Audio Watermark Settings

Class AutomaticInputFailoverSettings

The settings for Automatic Input Failover.

Class Av1ColorSpaceSettings

Av1 Color Space Settings

Class Av1Settings

Av1 Settings

Class AvailBlanking

Avail Blanking

Class AvailConfiguration

Avail Configuration

Class AvailSettings

Avail Settings

Class BadGatewayException

Placeholder documentation for BadGatewayException

Class BadRequestException

Placeholder documentation for BadRequestException

Class BandwidthReductionFilterSettings

Bandwidth Reduction Filter Settings

Class BatchDeleteRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchDelete operation. Starts delete of resources.

Class BatchDeleteResponse

Placeholder documentation for BatchDeleteResponse

Class BatchFailedResultModel

Details from a failed operation

Class BatchScheduleActionCreateRequest

A list of schedule actions to create (in a request) or that have been created (in a response).

Class BatchScheduleActionCreateResult

List of actions that have been created in the schedule.

Class BatchScheduleActionDeleteRequest

A list of schedule actions to delete.

Class BatchScheduleActionDeleteResult

List of actions that have been deleted from the schedule.

Class BatchStartRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchStart operation. Starts existing resources

Class BatchStartResponse

Placeholder documentation for BatchStartResponse

Class BatchStopRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchStop operation. Stops running resources

Class BatchStopResponse

Placeholder documentation for BatchStopResponse

Class BatchSuccessfulResultModel

Details from a successful operation

Class BatchUpdateScheduleRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchUpdateSchedule operation. Update a channel schedule

Class BatchUpdateScheduleResponse

Placeholder documentation for BatchUpdateScheduleResponse

Class BlackoutSlate

Blackout Slate

Class BurnInDestinationSettings

Burn In Destination Settings

Class CancelInputDeviceTransferRequest

Container for the parameters to the CancelInputDeviceTransfer operation. Cancel an input device transfer that you have requested.

Class CancelInputDeviceTransferResponse

Placeholder documentation for CancelInputDeviceTransferResponse

Class CaptionDescription

Caption Description

Class CaptionDestinationSettings

Caption Destination Settings

Class CaptionLanguageMapping

Maps a caption channel to an ISO 693-2 language code (, with an optional description.

Class CaptionRectangle

Caption Rectangle

Class CaptionSelector

Caption Selector

Class CaptionSelectorSettings

Caption Selector Settings

Class CdiInputSpecification

Placeholder documentation for CdiInputSpecification

Class Channel

Placeholder documentation for Channel

Class ChannelEgressEndpoint

Placeholder documentation for ChannelEgressEndpoint

Class ChannelEngineVersionRequest

Placeholder documentation for ChannelEngineVersionRequest

Class ChannelEngineVersionResponse

Placeholder documentation for ChannelEngineVersionResponse

Class ChannelSummary

Placeholder documentation for ChannelSummary

Class ClaimDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ClaimDevice operation. Send a request to claim an AWS Elemental device that you have purchased from a third-party vendor. After the request succeeds, you will own the device.

Class ClaimDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for ClaimDeviceResponse

Class CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupSummary

Placeholder documentation for CloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupSummary

Class CloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary

Placeholder documentation for CloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary

Class ClusterNetworkSettings

Used in DescribeClusterResult, DescribeClusterSummary, UpdateClusterResult.

Class ClusterNetworkSettingsCreateRequest

Used in a CreateClusterRequest.

Class ClusterNetworkSettingsUpdateRequest

Placeholder documentation for ClusterNetworkSettingsUpdateRequest

Class CmafIngestGroupSettings

Cmaf Ingest Group Settings

Class CmafIngestOutputSettings

Cmaf Ingest Output Settings

Class ColorCorrection

Property of ColorCorrectionSettings. Used for custom color space conversion. The object identifies one 3D LUT file and specifies the input/output color space combination that the file will be used for.

Class ColorCorrectionSettings

Property of encoderSettings. Controls color conversion when you are using 3D LUT files to perform color conversion on video.

Class ColorSpacePassthroughSettings

Passthrough applies no color space conversion to the output

Class ConflictException

Placeholder documentation for ConflictException

Class CreateChannelPlacementGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateChannelPlacementGroup operation. Create a ChannelPlacementGroup in the specified Cluster. As part of the create operation, you specify the Nodes to attach the group to.After you create a ChannelPlacementGroup, you add Channels to the group (you do this by modifying the Channels to add them to a specific group). You now have an association of Channels to ChannelPlacementGroup, and ChannelPlacementGroup to Nodes. This association means that all the Channels in the group are able to run on any of the Nodes associated with the group.

Class CreateChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Class CreateChannelRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateChannel operation. Creates a new channel

Class CreateChannelResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateChannelResponse

Class CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup operation. Creates a cloudwatch alarm template group to group your cloudwatch alarm templates and to attach to signal maps for dynamically creating alarms.

Class CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

Class CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplate operation. Creates a cloudwatch alarm template to dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms on targeted resource types.

Class CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

Class CreateClusterRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateCluster operation. Create a new Cluster.

Class CreateClusterResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateClusterResponse

Class CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup operation. Creates an eventbridge rule template group to group your eventbridge rule templates and to attach to signal maps for dynamically creating notification rules.

