CloudFormation events detail reference - AWS CloudFormation

CloudFormation events detail reference

All events from AWS services have a common set of fields containing metadata about the event, such as the AWS service that's the source of the event, the time the event was generated, the account and region in which the event took place, and others. For definitions of these general fields, see Event structure reference in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

In addition, each event has a detail field that contains data specific to that particular event. The reference below defines the detail fields for the various CloudFormation events.

When using EventBridge to select and manage CloudFormation events, it's useful to keep the following in mind:

  • The source field specifies the event source.

    For example, aws.cloudformation or aws.codeconnections.

  • The detail-type field specifies the event type.

    For example, CloudFormation Resource Status Change or CloudFormation Drift Detection Status Change.

  • The detail field contains the data that is specific to that particular event.

    For example, the stack ID, the resources involved, status of various resources, and other data relevant to a particular type of events.

For information on constructing event patterns that enable rules to match CloudFormation events, see Event patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

For more information on events and how EventBridge processes them, see EventBridge events in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.