We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for JavaScript v2.
We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for JavaScript v3. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.

Class: AWS.Outposts

AWS.Service show all
API Version:
Defined in:


Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.

Service Description

Amazon Web Services Outposts is a fully managed service that extends Amazon Web Services infrastructure, APIs, and tools to customer premises. By providing local access to Amazon Web Services managed infrastructure, Amazon Web Services Outposts enables customers to build and run applications on premises using the same programming interfaces as in Amazon Web Services Regions, while using local compute and storage resources for lower latency and local data processing needs.

Sending a Request Using Outposts

var outposts = new AWS.Outposts();
outposts.cancelCapacityTask(params, function (err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response

Locking the API Version

In order to ensure that the Outposts object uses this specific API, you can construct the object by passing the apiVersion option to the constructor:

var outposts = new AWS.Outposts({apiVersion: '2019-12-03'});

You can also set the API version globally in AWS.config.apiVersions using the outposts service identifier:

AWS.config.apiVersions = {
  outposts: '2019-12-03',
  // other service API versions

var outposts = new AWS.Outposts();


  • 2019-12-03

Constructor Summary collapse

Property Summary collapse

Properties inherited from AWS.Service


Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from AWS.Service

makeRequest, makeUnauthenticatedRequest, waitFor, setupRequestListeners, defineService

Constructor Details

new AWS.Outposts(options = {}) ⇒ Object

Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.


Constructing a Outposts object

var outposts = new AWS.Outposts({apiVersion: '2019-12-03'});

Options Hash (options):

  • params (map)

    An optional map of parameters to bind to every request sent by this service object. For more information on bound parameters, see "Working with Services" in the Getting Started Guide.

  • endpoint (String|AWS.Endpoint)

    The endpoint URI to send requests to. The default endpoint is built from the configured region. The endpoint should be a string like 'https://{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com' or an Endpoint object.

  • accessKeyId (String)

    your AWS access key ID.

  • secretAccessKey (String)

    your AWS secret access key.

  • sessionToken (AWS.Credentials)

    the optional AWS session token to sign requests with.

  • credentials (AWS.Credentials)

    the AWS credentials to sign requests with. You can either specify this object, or specify the accessKeyId and secretAccessKey options directly.

  • credentialProvider (AWS.CredentialProviderChain)

    the provider chain used to resolve credentials if no static credentials property is set.

  • region (String)

    the region to send service requests to. See AWS.Outposts.region for more information.

  • maxRetries (Integer)

    the maximum amount of retries to attempt with a request. See AWS.Outposts.maxRetries for more information.

  • maxRedirects (Integer)

    the maximum amount of redirects to follow with a request. See AWS.Outposts.maxRedirects for more information.

  • sslEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to enable SSL for requests.

  • paramValidation (Boolean|map)

    whether input parameters should be validated against the operation description before sending the request. Defaults to true. Pass a map to enable any of the following specific validation features:

    • min [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the min constraint. This is enabled by default when paramValidation is set to true.
    • max [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the max constraint.
    • pattern [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches a regular expression.
    • enum [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches one of the allowable enum values.
  • computeChecksums (Boolean)

    whether to compute checksums for payload bodies when the service accepts it (currently supported in S3 only)

  • convertResponseTypes (Boolean)

    whether types are converted when parsing response data. Currently only supported for JSON based services. Turning this off may improve performance on large response payloads. Defaults to true.

  • correctClockSkew (Boolean)

    whether to apply a clock skew correction and retry requests that fail because of an skewed client clock. Defaults to false.

  • s3ForcePathStyle (Boolean)

    whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects.

  • s3BucketEndpoint (Boolean)

    whether the provided endpoint addresses an individual bucket (false if it addresses the root API endpoint). Note that setting this configuration option requires an endpoint to be provided explicitly to the service constructor.

  • s3DisableBodySigning (Boolean)

    whether S3 body signing should be disabled when using signature version v4. Body signing can only be disabled when using https. Defaults to true.

  • s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint ('legacy'|'regional')

    when region is set to 'us-east-1', whether to send s3 request to global endpoints or 'us-east-1' regional endpoints. This config is only applicable to S3 client. Defaults to legacy

  • s3UseArnRegion (Boolean)

    whether to override the request region with the region inferred from requested resource's ARN. Only available for S3 buckets Defaults to true

  • retryDelayOptions (map)

    A set of options to configure the retry delay on retryable errors. Currently supported options are:

    • base [Integer] — The base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries. Defaults to 100 ms for all services except DynamoDB, where it defaults to 50ms.
    • customBackoff [function] — A custom function that accepts a retry count and error and returns the amount of time to delay in milliseconds. If the result is a non-zero negative value, no further retry attempts will be made. The base option will be ignored if this option is supplied. The function is only called for retryable errors.
  • httpOptions (map)

    A set of options to pass to the low-level HTTP request. Currently supported options are:

    • proxy [String] — the URL to proxy requests through
    • agent [http.Agent, https.Agent] — the Agent object to perform HTTP requests with. Used for connection pooling. Defaults to the global agent (http.globalAgent) for non-SSL connections. Note that for SSL connections, a special Agent object is used in order to enable peer certificate verification. This feature is only available in the Node.js environment.
    • connectTimeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after failing to establish a connection with the server after connectTimeout milliseconds. This timeout has no effect once a socket connection has been established.
    • timeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after timeout milliseconds of inactivity on the socket. Defaults to two minutes (120000).
    • xhrAsync [Boolean] — Whether the SDK will send asynchronous HTTP requests. Used in the browser environment only. Set to false to send requests synchronously. Defaults to true (async on).
    • xhrWithCredentials [Boolean] — Sets the "withCredentials" property of an XMLHttpRequest object. Used in the browser environment only. Defaults to false.
  • apiVersion (String, Date)

    a String in YYYY-MM-DD format (or a date) that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in all services (unless overridden by apiVersions). Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.