Class CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

Class CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplate operation. Creates an eventbridge rule template to monitor events and send notifications to your targeted resources.

Class CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

Class CreateInputRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateInput operation. Create an input

Class CreateInputResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateInputResponse

Class CreateInputSecurityGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateInputSecurityGroup operation. Creates a Input Security Group

Class CreateInputSecurityGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateInputSecurityGroupResponse

Class CreateMultiplexProgramRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateMultiplexProgram operation. Create a new program in the multiplex.

Class CreateMultiplexProgramResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateMultiplexProgramResponse

Class CreateMultiplexRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateMultiplex operation. Create a new multiplex.

Class CreateMultiplexResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateMultiplexResponse

Class CreateNetworkRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateNetwork operation. Create as many Networks as you need. You will associate one or more Clusters with each Network.Each Network provides MediaLive Anywhere with required information about the network in your organization that you are using for video encoding using MediaLive.

Class CreateNetworkResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateNetworkResponse

Class CreateNodeRegistrationScriptRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateNodeRegistrationScript operation. Create the Register Node script for all the nodes intended for a specific Cluster. You will then run the script on each hardware unit that is intended for that Cluster. The script creates a Node in the specified Cluster. It then binds the Node to this hardware unit, and activates the node hardware for use with MediaLive Anywhere.

Class CreateNodeRegistrationScriptResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateNodeRegistrationScriptResponse

Class CreateNodeRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateNode operation. Create a Node in the specified Cluster. You can also create Nodes using the CreateNodeRegistrationScript. Note that you can't move a Node to another Cluster.

Class CreateNodeResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateNodeResponse

Class CreatePartnerInputRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreatePartnerInput operation. Create a partner input

Class CreatePartnerInputResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreatePartnerInputResponse

Class CreateSignalMapRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateSignalMap operation. Initiates the creation of a new signal map. Will discover a new mediaResourceMap based on the provided discoveryEntryPointArn.

Class CreateSignalMapResponse

Placeholder documentation for CreateSignalMapResponse

Class CreateTagsRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateTags operation. Create tags for a resource

Class CreateTagsResponse

This is the response object from the CreateTags operation.

Class DeleteChannelPlacementGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteChannelPlacementGroup operation. Delete the specified ChannelPlacementGroup that exists in the specified Cluster.

Class DeleteChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Class DeleteChannelRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteChannel operation. Starts deletion of channel. The associated outputs are also deleted.

Class DeleteChannelResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteChannelResponse

Class DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup operation. Deletes a cloudwatch alarm template group. You must detach this group from all signal maps and ensure its existing templates are moved to another group or deleted.

Class DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup operation.

Class DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplate operation. Deletes a cloudwatch alarm template.

Class DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteCloudWatchAlarmTemplate operation.

Class DeleteClusterRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteCluster operation. Delete a Cluster. The Cluster must be idle.

Class DeleteClusterResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteClusterResponse

Class DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup operation. Deletes an eventbridge rule template group. You must detach this group from all signal maps and ensure its existing templates are moved to another group or deleted.

Class DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup operation.

Class DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplate operation. Deletes an eventbridge rule template.

Class DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteEventBridgeRuleTemplate operation.

Class DeleteInputRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteInput operation. Deletes the input end point

Class DeleteInputResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteInputResponse

Class DeleteInputSecurityGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteInputSecurityGroup operation. Deletes an Input Security Group

Class DeleteInputSecurityGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteInputSecurityGroupResponse

Class DeleteMultiplexProgramRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteMultiplexProgram operation. Delete a program from a multiplex.

Class DeleteMultiplexProgramResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteMultiplexProgramResponse

Class DeleteMultiplexRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteMultiplex operation. Delete a multiplex. The multiplex must be idle.

Class DeleteMultiplexResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteMultiplexResponse

Class DeleteNetworkRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteNetwork operation. Delete a Network. The Network must have no resources associated with it.

Class DeleteNetworkResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteNetworkResponse

Class DeleteNodeRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteNode operation. Delete a Node. The Node must be IDLE.

Class DeleteNodeResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteNodeResponse

Class DeleteReservationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteReservation operation. Delete an expired reservation.

Class DeleteReservationResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteReservationResponse

Class DeleteScheduleRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteSchedule operation. Delete all schedule actions on a channel.

Class DeleteScheduleResponse

Placeholder documentation for DeleteScheduleResponse

Class DeleteSignalMapRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteSignalMap operation. Deletes the specified signal map.

Class DeleteSignalMapResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteSignalMap operation.

Class DeleteTagsRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteTags operation. Removes tags for a resource

Class DeleteTagsResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteTags operation.

Class DescribeAccountConfigurationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeAccountConfiguration operation. Describe account configuration

Class DescribeAccountConfigurationResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeAccountConfigurationResponse

Class DescribeAnywhereSettings

Elemental anywhere settings

Class DescribeChannelPlacementGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeChannelPlacementGroup operation. Get details about a ChannelPlacementGroup.

Class DescribeChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Class DescribeChannelPlacementGroupSummary

Contains the response for ListChannelPlacementGroups

Class DescribeChannelRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeChannel operation. Gets details about a channel

Class DescribeChannelResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeChannelResponse

Class DescribeClusterRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeCluster operation. Get details about a Cluster.

