Change the placement for an EC2 instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Change the placement for an EC2 instance

You can change the placement group for an instance as follows:

  • Add an instance to a placement group

  • Move an instance from one placement group to another

  • Remove an instance from a placement group

Before you can change the placement group for an instance, the instance must be in the stopped state.

To change the instance placement
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Instances.

  3. Select the instance.

  4. Choose Actions, Instance settings, Modify instance placement.

  5. For Placement group, do one of the following:

    • To add the instance to a placement group, choose the placement group.

    • To move the instance from one placement group to another, choose the placement group.

    • To remove the instance from the placement group, choose None.

  6. Choose Save.

To move an instance to a placement group

The following modify-instance-placement command moves the specified instance to the specified placement group.

aws ec2 modify-instance-placement \ --instance-id i-0123a456700123456 \ --group-name MySpreadGroup
To remove an instance from a placement group

The following modify-instance-placement command specifies an empty string for the placement group name, which removes the instance from its current placement group.

aws ec2 modify-instance-placement \ --instance-id i-0123a456700123456 \ --group-name ""
To move an instance to a placement group

Use the Edit-EC2InstancePlacement command with the name of the placement group.

To remove an instance from a placement group

Use the Edit-EC2InstancePlacement command with an empty string for the placement group name.