  • apiVersions (map<String, String|Date>)

    a map of service identifiers (the lowercase service class name) with the API version to use when instantiating a service. Specify 'latest' for each individual that can use the latest available version.

  • logger (#write, #log)

    an object that responds to .write() (like a stream) or .log() (like the console object) in order to log information about requests

  • systemClockOffset (Number)

    an offset value in milliseconds to apply to all signing times. Use this to compensate for clock skew when your system may be out of sync with the service time. Note that this configuration option can only be applied to the global AWS.config object and cannot be overridden in service-specific configuration. Defaults to 0 milliseconds.

  • signatureVersion (String)

    the signature version to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration). Possible values are: 'v2', 'v3', 'v4'.

  • signatureCache (Boolean)

    whether the signature to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration) is cached. Only applies to the signature version 'v4'. Defaults to true.

  • dynamoDbCrc32 (Boolean)

    whether to validate the CRC32 checksum of HTTP response bodies returned by DynamoDB. Default: true.

  • useAccelerateEndpoint (Boolean)

    Whether to use the S3 Transfer Acceleration endpoint with the S3 service. Default: false.

  • clientSideMonitoring (Boolean)

    whether to collect and publish this client's performance metrics of all its API requests.

  • endpointDiscoveryEnabled (Boolean|undefined)

    whether to call operations with endpoints given by service dynamically. Setting this

  • endpointCacheSize (Number)

    the size of the global cache storing endpoints from endpoint discovery operations. Once endpoint cache is created, updating this setting cannot change existing cache size. Defaults to 1000

  • hostPrefixEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to marshal request parameters to the prefix of hostname. Defaults to true.

  • stsRegionalEndpoints ('legacy'|'regional')

    whether to send sts request to global endpoints or regional endpoints. Defaults to 'legacy'.

  • useFipsEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. Defaults to false.

  • useDualstackEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables IPv6 dualstack endpoint. Defaults to false.

Property Details

endpointAWS.Endpoint (readwrite)

Returns an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.


  • (AWS.Endpoint)

    an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.

Method Details

cancelCapacityTask(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Cancels the capacity task.

Service Reference:


Calling the cancelCapacityTask operation

var params = {
  CapacityTaskId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  OutpostIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.cancelCapacityTask(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • CapacityTaskId — (String)

      ID of the capacity task that you want to cancel.

    • OutpostIdentifier — (String)

      ID or ARN of the Outpost associated with the capacity task that you want to cancel.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

cancelOrder(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Cancels the specified order for an Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the cancelOrder operation

var params = {
  OrderId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.cancelOrder(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OrderId — (String)

      The ID of the order.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createOrder(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates an order for an Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the createOrder operation

var params = {
  LineItems: [ /* required */
      CatalogItemId: 'STRING_VALUE',
      Quantity: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
    /* more items */
  OutpostIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  PaymentOption: ALL_UPFRONT | NO_UPFRONT | PARTIAL_UPFRONT, /* required */
outposts.createOrder(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostIdentifier — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

    • LineItems — (Array<map>)

      The line items that make up the order.

      • CatalogItemId — (String)

        The ID of the catalog item.

      • Quantity — (Integer)

        The quantity of a line item request.

    • PaymentOption — (String)

      The payment option.

      Possible values include:
      • "ALL_UPFRONT"
      • "NO_UPFRONT"
    • PaymentTerm — (String)

      The payment terms.

      Possible values include:
      • "THREE_YEARS"
      • "ONE_YEAR"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Order — (map)

        Information about this order.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost in the order.

        • OrderId — (String)

          The ID of the order.

        • Status — (String)

          The status of the order.

          • PREPARING - Order is received and being prepared.

          • IN_PROGRESS - Order is either being built, shipped, or installed. To get more details, see the line item status.

          • COMPLETED - Order is complete.

          • CANCELLED - Order is cancelled.

          • ERROR - Customer should contact support.

          Note: The following status are deprecated: RECEIVED, PENDING, PROCESSING, INSTALLING, and FULFILLED.
          Possible values include:
          • "RECEIVED"
          • "PENDING"
          • "PROCESSING"
          • "INSTALLING"
          • "FULFILLED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "PREPARING"
          • "IN_PROGRESS"
          • "COMPLETED"
          • "ERROR"
        • LineItems — (Array<map>)

          The line items for the order

          • CatalogItemId — (String)

            The ID of the catalog item.

          • LineItemId — (String)

            The ID of the line item.

          • Quantity — (Integer)

            The quantity of the line item.

          • Status — (String)

            The status of the line item.

            Possible values include:
            • "PREPARING"
            • "BUILDING"
            • "SHIPPED"
            • "DELIVERED"
            • "INSTALLING"
            • "INSTALLED"
            • "ERROR"
            • "CANCELLED"
            • "REPLACED"
          • ShipmentInformation — (map)

            Information about a line item shipment.

            • ShipmentTrackingNumber — (String)

              The tracking number of the shipment.

