Configure a Windows instance using EC2Launch - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Configure a Windows instance using EC2Launch

EC2Launch is a set of Windows PowerShell scripts that replaced the EC2Config service on Windows Server 2016 and 2019 AMIs. Many of these AMIs are still available. EC2Launch v2 is the latest launch agent for all supported Windows versions, which replaces both EC2Config and EC2Launch. For more information, see Configure a Windows instance using EC2Launch v2.


To use EC2Launch with IMDSv2, the version must be 1.3.2002730 or later.

EC2Launch tasks

EC2Launch performs the following tasks by default during the initial instance boot:

  • Sets up new wallpaper that renders information about the instance.

  • Sets the computer name to the private IPv4 address of the instance.

  • Sends instance information to the Amazon EC2 console.

  • Sends the RDP certificate thumbprint to the EC2 console.

  • Sets a random password for the administrator account.

  • Adds DNS suffixes.

  • Dynamically extends the operating system partition to include any unpartitioned space.

  • Executes user data (if specified). For more information about specifying user data, see Work with instance user data.

  • Sets persistent static routes to reach the metadata service and AWS KMS servers.


    If a custom AMI is created from this instance, these routes are captured as part of the OS configuration and any new instances launched from the AMI will retain the same routes, regardless of subnet placement. In order to update the routes, see Update metadata/KMS routes for Server 2016 and later when launching a custom AMI.

The following tasks help to maintain backward compatibility with the EC2Config service. You can also configure EC2Launch to perform these tasks during startup:

  • Initialize secondary EBS volumes.

  • Send Windows Event logs to the EC2 console logs.

  • Send the Windows is ready to use message to the EC2 console.

For more information about Windows Server 2019, see Compare Features in Windows Server Versions on


Telemetry is additional information that helps AWS to better understand your requirements, diagnose issues, and deliver features to improve your experience with AWS services.

EC2Launch version 1.3.2003498 and later collect telemetry, such as usage metrics and errors. This data is collected from the Amazon EC2 instance on which EC2Launch runs. This includes all Windows AMIs owned by AWS.

The following types of telemetry are collected by EC2Launch:

  • Usage information — agent commands, install method, and scheduled run frequency.

  • Errors and diagnostic information — agent installation and run error codes.

Examples of collected data:

2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: EC2LaunchTelemetry: IsAgentScheduledPerBoot=true 2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: EC2LaunchTelemetry: IsUserDataScheduledPerBoot=true 2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: EC2LaunchTelemetry: AgentCommandCode=1 2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: EC2LaunchTelemetry: AgentCommandErrorCode=5 2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: EC2LaunchTelemetry: AgentInstallCode=2 2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: EC2LaunchTelemetry: AgentInstallErrorCode=0

Telemetry is enabled by default. You can disable telemetry collection at any time. If telemetry is enabled, EC2Launch sends telemetry data without additional customer notifications.

Your choice to enable or disable telemetry is collected.

You can opt in or out of telemetry collection. Your selection to opt in or out of telemetry is collected to ensure that we adhere to your telemetry option.

Telemetry visibility

When telemetry is enabled, it appears in the Amazon EC2 console output as follows:

2021/07/15 21:44:12Z: Telemetry: <Data>
Disable telemetry on an instance

To disable telemetry by setting a system environment variable, run the following command as an administrator:


To disable telemetry during installation, run install.ps1 as follows:

. .\install.ps1 -EnableTelemetry:$false

Verify the EC2Launch version

Use the following Windows PowerShell command to verify the installed version of EC2Launch.

PS C:\> Test-ModuleManifest -Path "C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Module\Ec2Launch.psd1" | Select Version

EC2Launch directory structure

EC2Launch is installed by default on Windows Server 2016 and later AMIs in the root directory C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch.


By default, Windows hides files and folders under C:\ProgramData. To view EC2Launch directories and files, you must either type the path in Windows Explorer or change the folder properties to show hidden files and folders.

The Launch directory contains the following subdirectories.

  • Scripts — Contains the PowerShell scripts that make up EC2Launch.

  • Module — Contains the module for building scripts related to Amazon EC2.

  • Config — Contains script configuration files that you can customize.

  • Sysprep — Contains Sysprep resources.

  • Settings — Contains an application for the Sysprep graphical user interface.

  • Library — Contains shared libraries for EC2 launch agents.

  • Logs — Contains log files generated by scripts.

Configure EC2Launch

After your instance has been initialized the first time, you can configure EC2Launch to run again and perform different start-up tasks.

Configure initialization tasks

Specify settings in the LaunchConfig.json file to enable or disable the following initialization tasks:

  • Set the computer name to the instance private IPv4 address.

