AWS::NetworkFirewall::TLSInspectionConfiguration CheckCertificateRevocationStatus - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::NetworkFirewall::TLSInspectionConfiguration CheckCertificateRevocationStatus

When enabled, Network Firewall checks if the server certificate presented by the server in the SSL/TLS connection has a revoked or unkown status. If the certificate has an unknown or revoked status, you must specify the actions that Network Firewall takes on outbound traffic. To check the certificate revocation status, you must also specify a CertificateAuthorityArn in ServerCertificateConfiguration.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "RevokedStatusAction" : String, "UnknownStatusAction" : String }



Configures how Network Firewall processes traffic when it determines that the certificate presented by the server in the SSL/TLS connection has a revoked status.

  • PASS - Allow the connection to continue, and pass subsequent packets to the stateful engine for inspection.

  • DROP - Network Firewall closes the connection and drops subsequent packets for that connection.

  • REJECT - Network Firewall sends a TCP reject packet back to your client. The service closes the connection and drops subsequent packets for that connection. REJECT is available only for TCP traffic.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: PASS | DROP | REJECT

Update requires: No interruption


Configures how Network Firewall processes traffic when it determines that the certificate presented by the server in the SSL/TLS connection has an unknown status, or a status that cannot be determined for any other reason, including when the service is unable to connect to the OCSP and CRL endpoints for the certificate.

  • PASS - Allow the connection to continue, and pass subsequent packets to the stateful engine for inspection.

  • DROP - Network Firewall closes the connection and drops subsequent packets for that connection.

  • REJECT - Network Firewall sends a TCP reject packet back to your client. The service closes the connection and drops subsequent packets for that connection. REJECT is available only for TCP traffic.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: PASS | DROP | REJECT

Update requires: No interruption