            • ShipmentCarrier — (String)

              The carrier of the shipment.

              Possible values include:
              • "DHL"
              • "DBS"
              • "FEDEX"
              • "UPS"
              • "EXPEDITORS"
          • AssetInformationList — (Array<map>)

            Information about assets.

            • AssetId — (String)

              The ID of the asset.

            • MacAddressList — (Array<String>)

              The MAC addresses of the asset.

          • PreviousLineItemId — (String)

            The ID of the previous line item.

          • PreviousOrderId — (String)

            The ID of the previous order.

        • PaymentOption — (String)

          The payment option for the order.

          Possible values include:
          • "ALL_UPFRONT"
          • "NO_UPFRONT"
          • "PARTIAL_UPFRONT"
        • OrderSubmissionDate — (Date)

          The submission date for the order.

        • OrderFulfilledDate — (Date)

          The fulfillment date of the order.

        • PaymentTerm — (String)

          The payment term.

          Possible values include:
          • "THREE_YEARS"
          • "ONE_YEAR"
        • OrderType — (String)

          The type of order.

          Possible values include:
          • "OUTPOST"
          • "REPLACEMENT"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createOutpost(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates an Outpost.

You can specify either an Availability one or an AZ ID.

Service Reference:


Calling the createOutpost operation

var params = {
  Name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  AvailabilityZone: 'STRING_VALUE',
  AvailabilityZoneId: 'STRING_VALUE',
  Description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  SupportedHardwareType: RACK | SERVER,
  Tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
outposts.createOutpost(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • Name — (String)

      The name of the Outpost.

    • Description — (String)

      The description of the Outpost.

    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

    • AvailabilityZone — (String)

      The Availability Zone.

    • AvailabilityZoneId — (String)

      The ID of the Availability Zone.

    • Tags — (map<String>)

      The tags to apply to the Outpost.

    • SupportedHardwareType — (String)

      The type of hardware for this Outpost.

      Possible values include:
      • "RACK"
      • "SERVER"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Outpost — (map)

        Information about an Outpost.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost.

        • OwnerId — (String)

          The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outpost owner.

        • OutpostArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the Outpost.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the Outpost.

        • LifeCycleStatus — (String)

          The life cycle status.

        • AvailabilityZone — (String)

          The Availability Zone.

        • AvailabilityZoneId — (String)

          The ID of the Availability Zone.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The Outpost tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • SupportedHardwareType — (String)

          The hardware type.

          Possible values include:
          • "RACK"
          • "SERVER"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createSite(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a site for an Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the createSite operation

var params = {
  Name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  Description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  Notes: 'STRING_VALUE',
  OperatingAddress: {
    AddressLine1: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    City: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    CountryCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    PostalCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    StateOrRegion: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    AddressLine2: 'STRING_VALUE',
    AddressLine3: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContactName: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContactPhoneNumber: 'STRING_VALUE',
    DistrictOrCounty: 'STRING_VALUE',
    Municipality: 'STRING_VALUE'
  RackPhysicalProperties: {
    FiberOpticCableType: SINGLE_MODE | MULTI_MODE,
    MaximumSupportedWeightLbs: NO_LIMIT | MAX_1400_LBS | MAX_1600_LBS | MAX_1800_LBS | MAX_2000_LBS,
    PowerConnector: L6_30P | IEC309 | AH530P7W | AH532P6W,
    PowerDrawKva: POWER_5_KVA | POWER_10_KVA | POWER_15_KVA | POWER_30_KVA,
    PowerFeedDrop: ABOVE_RACK | BELOW_RACK,
    UplinkGbps: UPLINK_1G | UPLINK_10G | UPLINK_40G | UPLINK_100G
  ShippingAddress: {
    AddressLine1: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    City: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    CountryCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    PostalCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    StateOrRegion: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    AddressLine2: 'STRING_VALUE',
    AddressLine3: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContactName: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContactPhoneNumber: 'STRING_VALUE',
    DistrictOrCounty: 'STRING_VALUE',
    Municipality: 'STRING_VALUE'
  Tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
outposts.createSite(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • Name — (String)

      The name of the site.

    • Description — (String)

      The description of the site.

    • Notes — (String)

      Additional information that you provide about site access requirements, electrician scheduling, personal protective equipment, or regulation of equipment materials that could affect your installation process.

    • Tags — (map<String>)

      The tags to apply to a site.

    • OperatingAddress — (map)

      The location to install and power on the hardware. This address might be different from the shipping address.

      • ContactName — (String)

        The name of the contact.

      • ContactPhoneNumber — (String)

        The phone number of the contact.

      • AddressLine1required — (String)

        The first line of the address.

      • AddressLine2 — (String)

        The second line of the address.

      • AddressLine3 — (String)

        The third line of the address.

      • Cityrequired — (String)

        The city for the address.

      • StateOrRegionrequired — (String)

        The state for the address.

      • DistrictOrCounty — (String)

        The district or county for the address.

      • PostalCoderequired — (String)

        The postal code for the address.

      • CountryCoderequired — (String)

        The ISO-3166 two-letter country code for the address.

      • Municipality — (String)

        The municipality for the address.

    • ShippingAddress — (map)

      The location to ship the hardware. This address might be different from the operating address.

      • ContactName — (String)

        The name of the contact.

      • ContactPhoneNumber — (String)

        The phone number of the contact.

      • AddressLine1required — (String)

        The first line of the address.

