Change the tenancy of a Amazon VPC - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Change the tenancy of a Amazon VPC

You can change the instance tenancy of a VPC from dedicated to default after you create it. Modifying the instance tenancy of the VPC does not affect the tenancy of any existing instances in the VPC. The next time you launch an instance in the VPC, it has a tenancy of default, unless you specify otherwise during launch.


You cannot change the instance tenancy of a VPC from default to dedicated after it is created.

You can modify the instance tenancy of a VPC using the AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, or the Amazon EC2 API only.

Command line
To modify the instance tenancy attribute of a VPC using the AWS CLI

Use the modify-vpc-tenancy command and specify the ID of the VPC and instance tenancy value. The only supported value is default.

aws ec2 modify-vpc-tenancy --vpc-id vpc-1a2b3c4d --instance-tenancy default