Class DescribeClusterResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeClusterResponse

Class DescribeClusterSummary

Used in ListClustersResult.

Class DescribeInputDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeInputDevice operation. Gets the details for the input device

Class DescribeInputDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputDeviceResponse

Class DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeInputDeviceThumbnail operation. Get the latest thumbnail data for the input device.

Class DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputDeviceThumbnailResponse

Class DescribeInputRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeInput operation. Produces details about an input

Class DescribeInputResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputResponse

Class DescribeInputSecurityGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeInputSecurityGroup operation. Produces a summary of an Input Security Group

Class DescribeInputSecurityGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeInputSecurityGroupResponse

Class DescribeMultiplexProgramRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeMultiplexProgram operation. Get the details for a program in a multiplex.

Class DescribeMultiplexProgramResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeMultiplexProgramResponse

Class DescribeMultiplexRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeMultiplex operation. Gets details about a multiplex.

Class DescribeMultiplexResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeMultiplexResponse

Class DescribeNetworkRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeNetwork operation. Get details about a Network.

Class DescribeNetworkResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeNetworkResponse

Class DescribeNetworkSummary

Used in ListNetworksResult.

Class DescribeNodeRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeNode operation. Get details about a Node in the specified Cluster.

Class DescribeNodeResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeNodeResponse

Class DescribeNodeSummary

Placeholder documentation for DescribeNodeSummary

Class DescribeOfferingRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeOffering operation. Get details for an offering.

Class DescribeOfferingResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeOfferingResponse

Class DescribeReservationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeReservation operation. Get details for a reservation.

Class DescribeReservationResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeReservationResponse

Class DescribeScheduleRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeSchedule operation. Get a channel schedule

Class DescribeScheduleResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeScheduleResponse

Class DescribeThumbnailsRequest

Container for the parameters to the DescribeThumbnails operation. Describe the latest thumbnails data.

Class DescribeThumbnailsResponse

Placeholder documentation for DescribeThumbnailsResponse

Class DolbyVision81Settings

Dolby Vision81 Settings

Class DvbNitSettings

DVB Network Information Table (NIT)

Class DvbSdtSettings

DVB Service Description Table (SDT)

Class DvbSubDestinationSettings

Dvb Sub Destination Settings

Class DvbSubSourceSettings

Dvb Sub Source Settings

Class DvbTdtSettings

DVB Time and Date Table (SDT)

Class Eac3AtmosSettings

Eac3 Atmos Settings

Class Eac3Settings

Eac3 Settings

Class EbuTtDDestinationSettings

Ebu Tt DDestination Settings

Class EmbeddedDestinationSettings

Embedded Destination Settings

Class EmbeddedPlusScte20DestinationSettings

Embedded Plus Scte20 Destination Settings

Class EmbeddedSourceSettings

Embedded Source Settings

Class EncoderSettings

Encoder Settings

Class EpochLockingSettings

Epoch Locking Settings

Class Esam


Class EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupSummary

Placeholder documentation for EventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupSummary

Class EventBridgeRuleTemplateSummary

Placeholder documentation for EventBridgeRuleTemplateSummary

Class EventBridgeRuleTemplateTarget

The target to which to send matching events.

Class FailoverCondition

Failover Condition settings. There can be multiple failover conditions inside AutomaticInputFailoverSettings.

Class FailoverConditionSettings

Settings for one failover condition.

Class FeatureActivations

Feature Activations

Class FecOutputSettings

Fec Output Settings

Class FixedModeScheduleActionStartSettings

Start time for the action.

Class Fmp4HlsSettings

Fmp4 Hls Settings

Class FollowModeScheduleActionStartSettings

Settings to specify if an action follows another.

Class ForbiddenException

Placeholder documentation for ForbiddenException

Class FrameCaptureCdnSettings

Frame Capture Cdn Settings

Class FrameCaptureGroupSettings

Frame Capture Group Settings

Class FrameCaptureHlsSettings

Frame Capture Hls Settings

Class FrameCaptureOutputSettings

Frame Capture Output Settings

Class FrameCaptureS3Settings

Frame Capture S3 Settings

Class FrameCaptureSettings

Frame Capture Settings

Class GatewayTimeoutException

Placeholder documentation for GatewayTimeoutException

Class GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup operation. Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template group.

Class GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

Class GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplate operation. Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template.

Class GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

Placeholder documentation for GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

Class GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup operation. Retrieves the specified eventbridge rule template group.

Class GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

Class GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetEventBridgeRuleTemplate operation. Retrieves the specified eventbridge rule template.

Class GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

Placeholder documentation for GetEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

Class GetSignalMapRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetSignalMap operation. Retrieves the specified signal map.

Class GetSignalMapResponse

Placeholder documentation for GetSignalMapResponse

Class GlobalConfiguration

Global Configuration

Class H264ColorSpaceSettings

H264 Color Space Settings

Class H264FilterSettings

H264 Filter Settings

Class H264Settings

H264 Settings

Class H265ColorSpaceSettings

H265 Color Space Settings

Class H265FilterSettings

H265 Filter Settings

Class H265Settings

H265 Settings

Class Hdr10Settings

Hdr10 Settings

Class HlsAkamaiSettings

Hls Akamai Settings

Class HlsBasicPutSettings

Hls Basic Put Settings

Class HlsCdnSettings

Hls Cdn Settings

Class HlsGroupSettings

Hls Group Settings

Class HlsId3SegmentTaggingScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to insert ID3 metadata in every segment, in HLS output groups.