  • Set the monitor to always stay on.

  • Set up new wallpaper.

  • Add DNS suffix list.


    This adds a DNS suffix lookup for the following domain and configures other standard suffixes. For more information about how launch agents set DNS suffixes, see Configure DNS Suffix for Windows launch agents.
  • Extend the boot volume size.

  • Set the administrator password.

To configure initialization settings
  1. On the instance to configure, open the following file in a text editor: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Config\LaunchConfig.json.

  2. Update the following settings as needed and save your changes. Provide a password in adminPassword only if adminPasswordtype is Specify.

    { "setComputerName": false, "setMonitorAlwaysOn": true, "setWallpaper": true, "addDnsSuffixList": true, "extendBootVolumeSize": true, "handleUserData": true, "adminPasswordType": "Random | Specify | DoNothing", "adminPassword": "password that adheres to your security policy (optional)" }

    The password types are defined as follows:


    EC2Launch generates a password and encrypts it using the user's key. The system disables this setting after the instance is launched so that this password persists if the instance is rebooted or stopped and started.


    EC2Launch uses the password you specify in adminPassword. If the password does not meet the system requirements, EC2Launch generates a random password instead. The password is stored in LaunchConfig.json as clear text and is deleted after Sysprep sets the administrator password. EC2Launch encrypts the password using the user's key.


    EC2Launch uses the password you specify in the unattend.xml file. If you don't specify a password in unattend.xml, the administrator account is disabled.

  3. In Windows PowerShell, run the following command to schedule the script to run as a Windows Scheduled Task. The script runs one time during the next boot and then disables these tasks from running again.

    PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeInstance.ps1 -Schedule

Schedule EC2Launch to run on every boot

You can schedule EC2Launch to run on every boot instead of only the initial boot.

To enable EC2Launch to run on every boot:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell and run the following command:

    PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeInstance.ps1 -SchedulePerBoot
  2. Or, run the executable with the following command:

    PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Settings\Ec2LaunchSettings.exe

    Then select Run EC2Launch on every boot. You can specify that your EC2 instance Shutdown without Sysprep or Shutdown with Sysprep.


When you enable EC2Launch to run on every boot, the following happens the next time EC2Launch runs:

  • If AdminPasswordType is still set to Random, EC2Launch will generate a new password at the next boot. After that boot, AdminPasswordType is automatically set to DoNothing to prevent EC2Launch from generating new passwords on subsequent boots. To prevent EC2Launch from generating a new password on the first boot, manually set AdminPasswordType to DoNothing before you reboot.

  • HandleUserData will be set back to false unless the user data has persist set to true. For more information, see User data scripts.

Initialize drives and map drive letters

Specify settings in the DriveLetterMappingConfig.json file to map drive letters to volumes on your EC2 instance. The script initializes drives that are not already initialized and partitioned. For more information about getting volume details in Windows, see Get-Volume in the Microsoft documentation.

To map drive letters to volumes
  1. Open the C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Config\DriveLetterMappingConfig.json file in a text editor.

  2. Specify the following volume settings and save your changes:

    { "driveLetterMapping": [ { "volumeName": "sample volume", "driveLetter": "H" } ] }
  3. Open Windows PowerShell and use the following command to run the EC2Launch script that initializes the disks:

    PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeDisks.ps1

    To initialize the disks each time the instance boots, add the -Schedule flag as follows:

    PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\InitializeDisks.ps1 -Schedule

Send Windows event logs to the EC2 console

Specify settings in the EventLogConfig.json file to send Windows Event logs to EC2 console logs.

To configure settings to send Windows Event logs
  1. On the instance, open the C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Config\EventLogConfig.json file in a text editor.

  2. Configure the following log settings and save your changes:

    { "events": [ { "logName": "System", "source": "An event source (optional)", "level": "Error | Warning | Information", "numEntries": 3 } ] }
  3. In Windows PowerShell, run the following command so that the system schedules the script to run as a Windows Scheduled Task each time the instance boots.

    PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\SendEventLogs.ps1 -Schedule

    The logs can take three minutes or more to appear in the EC2 console logs.

Send Windows is ready message after a successful boot

The EC2Config service sent the "Windows is ready" message to the EC2 console after every boot. EC2Launch sends this message only after the initial boot. For backwards compatibility with the EC2Config service, you can schedule EC2Launch to send this message after every boot. On the instance, open Windows PowerShell and run the following command. The system schedules the script to run as a Windows Scheduled Task.

PS C:\> C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Scripts\SendWindowsIsReady.ps1 -Schedule