      • AddressLine2 — (String)

        The second line of the address.

      • AddressLine3 — (String)

        The third line of the address.

      • Cityrequired — (String)

        The city for the address.

      • StateOrRegionrequired — (String)

        The state for the address.

      • DistrictOrCounty — (String)

        The district or county for the address.

      • PostalCoderequired — (String)

        The postal code for the address.

      • CountryCoderequired — (String)

        The ISO-3166 two-letter country code for the address.

      • Municipality — (String)

        The municipality for the address.

    • RackPhysicalProperties — (map)

      Information about the physical and logistical details for the rack at this site. For more information about hardware requirements for racks, see Network readiness checklist in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

      • PowerDrawKva — (String)

        The power draw available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

        Possible values include:
        • "POWER_5_KVA"
        • "POWER_10_KVA"
        • "POWER_15_KVA"
        • "POWER_30_KVA"
      • PowerPhase — (String)

        The power option that you can provide for hardware.

        Possible values include:
        • "SINGLE_PHASE"
        • "THREE_PHASE"
      • PowerConnector — (String)

        The power connector for the hardware.

        Possible values include:
        • "L6_30P"
        • "IEC309"
        • "AH530P7W"
        • "AH532P6W"
      • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

        The position of the power feed.

        Possible values include:
        • "ABOVE_RACK"
        • "BELOW_RACK"
      • UplinkGbps — (String)

        The uplink speed the rack supports for the connection to the Region.

        Possible values include:
        • "UPLINK_1G"
        • "UPLINK_10G"
        • "UPLINK_40G"
        • "UPLINK_100G"
      • UplinkCount — (String)

        The number of uplinks each Outpost network device.

        Possible values include:
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
        • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
      • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

        The type of fiber used to attach the Outpost to the network.

        Possible values include:
        • "SINGLE_MODE"
        • "MULTI_MODE"
      • OpticalStandard — (String)

        The type of optical standard used to attach the Outpost to the network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

        Possible values include:
        • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
        • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
        • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
        • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
        • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
        • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
        • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
        • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
        • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
        • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
        • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
        • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
        • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
      • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

        The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000 lbs (907 kg).

        Possible values include:
        • "NO_LIMIT"
        • "MAX_1400_LBS"
        • "MAX_1600_LBS"
        • "MAX_1800_LBS"
        • "MAX_2000_LBS"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Site — (map)

        Information about a site.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • AccountId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the site.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the site.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The site tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • Notes — (String)

          Notes about a site.

        • OperatingAddressCountryCode — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressStateOrRegion — (String)

          State or region where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressCity — (String)

          City where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • RackPhysicalProperties — (map)

          Information about the physical and logistical details for a rack at the site.

          • PowerDrawKva — (String)

            The power draw available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

            Possible values include:
            • "POWER_5_KVA"
            • "POWER_10_KVA"
            • "POWER_15_KVA"
            • "POWER_30_KVA"
          • PowerPhase — (String)

            The power option that you can provide for hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_PHASE"
            • "THREE_PHASE"
          • PowerConnector — (String)

            The power connector for the hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "L6_30P"
            • "IEC309"
            • "AH530P7W"
            • "AH532P6W"
          • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

            The position of the power feed.

            Possible values include:
            • "ABOVE_RACK"
            • "BELOW_RACK"
          • UplinkGbps — (String)

            The uplink speed the rack supports for the connection to the Region.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_1G"
            • "UPLINK_10G"
            • "UPLINK_40G"
            • "UPLINK_100G"
          • UplinkCount — (String)

            The number of uplinks each Outpost network device.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
          • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

            The type of fiber used to attach the Outpost to the network.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_MODE"
            • "MULTI_MODE"
          • OpticalStandard — (String)

            The type of optical standard used to attach the Outpost to the network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

            Possible values include:
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
          • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

            The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000 lbs (907 kg).

            Possible values include:
            • "NO_LIMIT"
            • "MAX_1400_LBS"
            • "MAX_1600_LBS"
            • "MAX_1800_LBS"
            • "MAX_2000_LBS"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteOutpost(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the specified Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteOutpost operation

var params = {
  OutpostId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.deleteOutpost(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostId — (String)

      The ID or ARN of the Outpost.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteSite(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the specified site.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteSite operation

var params = {
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.deleteSite(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCapacityTask(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets details of the specified capacity task.

Service Reference:


Calling the getCapacityTask operation

var params = {
  CapacityTaskId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  OutpostIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getCapacityTask(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • CapacityTaskId — (String)

      ID of the capacity task.

    • OutpostIdentifier — (String)

      ID or ARN of the Outpost associated with the specified capacity task.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • CapacityTaskId — (String)

        ID of the capacity task.

      • OutpostId — (String)

        ID of the Outpost associated with the specified capacity task.

      • OrderId — (String)

        ID of the Amazon Web Services Outposts order associated with the specified capacity task.

      • RequestedInstancePools — (Array<map>)

        List of instance pools requested in the capacity task.

        • InstanceTyperequired — (String)

          The instance type of the hosts.

        • Countrequired — (Integer)

          The number of instances for the specified instance type.

      • DryRun — (Boolean)

        Performs a dry run to determine if you are above or below instance capacity.

      • CapacityTaskStatus — (String)

        Status of the capacity task.

        A capacity task can have one of the following statuses:

        • REQUESTED - The capacity task was created and is awaiting the next step by Amazon Web Services Outposts.