Class HlsInputSettings

Hls Input Settings

Class HlsMediaStoreSettings

Hls Media Store Settings

Class HlsOutputSettings

Hls Output Settings

Class HlsS3Settings

Hls S3 Settings

Class HlsSettings

Hls Settings

Class HlsTimedMetadataScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to insert ID3 metadata (as a one-time action) in HLS output groups.

Class HlsWebdavSettings

Hls Webdav Settings

Class HtmlMotionGraphicsSettings

Html Motion Graphics Settings

Class Id3SegmentTaggingScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to insert ID3 metadata in every segment, in applicable output groups.

Class ImmediateModeScheduleActionStartSettings

Settings to configure an action so that it occurs as soon as possible.

Class Input

Placeholder documentation for Input

Class InputAttachment

Placeholder documentation for InputAttachment

Class InputChannelLevel

Input Channel Level

Class InputClippingSettings

Settings to let you create a clip of the file input, in order to set up the input to ingest only a portion of the file.

Class InputDestination

The settings for a PUSH type input.

Class InputDestinationRequest

Endpoint settings for a PUSH type input.

Class InputDestinationRoute

A network route configuration.

Class InputDestinationVpc

The properties for a VPC type input destination.

Class InputDeviceConfigurableAudioChannelPairConfig

One audio configuration that specifies the format for one audio pair that the device produces as output.

Class InputDeviceConfigurableSettings

Configurable settings for the input device.

Class InputDeviceHdSettings

Settings that describe the active source from the input device, and the video characteristics of that source.

Class InputDeviceMediaConnectConfigurableSettings

Parameters required to attach a MediaConnect flow to the device.

Class InputDeviceMediaConnectSettings

Information about the MediaConnect flow attached to the device.

Class InputDeviceNetworkSettings

The network settings for the input device.

Class InputDeviceRequest

Settings for an input device.

Class InputDeviceSettings

Settings for an input device.

Class InputDeviceSummary

Details of the input device.

Class InputDeviceUhdAudioChannelPairConfig

One audio configuration that specifies the format for one audio pair that the device produces as output.

Class InputDeviceUhdSettings

Settings that describe the active source from the input device, and the video characteristics of that source.

Class InputLocation

Input Location

Class InputLossBehavior

Input Loss Behavior

Class InputLossFailoverSettings

MediaLive will perform a failover if content is not detected in this input for the specified period.

Class InputPrepareScheduleActionSettings

Action to prepare an input for a future immediate input switch.

Class InputRequestDestinationRoute

A network route configuration.

Class InputSecurityGroup

An Input Security Group

Class InputSettings

Live Event input parameters. There can be multiple inputs in a single Live Event.

Class InputSource

The settings for a PULL type input.

Class InputSourceRequest

Settings for for a PULL type input.

Class InputSpecification

Placeholder documentation for InputSpecification

Class InputSwitchScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the "switch input" action: to switch from ingesting one input to ingesting another input.

Class InputVpcRequest

Settings for a private VPC Input.When this property is specified, the input destination addresses will be created in a VPC rather than with public Internet addresses.This property requires setting the roleArn property on Input creation.Not compatible with the inputSecurityGroups property.

Class InputWhitelistRule

Whitelist rule

Class InputWhitelistRuleCidr

An IPv4 CIDR to whitelist.

Class InterfaceMapping

Used in ClusterNetworkSettings

Class InterfaceMappingCreateRequest

Used in ClusterNetworkSettingsCreateRequest.

Class InterfaceMappingUpdateRequest

Placeholder documentation for InterfaceMappingUpdateRequest

Class InternalServerErrorException

Placeholder documentation for InternalServerErrorException

Class IpPool

Used in DescribeNetworkResult, DescribeNetworkSummary, UpdateNetworkResult.

Class IpPoolCreateRequest

Used in CreateNetworkRequest.

Class IpPoolUpdateRequest

Used in UpdateNetworkRequest.

Class KeyProviderSettings

Key Provider Settings

Class ListChannelPlacementGroupsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListChannelPlacementGroups operation. Retrieve the list of ChannelPlacementGroups in the specified Cluster.

Class ListChannelPlacementGroupsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListChannelPlacementGroupsResponse

Class ListChannelsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListChannels operation. Produces list of channels that have been created

Class ListChannelsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListChannelsResponse

Class ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups operation. Lists cloudwatch alarm template groups.

Class ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsResponse

Class ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplates operation. Lists cloudwatch alarm templates.

Class ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesResponse

Class ListClustersRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListClusters operation. Retrieve the list of Clusters.

Class ListClustersResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListClustersResponse

Class ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups operation. Lists eventbridge rule template groups.

Class ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsResponse

Class ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListEventBridgeRuleTemplates operation. Lists eventbridge rule templates.

Class ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesResponse

Class ListInputDevicesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListInputDevices operation. List input devices

Class ListInputDevicesResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListInputDevicesResponse

Class ListInputDeviceTransfersRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListInputDeviceTransfers operation. List input devices that are currently being transferred. List input devices that you are transferring from your AWS account or input devices that another AWS account is transferring to you.

Class ListInputDeviceTransfersResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListInputDeviceTransfersResponse

Class ListInputSecurityGroupsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListInputSecurityGroups operation. Produces a list of Input Security Groups for an account

Class ListInputSecurityGroupsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListInputSecurityGroupsResponse

Class ListInputsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListInputs operation. Produces list of inputs that have been created

Class ListInputsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListInputsResponse

Class ListMultiplexesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListMultiplexes operation. Retrieve a list of the existing multiplexes.

Class ListMultiplexesResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListMultiplexesResponse

Class ListMultiplexProgramsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListMultiplexPrograms operation. List the programs that currently exist for a specific multiplex.

Class ListMultiplexProgramsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListMultiplexProgramsResponse

Class ListNetworksRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListNetworks operation. Retrieve the list of Networks.

Class ListNetworksResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListNetworksResponse

Class ListNodesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListNodes operation. Retrieve the list of Nodes.

Class ListNodesResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListNodesResponse

Class ListOfferingsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListOfferings operation. List offerings available for purchase.

Class ListOfferingsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListOfferingsResponse

Class ListReservationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListReservations operation. List purchased reservations.

Class ListReservationsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListReservationsResponse

Class ListSignalMapsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListSignalMaps operation. Lists signal maps.

Class ListSignalMapsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListSignalMapsResponse

Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Produces list of tags that have been created for a resource

Class ListTagsForResourceResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListTagsForResourceResponse

Class ListVersionsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListVersions operation. Retrieves an array of all the encoder engine versions that are available in this AWS account.

Class ListVersionsResponse

Placeholder documentation for ListVersionsResponse

Class M2tsSettings

M2ts Settings

Class M3u8Settings

Settings information for the .m3u8 container

Class MaintenanceCreateSettings

Placeholder documentation for MaintenanceCreateSettings

Class MaintenanceStatus

Placeholder documentation for MaintenanceStatus

Class MaintenanceUpdateSettings

Placeholder documentation for MaintenanceUpdateSettings

Class MediaConnectFlow

The settings for a MediaConnect Flow.

Class MediaConnectFlowRequest

The settings for a MediaConnect Flow.

Class MediaLivePaginatorFactory

Paginators for the MediaLive service

Class MediaPackageGroupSettings

Media Package Group Settings

Class MediaPackageOutputDestinationSettings

MediaPackage Output Destination Settings

Class MediaPackageOutputSettings

Media Package Output Settings

Class MediaResource

An AWS resource used in media workflows.

Class MediaResourceNeighbor

A direct source or destination neighbor to an AWS media resource.

Class MonitorDeployment

Represents the latest monitor deployment of a signal map.

Class MotionGraphicsActivateScheduleActionSettings

Settings to specify the rendering of motion graphics into the video stream.

Class MotionGraphicsConfiguration

Motion Graphics Configuration

Class MotionGraphicsDeactivateScheduleActionSettings

Settings to specify the ending of rendering motion graphics into the video stream.

Class MotionGraphicsSettings

Motion Graphics Settings

Class Mp2Settings

Mp2 Settings

Class Mpeg2FilterSettings

Mpeg2 Filter Settings

Class Mpeg2Settings

Mpeg2 Settings

Class MsSmoothGroupSettings

Ms Smooth Group Settings

Class MsSmoothOutputSettings

Ms Smooth Output Settings

Class MulticastInputSettings

Multicast-specific input settings.

Class MulticastSettings

Settings for a Multicast input. Contains a list of multicast Urls and optional source ip addresses.

Class MulticastSettingsCreateRequest

Settings for a Multicast input. Contains a list of multicast Urls and optional source ip addresses.

Class MulticastSettingsUpdateRequest

Settings for a Multicast input. Contains a list of multicast Urls and optional source ip addresses.

Class MulticastSource

Pair of multicast url and source ip address (optional) that make up a multicast source.

Class MulticastSourceCreateRequest

Pair of multicast url and source ip address (optional) that make up a multicast source.

Class MulticastSourceUpdateRequest

Pair of multicast url and source ip address (optional) that make up a multicast source.

Class Multiplex

The multiplex object.

Class MultiplexContainerSettings

Multiplex Container Settings

Class MultiplexGroupSettings

Multiplex Group Settings

Class MultiplexM2tsSettings

Multiplex M2ts Settings

Class MultiplexMediaConnectOutputDestinationSettings

Multiplex MediaConnect output destination settings.

Class MultiplexOutputDestination

Multiplex output destination settings

Class MultiplexOutputSettings

Multiplex Output Settings

Class MultiplexProgram

The multiplex program object.

Class MultiplexProgramChannelDestinationSettings

Multiplex Program Input Destination Settings for outputting a Channel to a Multiplex

Class MultiplexProgramPacketIdentifiersMap

Packet identifiers map for a given Multiplex program.

Class MultiplexProgramPipelineDetail

The current source for one of the pipelines in the multiplex.

Class MultiplexProgramServiceDescriptor

Transport stream service descriptor configuration for the Multiplex program.

Class MultiplexProgramSettings

Multiplex Program settings configuration.