        • IN_PROGRESS - The capacity task is running and cannot be cancelled.

        • WAITING_FOR_EVACUATION - The capacity task requires capacity to run. You must stop the recommended EC2 running instances to free up capacity for the task to run.

        Possible values include:
        • "REQUESTED"
        • "IN_PROGRESS"
        • "FAILED"
        • "COMPLETED"
        • "CANCELLED"
      • Failed — (map)

        Reason why the capacity task failed.

        • Reasonrequired — (String)

          The reason that the specified capacity task failed.

        • Type — (String)

          The type of failure.

          Possible values include:
      • CreationDate — (Date)

        The date the capacity task was created.

      • CompletionDate — (Date)

        The date the capacity task ran successfully.

      • LastModifiedDate — (Date)

        The date the capacity task was last modified.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCatalogItem(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets information about the specified catalog item.

Service Reference:


Calling the getCatalogItem operation

var params = {
  CatalogItemId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getCatalogItem(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • CatalogItemId — (String)

      The ID of the catalog item.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • CatalogItem — (map)

        Information about this catalog item.

        • CatalogItemId — (String)

          The ID of the catalog item.

        • ItemStatus — (String)

          The status of a catalog item.

          Possible values include:
          • "AVAILABLE"
          • "DISCONTINUED"
        • EC2Capacities — (Array<map>)

          Information about the EC2 capacity of an item.

          • Family — (String)

            The family of the EC2 capacity.

          • MaxSize — (String)

            The maximum size of the EC2 capacity.

          • Quantity — (String)

            The quantity of the EC2 capacity.

        • PowerKva — (Float)

          Information about the power draw of an item.

        • WeightLbs — (Integer)

          The weight of the item in pounds.

        • SupportedUplinkGbps — (Array<Integer>)

          The uplink speed this catalog item requires for the connection to the Region.

        • SupportedStorage — (Array<String>)

          The supported storage options for the catalog item.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getConnection(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Note: Amazon Web Services uses this action to install Outpost servers.

Gets information about the specified connection.

Use CloudTrail to monitor this action or Amazon Web Services managed policy for Amazon Web Services Outposts to secure it. For more information, see Amazon Web Services managed policies for Amazon Web Services Outposts and Logging Amazon Web Services Outposts API calls with Amazon Web Services CloudTrail in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

Service Reference:


Calling the getConnection operation

var params = {
  ConnectionId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getConnection(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • ConnectionId — (String)

      The ID of the connection.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • ConnectionId — (String)

        The ID of the connection.

      • ConnectionDetails — (map)

        Information about the connection.

        • ClientPublicKey — (String)

          The public key of the client.

        • ServerPublicKey — (String)

          The public key of the server.

        • ServerEndpoint — (String)

          The endpoint for the server.

        • ClientTunnelAddress — (String)

          The client tunnel address.

        • ServerTunnelAddress — (String)

          The server tunnel address.

        • AllowedIps — (Array<String>)

          The allowed IP addresses.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getOrder(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets information about the specified order.

Service Reference:


Calling the getOrder operation

var params = {
  OrderId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getOrder(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OrderId — (String)

      The ID of the order.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Order — (map)

        Information about an order.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost in the order.

        • OrderId — (String)

          The ID of the order.

        • Status — (String)

          The status of the order.

          • PREPARING - Order is received and being prepared.

          • IN_PROGRESS - Order is either being built, shipped, or installed. To get more details, see the line item status.

          • COMPLETED - Order is complete.

          • CANCELLED - Order is cancelled.

          • ERROR - Customer should contact support.

          Note: The following status are deprecated: RECEIVED, PENDING, PROCESSING, INSTALLING, and FULFILLED.
          Possible values include:
          • "RECEIVED"
          • "PENDING"
          • "PROCESSING"
          • "INSTALLING"
          • "FULFILLED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "PREPARING"
          • "IN_PROGRESS"
          • "COMPLETED"
          • "ERROR"
        • LineItems — (Array<map>)

          The line items for the order

          • CatalogItemId — (String)

            The ID of the catalog item.

          • LineItemId — (String)

            The ID of the line item.

          • Quantity — (Integer)

            The quantity of the line item.

          • Status — (String)

            The status of the line item.

            Possible values include:
            • "PREPARING"
            • "BUILDING"
            • "SHIPPED"
            • "DELIVERED"
            • "INSTALLING"
            • "INSTALLED"
            • "ERROR"
            • "CANCELLED"
            • "REPLACED"
          • ShipmentInformation — (map)

            Information about a line item shipment.

            • ShipmentTrackingNumber — (String)

              The tracking number of the shipment.

            • ShipmentCarrier — (String)

              The carrier of the shipment.

              Possible values include:
              • "DHL"
              • "DBS"
              • "FEDEX"
              • "UPS"
              • "EXPEDITORS"
          • AssetInformationList — (Array<map>)

            Information about assets.

            • AssetId — (String)

              The ID of the asset.

            • MacAddressList — (Array<String>)

              The MAC addresses of the asset.

          • PreviousLineItemId — (String)

            The ID of the previous line item.

          • PreviousOrderId — (String)

            The ID of the previous order.

        • PaymentOption — (String)

          The payment option for the order.

          Possible values include:
          • "ALL_UPFRONT"
          • "NO_UPFRONT"
          • "PARTIAL_UPFRONT"
        • OrderSubmissionDate — (Date)

          The submission date for the order.