Class MultiplexProgramSummary

Placeholder documentation for MultiplexProgramSummary

Class MultiplexSettings

Contains configuration for a Multiplex event

Class MultiplexSettingsSummary

Contains summary configuration for a Multiplex event.

Class MultiplexStatmuxVideoSettings

Statmux rate control settings

Class MultiplexSummary

Placeholder documentation for MultiplexSummary

Class MultiplexVideoSettings

The video configuration for each program in a multiplex.

Class NetworkInputSettings

Network source to transcode. Must be accessible to the Elemental Live node that is running the live event through a network connection.

Class NielsenCBET

Nielsen CBET

Class NielsenConfiguration

Nielsen Configuration

Class NielsenNaesIiNw

Nielsen Naes Ii Nw

Class NielsenWatermarksSettings

Nielsen Watermarks Settings

Class NodeInterfaceMapping

A mapping that's used to pair a logical network interface name on a Node with the physical interface name exposed in the operating system.

Class NodeInterfaceMappingCreateRequest

Used in CreateNodeRequest.

Class NotFoundException

Placeholder documentation for NotFoundException

Class Offering

Reserved resources available for purchase

Class Output

Output settings. There can be multiple outputs within a group.

Class OutputDestination

Placeholder documentation for OutputDestination

Class OutputDestinationSettings

Placeholder documentation for OutputDestinationSettings

Class OutputGroup

Output groups for this Live Event. Output groups contain information about where streams should be distributed.

Class OutputGroupSettings

Output Group Settings

Class OutputLocationRef

Reference to an OutputDestination ID defined in the channel

Class OutputLockingSettings

Output Locking Settings

Class OutputSettings

Output Settings

Class PassThroughSettings

Pass Through Settings

Class PauseStateScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to set pause state of a channel.

Class PipelineDetail

Runtime details of a pipeline when a channel is running.

Class PipelineLockingSettings

Pipeline Locking Settings

Class PipelinePauseStateSettings

Settings for pausing a pipeline.

Class PurchaseOfferingRequest

Container for the parameters to the PurchaseOffering operation. Purchase an offering and create a reservation.

Class PurchaseOfferingResponse

Placeholder documentation for PurchaseOfferingResponse

Class RawSettings

Raw Settings

Class RebootInputDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the RebootInputDevice operation. Send a reboot command to the specified input device. The device will begin rebooting within a few seconds of sending the command. When the reboot is complete, the device’s connection status will change to connected.

Class RebootInputDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for RebootInputDeviceResponse

Class Rec601Settings

Rec601 Settings

Class Rec709Settings

Rec709 Settings

Class RejectInputDeviceTransferRequest

Container for the parameters to the RejectInputDeviceTransfer operation. Reject the transfer of the specified input device to your AWS account.

Class RejectInputDeviceTransferResponse

Placeholder documentation for RejectInputDeviceTransferResponse

Class RemixSettings

Remix Settings

Class RenewalSettings

The Renewal settings for Reservations

Class Reservation

Reserved resources available to use

Class ReservationResourceSpecification

Resource configuration (codec, resolution, bitrate, ...)

Class RestartChannelPipelinesRequest

Container for the parameters to the RestartChannelPipelines operation. Restart pipelines in one channel that is currently running.

Class RestartChannelPipelinesResponse

Placeholder documentation for RestartChannelPipelinesResponse

Class Route

Used in DescribeNetworkResult, DescribeNetworkSummary, UpdateNetworkResult.

Class RouteCreateRequest

Used in CreateNetworkRequest.

Class RouteUpdateRequest

Used in UpdateNetworkRequest.

Class RtmpCaptionInfoDestinationSettings

Rtmp Caption Info Destination Settings

Class RtmpGroupSettings

Rtmp Group Settings

Class RtmpOutputSettings

Rtmp Output Settings

Class ScheduleAction

Contains information on a single schedule action.

Class ScheduleActionSettings

Holds the settings for a single schedule action.

Class ScheduleActionStartSettings

Settings to specify when an action should occur. Only one of the options must be selected.

Class Scte20PlusEmbeddedDestinationSettings

Scte20 Plus Embedded Destination Settings

Class Scte20SourceSettings

Scte20 Source Settings

Class Scte27DestinationSettings

Scte27 Destination Settings

Class Scte27SourceSettings

Scte27 Source Settings

Class Scte35DeliveryRestrictions

Corresponds to SCTE-35 delivery_not_restricted_flag parameter. To declare delivery restrictions, include this element and its four "restriction" flags. To declare that there are no restrictions, omit this element.

Class Scte35Descriptor

Holds one set of SCTE-35 Descriptor Settings.

Class Scte35DescriptorSettings

SCTE-35 Descriptor settings.

Class Scte35InputScheduleActionSettings

Scte35Input Schedule Action Settings

Class Scte35ReturnToNetworkScheduleActionSettings

Settings for a SCTE-35 return_to_network message.

Class Scte35SegmentationDescriptor

Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_descriptor.

Class Scte35SpliceInsert

Typical configuration that applies breaks on splice inserts in addition to time signal placement opportunities, breaks, and advertisements.

Class Scte35SpliceInsertScheduleActionSettings

Settings for a SCTE-35 splice_insert message.

Class Scte35TimeSignalApos

Atypical configuration that applies segment breaks only on SCTE-35 time signal placement opportunities and breaks.

Class Scte35TimeSignalScheduleActionSettings

Settings for a SCTE-35 time_signal.

Class SignalMapSummary

Placeholder documentation for SignalMapSummary

Class SmpteTtDestinationSettings

Smpte Tt Destination Settings

Class SrtCallerDecryption

The decryption settings for the SRT caller source. Present only if the source has decryption enabled.

Class SrtCallerDecryptionRequest

Complete these parameters only if the content is encrypted.

Class SrtCallerSource

The configuration for a source that uses SRT as the connection protocol. In terms of establishing the connection, MediaLive is always caller and the upstream system is always the listener. In terms of transmission of the source content, MediaLive is always the receiver and the upstream system is always the sender.

Class SrtCallerSourceRequest

Configures the connection for a source that uses SRT as the connection protocol. In terms of establishing the connection, MediaLive is always the caller and the upstream system is always the listener. In terms of transmission of the source content, MediaLive is always the receiver and the upstream system is always the sender.

Class SrtGroupSettings

Srt Group Settings

Class SrtOutputDestinationSettings

Placeholder documentation for SrtOutputDestinationSettings

Class SrtOutputSettings

Srt Output Settings

Class SrtSettings

The configured sources for this SRT input.

Class SrtSettingsRequest

Configures the sources for this SRT input. For a single-pipeline input, include one srtCallerSource in the array. For a standard-pipeline input, include two srtCallerSource.

Class StandardHlsSettings

Standard Hls Settings

Class StartChannelRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartChannel operation. Starts an existing channel

Class StartChannelResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartChannelResponse

Class StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartDeleteMonitorDeployment operation. Initiates a deployment to delete the monitor of the specified signal map.

Class StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartDeleteMonitorDeploymentResponse

Class StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindow operation. Start a maintenance window for the specified input device. Starting a maintenance window will give the device up to two hours to install software. If the device was streaming prior to the maintenance, it will resume streaming when the software is fully installed. Devices automatically install updates while they are powered on and their MediaLive channels are stopped. A maintenance window allows you to update a device without having to stop MediaLive channels that use the device. The device must remain powered on and connected to the internet for the duration of the maintenance.

Class StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartInputDeviceMaintenanceWindowResponse

Class StartInputDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartInputDevice operation. Start an input device that is attached to a MediaConnect flow. (There is no need to start a device that is attached to a MediaLive input; MediaLive starts the device when the channel starts.)

Class StartInputDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartInputDeviceResponse

Class StartMonitorDeploymentRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartMonitorDeployment operation. Initiates a deployment to deploy the latest monitor of the specified signal map.

Class StartMonitorDeploymentResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartMonitorDeploymentResponse

Class StartMultiplexRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartMultiplex operation. Start (run) the multiplex. Starting the multiplex does not start the channels. You must explicitly start each channel.

Class StartMultiplexResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartMultiplexResponse

Class StartTimecode

Settings to identify the start of the clip.

Class StartUpdateSignalMapRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartUpdateSignalMap operation. Initiates an update for the specified signal map. Will discover a new signal map if a changed discoveryEntryPointArn is provided.

Class StartUpdateSignalMapResponse

Placeholder documentation for StartUpdateSignalMapResponse

Class StaticImageActivateScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to activate a static image.

Class StaticImageDeactivateScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to deactivate the image in a specific layer.

Class StaticImageOutputActivateScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to activate a static image.

Class StaticImageOutputDeactivateScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to deactivate the image in a specific layer.

Class StaticKeySettings

Static Key Settings

Class StopChannelRequest

Container for the parameters to the StopChannel operation. Stops a running channel

Class StopChannelResponse

Placeholder documentation for StopChannelResponse

Class StopInputDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the StopInputDevice operation. Stop an input device that is attached to a MediaConnect flow. (There is no need to stop a device that is attached to a MediaLive input; MediaLive automatically stops the device when the channel stops.)

Class StopInputDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for StopInputDeviceResponse

Class StopMultiplexRequest

Container for the parameters to the StopMultiplex operation. Stops a running multiplex. If the multiplex isn't running, this action has no effect.

Class StopMultiplexResponse

Placeholder documentation for StopMultiplexResponse

Class StopTimecode

Settings to identify the end of the clip.

Class SuccessfulMonitorDeployment

Represents the latest successful monitor deployment of a signal map.

Class TeletextDestinationSettings

Teletext Destination Settings

Class TeletextSourceSettings

Teletext Source Settings

Class TemporalFilterSettings

Temporal Filter Settings

Class Thumbnail

Details of a single thumbnail

Class ThumbnailConfiguration

Thumbnail Configuration

Class ThumbnailDetail

Thumbnail details for one pipeline of a running channel.

Class TimecodeBurninSettings

Timecode Burnin Settings

Class TimecodeConfig

Timecode Config

Class TimedMetadataScheduleActionSettings

Settings for the action to insert ID3 metadata (as a one-time action) in applicable output groups.

Class TooManyRequestsException

Placeholder documentation for TooManyRequestsException

Class TransferInputDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the TransferInputDevice operation. Start an input device transfer to another AWS account. After you make the request, the other account must accept or reject the transfer.

Class TransferInputDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for TransferInputDeviceResponse

Class TransferringInputDeviceSummary

Details about the input device that is being transferred.