        • OrderFulfilledDate — (Date)

          The fulfillment date of the order.

        • PaymentTerm — (String)

          The payment term.

          Possible values include:
          • "THREE_YEARS"
          • "ONE_YEAR"
        • OrderType — (String)

          The type of order.

          Possible values include:
          • "OUTPOST"
          • "REPLACEMENT"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getOutpost(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets information about the specified Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the getOutpost operation

var params = {
  OutpostId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getOutpost(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostId — (String)

      The ID or ARN of the Outpost.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Outpost — (map)

        Information about an Outpost.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost.

        • OwnerId — (String)

          The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outpost owner.

        • OutpostArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the Outpost.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the Outpost.

        • LifeCycleStatus — (String)

          The life cycle status.

        • AvailabilityZone — (String)

          The Availability Zone.

        • AvailabilityZoneId — (String)

          The ID of the Availability Zone.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The Outpost tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • SupportedHardwareType — (String)

          The hardware type.

          Possible values include:
          • "RACK"
          • "SERVER"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getOutpostInstanceTypes(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets the instance types for the specified Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the getOutpostInstanceTypes operation

var params = {
  OutpostId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
outposts.getOutpostInstanceTypes(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostId — (String)

      The ID or ARN of the Outpost.

    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • InstanceTypes — (Array<map>)

        Information about the instance types.

        • InstanceType — (String)

          The instance type.

        • VCPUs — (Integer)

          The number of default VCPUs in an instance type.

      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.

      • OutpostId — (String)

        The ID of the Outpost.

      • OutpostArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getOutpostSupportedInstanceTypes(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets the instance types that an Outpost can support in InstanceTypeCapacity. This will generally include instance types that are not currently configured and therefore cannot be launched with the current Outpost capacity configuration.


Calling the getOutpostSupportedInstanceTypes operation

var params = {
  OrderId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  OutpostIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
outposts.getOutpostSupportedInstanceTypes(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostIdentifier — (String)

      The ID or ARN of the Outpost.

    • OrderId — (String)

      The ID for the Amazon Web Services Outposts order.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • InstanceTypes — (Array<map>)

        Information about the instance types.

        • InstanceType — (String)

          The instance type.

        • VCPUs — (Integer)

          The number of default VCPUs in an instance type.

      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getSite(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets information about the specified Outpost site.

Service Reference:


Calling the getSite operation

var params = {
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getSite(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Site — (map)

        Information about a site.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • AccountId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the site.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the site.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The site tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • Notes — (String)

          Notes about a site.

        • OperatingAddressCountryCode — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressStateOrRegion — (String)

          State or region where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressCity — (String)

          City where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • RackPhysicalProperties — (map)

          Information about the physical and logistical details for a rack at the site.

          • PowerDrawKva — (String)

            The power draw available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

            Possible values include:
            • "POWER_5_KVA"
            • "POWER_10_KVA"
            • "POWER_15_KVA"
            • "POWER_30_KVA"
          • PowerPhase — (String)

            The power option that you can provide for hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_PHASE"
            • "THREE_PHASE"
          • PowerConnector — (String)

            The power connector for the hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "L6_30P"
            • "IEC309"
            • "AH530P7W"
            • "AH532P6W"
          • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

            The position of the power feed.

            Possible values include:
            • "ABOVE_RACK"
            • "BELOW_RACK"
          • UplinkGbps — (String)

            The uplink speed the rack supports for the connection to the Region.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_1G"
            • "UPLINK_10G"
            • "UPLINK_40G"
            • "UPLINK_100G"
          • UplinkCount — (String)

            The number of uplinks each Outpost network device.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
          • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

            The type of fiber used to attach the Outpost to the network.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_MODE"
            • "MULTI_MODE"
          • OpticalStandard — (String)

            The type of optical standard used to attach the Outpost to the network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

            Possible values include:
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
          • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

            The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000 lbs (907 kg).

            Possible values include:
            • "NO_LIMIT"
            • "MAX_1400_LBS"
            • "MAX_1600_LBS"
            • "MAX_1800_LBS"
            • "MAX_2000_LBS"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getSiteAddress(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets the site address of the specified site.

Service Reference:


Calling the getSiteAddress operation

var params = {
  AddressType: SHIPPING_ADDRESS | OPERATING_ADDRESS, /* required */
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.getSiteAddress(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

    • AddressType — (String)

      The type of the address you request.

      Possible values include:

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • SiteId — (String)

        The ID of the site.

      • AddressType — (String)

        The type of the address you receive.

        Possible values include:
      • Address — (map)

        Information about the address.

        • ContactName — (String)

          The name of the contact.

        • ContactPhoneNumber — (String)

          The phone number of the contact.

        • AddressLine1required — (String)

          The first line of the address.

        • AddressLine2 — (String)

          The second line of the address.

        • AddressLine3 — (String)

          The third line of the address.

        • Cityrequired — (String)

          The city for the address.

        • StateOrRegionrequired — (String)

          The state for the address.

        • DistrictOrCounty — (String)

          The district or county for the address.

        • PostalCoderequired — (String)

          The postal code for the address.

        • CountryCoderequired — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code for the address.

        • Municipality — (String)

          The municipality for the address.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listAssets(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the hardware assets for the specified Outpost.

Use filters to return specific results. If you specify multiple filters, the results include only the resources that match all of the specified filters. For a filter where you can specify multiple values, the results include items that match any of the values that you specify for the filter.

Service Reference:


Calling the listAssets operation

var params = {
  OutpostIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  HostIdFilter: [
    /* more items */
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  StatusFilter: [
    /* more items */
outposts.listAssets(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostIdentifier — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

    • HostIdFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by the host ID of a Dedicated Host.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • StatusFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by state.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Assets — (Array<map>)

        Information about the hardware assets.

        • AssetId — (String)

          The ID of the asset.

        • RackId — (String)

          The rack ID of the asset.

        • AssetType — (String)

          The type of the asset.

          Possible values include:
          • "COMPUTE"
        • ComputeAttributes — (map)

          Information about compute hardware assets.

          • HostId — (String)

            The host ID of the Dedicated Host on the asset.

          • State — (String)

            The state.

            • ACTIVE - The asset is available and can provide capacity for new compute resources.

            • ISOLATED - The asset is undergoing maintenance and can't provide capacity for new compute resources. Existing compute resources on the asset are not affected.

            • RETIRING - The underlying hardware for the asset is degraded. Capacity for new compute resources is reduced. Amazon Web Services sends notifications for resources that must be stopped before the asset can be replaced.

            Possible values include:
            • "ACTIVE"
            • "ISOLATED"
            • "RETIRING"
          • InstanceFamilies — (Array<String>)

            A list of the names of instance families that are currently associated with a given asset.

        • AssetLocation — (map)

          The position of an asset in a rack.

          • RackElevation — (Float)

            The position of an asset in a rack measured in rack units.

      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCapacityTasks(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the capacity tasks for your Amazon Web Services account.

Use filters to return specific results. If you specify multiple filters, the results include only the resources that match all of the specified filters. For a filter where you can specify multiple values, the results include items that match any of the values that you specify for the filter.

Service Reference:


Calling the listCapacityTasks operation

var params = {
  CapacityTaskStatusFilter: [
    /* more items */
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  OutpostIdentifierFilter: 'STRING_VALUE'
outposts.listCapacityTasks(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostIdentifierFilter — (String)

      Filters the results by an Outpost ID or an Outpost ARN.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • CapacityTaskStatusFilter — (Array<String>)

      A list of statuses. For example, REQUESTED or WAITING_FOR_EVACUATION.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • CapacityTasks — (Array<map>)

        Lists all the capacity tasks.

        • CapacityTaskId — (String)

          The ID of the specified capacity task.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost associated with the specified capacity task.

        • OrderId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Outposts order of the host associated with the capacity task.

        • CapacityTaskStatus — (String)

          The status of the capacity task.

          Possible values include:
          • "REQUESTED"
          • "IN_PROGRESS"
          • "FAILED"
          • "COMPLETED"
          • "CANCELLED"
        • CreationDate — (Date)

          The date that the specified capacity task was created.

        • CompletionDate — (Date)

          The date that the specified capacity task successfully ran.

        • LastModifiedDate — (Date)

          The date that the specified capacity was last modified.

      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCatalogItems(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the items in the catalog.

Use filters to return specific results. If you specify multiple filters, the results include only the resources that match all of the specified filters. For a filter where you can specify multiple values, the results include items that match any of the values that you specify for the filter.

Service Reference:


Calling the listCatalogItems operation

var params = {
  EC2FamilyFilter: [
    /* more items */
  ItemClassFilter: [
    /* more items */
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  SupportedStorageFilter: [
    EBS | S3,
    /* more items */
outposts.listCatalogItems(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

    • ItemClassFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by item class.

    • SupportedStorageFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by storage option.

    • EC2FamilyFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by EC2 family (for example, M5).

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • CatalogItems — (Array<map>)

        Information about the catalog items.

        • CatalogItemId — (String)

          The ID of the catalog item.

        • ItemStatus — (String)

          The status of a catalog item.

          Possible values include:
          • "AVAILABLE"
          • "DISCONTINUED"
        • EC2Capacities — (Array<map>)

          Information about the EC2 capacity of an item.

          • Family — (String)

            The family of the EC2 capacity.

          • MaxSize — (String)

            The maximum size of the EC2 capacity.

          • Quantity — (String)

            The quantity of the EC2 capacity.

        • PowerKva — (Float)

          Information about the power draw of an item.

        • WeightLbs — (Integer)

          The weight of the item in pounds.

        • SupportedUplinkGbps — (Array<Integer>)

          The uplink speed this catalog item requires for the connection to the Region.

        • SupportedStorage — (Array<String>)

          The supported storage options for the catalog item.

      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listOrders(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the Outpost orders for your Amazon Web Services account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listOrders operation

var params = {
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  OutpostIdentifierFilter: 'STRING_VALUE'
outposts.listOrders(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostIdentifierFilter — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Orders — (Array<map>)

        Information about the orders.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost.

        • OrderId — (String)

          The ID of the order.

        • OrderType — (String)

          The type of order.

          Possible values include:
          • "OUTPOST"
          • "REPLACEMENT"
        • Status — (String)

          The status of the order.

          • PREPARING - Order is received and is being prepared.

          • IN_PROGRESS - Order is either being built, shipped, or installed. For more information, see the LineItem status.

          • COMPLETED - Order is complete.

          • CANCELLED - Order is cancelled.

          • ERROR - Customer should contact support.