Class TtmlDestinationSettings

Ttml Destination Settings

Class UdpContainerSettings

Udp Container Settings

Class UdpGroupSettings

Udp Group Settings

Class UdpOutputSettings

Udp Output Settings

Class UnprocessableEntityException

Placeholder documentation for UnprocessableEntityException

Class UpdateAccountConfigurationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateAccountConfiguration operation. Update account configuration

Class UpdateAccountConfigurationResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateAccountConfigurationResponse

Class UpdateChannelClassRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateChannelClass operation. Changes the class of the channel.

Class UpdateChannelClassResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateChannelClassResponse

Class UpdateChannelPlacementGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateChannelPlacementGroup operation. Change the settings for a ChannelPlacementGroup.

Class UpdateChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateChannelPlacementGroupResponse

Class UpdateChannelRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateChannel operation. Updates a channel.

Class UpdateChannelResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateChannelResponse

Class UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroup operation. Updates the specified cloudwatch alarm template group.

Class UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupResponse

Class UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplate operation. Updates the specified cloudwatch alarm template.

Class UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplateResponse

Class UpdateClusterRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateCluster operation. Change the settings for a Cluster.

Class UpdateClusterResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateClusterResponse

Class UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroup operation. Updates the specified eventbridge rule template group.

Class UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupResponse

Class UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplate operation. Updates the specified eventbridge rule template.

Class UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateEventBridgeRuleTemplateResponse

Class UpdateInputDeviceRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateInputDevice operation. Updates the parameters for the input device.

Class UpdateInputDeviceResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateInputDeviceResponse

Class UpdateInputRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateInput operation. Updates an input.

Class UpdateInputResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateInputResponse

Class UpdateInputSecurityGroupRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateInputSecurityGroup operation. Update an Input Security Group's Whilelists.

Class UpdateInputSecurityGroupResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateInputSecurityGroupResponse

Class UpdateMultiplexProgramRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateMultiplexProgram operation. Update a program in a multiplex.

Class UpdateMultiplexProgramResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateMultiplexProgramResponse

Class UpdateMultiplexRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateMultiplex operation. Updates a multiplex.

Class UpdateMultiplexResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateMultiplexResponse

Class UpdateNetworkRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateNetwork operation. Change the settings for a Network.

Class UpdateNetworkResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateNetworkResponse

Class UpdateNodeRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateNode operation. Change the settings for a Node.

Class UpdateNodeResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateNodeResponse

Class UpdateNodeStateRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateNodeState operation. Update the state of a node.

Class UpdateNodeStateResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateNodeStateResponse

Class UpdateReservationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateReservation operation. Update reservation.

Class UpdateReservationResponse

Placeholder documentation for UpdateReservationResponse

Class ValidationError

Placeholder documentation for ValidationError

Class VideoBlackFailoverSettings

Placeholder documentation for VideoBlackFailoverSettings

Class VideoCodecSettings

Video Codec Settings

Class VideoDescription

Video settings for this stream.

Class VideoSelector

Specifies a particular video stream within an input source. An input may have only a single video selector.

Class VideoSelectorColorSpaceSettings

Video Selector Color Space Settings

Class VideoSelectorPid

Video Selector Pid

Class VideoSelectorProgramId

Video Selector Program Id

Class VideoSelectorSettings

Video Selector Settings

Class VpcOutputSettings

The properties for a private VPC OutputWhen this property is specified, the output egress addresses will be created in a user specified VPC

Class VpcOutputSettingsDescription

The properties for a private VPC Output

Class WavSettings

Wav Settings

Class WebvttDestinationSettings

Webvtt Destination Settings


Interface IDescribeSchedulePaginator

Paginator for the DescribeSchedule operation

Interface IListChannelPlacementGroupsPaginator

Paginator for the ListChannelPlacementGroups operation

Interface IListChannelsPaginator

Paginator for the ListChannels operation

Interface IListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroupsPaginator

Paginator for the ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplateGroups operation

Interface IListCloudWatchAlarmTemplatesPaginator

Paginator for the ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplates operation

Interface IListClustersPaginator

Paginator for the ListClusters operation

Interface IListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroupsPaginator

Paginator for the ListEventBridgeRuleTemplateGroups operation

Interface IListEventBridgeRuleTemplatesPaginator

Paginator for the ListEventBridgeRuleTemplates operation

Interface IListInputDevicesPaginator

Paginator for the ListInputDevices operation

Interface IListInputDeviceTransfersPaginator

Paginator for the ListInputDeviceTransfers operation

Interface IListInputSecurityGroupsPaginator

Paginator for the ListInputSecurityGroups operation

Interface IListInputsPaginator

Paginator for the ListInputs operation

Interface IListMultiplexesPaginator

Paginator for the ListMultiplexes operation

Interface IListMultiplexProgramsPaginator

Paginator for the ListMultiplexPrograms operation

Interface IListNetworksPaginator

Paginator for the ListNetworks operation

Interface IListNodesPaginator

Paginator for the ListNodes operation

Interface IListOfferingsPaginator

Paginator for the ListOfferings operation

Interface IListReservationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListReservations operation

Interface IListSignalMapsPaginator

Paginator for the ListSignalMaps operation

Interface IMediaLivePaginatorFactory

Paginators for the MediaLive service