          Note: The following statuses are deprecated: RECEIVED, PENDING, PROCESSING, INSTALLING, and FULFILLED.
          Possible values include:
          • "RECEIVED"
          • "PENDING"
          • "PROCESSING"
          • "INSTALLING"
          • "FULFILLED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "PREPARING"
          • "IN_PROGRESS"
          • "COMPLETED"
          • "ERROR"
        • LineItemCountsByStatus — (map<Integer>)

          The status of all line items in the order.

        • OrderSubmissionDate — (Date)

          The submission date for the order.

        • OrderFulfilledDate — (Date)

          The fulfilment date for the order.

      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listOutposts(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the Outposts for your Amazon Web Services account.

Use filters to return specific results. If you specify multiple filters, the results include only the resources that match all of the specified filters. For a filter where you can specify multiple values, the results include items that match any of the values that you specify for the filter.

Service Reference:


Calling the listOutposts operation

var params = {
  AvailabilityZoneFilter: [
    /* more items */
  AvailabilityZoneIdFilter: [
    /* more items */
  LifeCycleStatusFilter: [
    /* more items */
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
outposts.listOutposts(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

    • LifeCycleStatusFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by the lifecycle status.

    • AvailabilityZoneFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by Availability Zone (for example, us-east-1a).

    • AvailabilityZoneIdFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by AZ ID (for example, use1-az1).

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Outposts — (Array<map>)

        Information about the Outposts.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost.

        • OwnerId — (String)

          The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outpost owner.

        • OutpostArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the Outpost.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the Outpost.

        • LifeCycleStatus — (String)

          The life cycle status.

        • AvailabilityZone — (String)

          The Availability Zone.

        • AvailabilityZoneId — (String)

          The ID of the Availability Zone.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The Outpost tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • SupportedHardwareType — (String)

          The hardware type.

          Possible values include:
          • "RACK"
          • "SERVER"
      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listSites(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the Outpost sites for your Amazon Web Services account. Use filters to return specific results.

Use filters to return specific results. If you specify multiple filters, the results include only the resources that match all of the specified filters. For a filter where you can specify multiple values, the results include items that match any of the values that you specify for the filter.

Service Reference:


Calling the listSites operation

var params = {
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  OperatingAddressCityFilter: [
    /* more items */
  OperatingAddressCountryCodeFilter: [
    /* more items */
  OperatingAddressStateOrRegionFilter: [
    /* more items */
outposts.listSites(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • NextToken — (String)

      The pagination token.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum page size.

    • OperatingAddressCountryCodeFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by country code.

    • OperatingAddressStateOrRegionFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by state or region.

    • OperatingAddressCityFilter — (Array<String>)

      Filters the results by city.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Sites — (Array<map>)

        Information about the sites.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • AccountId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the site.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the site.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The site tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • Notes — (String)

          Notes about a site.

        • OperatingAddressCountryCode — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressStateOrRegion — (String)

          State or region where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressCity — (String)

          City where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • RackPhysicalProperties — (map)

          Information about the physical and logistical details for a rack at the site.

          • PowerDrawKva — (String)

            The power draw available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

            Possible values include:
            • "POWER_5_KVA"
            • "POWER_10_KVA"
            • "POWER_15_KVA"
            • "POWER_30_KVA"
          • PowerPhase — (String)

            The power option that you can provide for hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_PHASE"
            • "THREE_PHASE"
          • PowerConnector — (String)

            The power connector for the hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "L6_30P"
            • "IEC309"
            • "AH530P7W"
            • "AH532P6W"
          • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

            The position of the power feed.

            Possible values include:
            • "ABOVE_RACK"
            • "BELOW_RACK"
          • UplinkGbps — (String)

            The uplink speed the rack supports for the connection to the Region.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_1G"
            • "UPLINK_10G"
            • "UPLINK_40G"
            • "UPLINK_100G"
          • UplinkCount — (String)

            The number of uplinks each Outpost network device.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
          • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

            The type of fiber used to attach the Outpost to the network.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_MODE"
            • "MULTI_MODE"
          • OpticalStandard — (String)

            The type of optical standard used to attach the Outpost to the network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

            Possible values include:
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
          • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

            The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000 lbs (907 kg).

            Possible values include:
            • "NO_LIMIT"
            • "MAX_1400_LBS"
            • "MAX_1600_LBS"
            • "MAX_1800_LBS"
            • "MAX_2000_LBS"
      • NextToken — (String)

        The pagination token.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listTagsForResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the tags for the specified resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the listTagsForResource operation

var params = {
  ResourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.listTagsForResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • ResourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Tags — (map<String>)

        The resource tags.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

startCapacityTask(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Starts the specified capacity task. You can have one active capacity task for an order.

Service Reference:


Calling the startCapacityTask operation

var params = {
  InstancePools: [ /* required */
      Count: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
      InstanceType: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
  OrderId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  OutpostIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  DryRun: true || false
outposts.startCapacityTask(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostIdentifier — (String)

      The ID or ARN of the Outposts associated with the specified capacity task.

    • OrderId — (String)

      The ID of the Amazon Web Services Outposts order associated with the specified capacity task.

    • InstancePools — (Array<map>)

      The instance pools specified in the capacity task.

      • InstanceTyperequired — (String)

        The instance type of the hosts.

      • Countrequired — (Integer)

        The number of instances for the specified instance type.

    • DryRun — (Boolean)

      You can request a dry run to determine if the instance type and instance size changes is above or below available instance capacity. Requesting a dry run does not make any changes to your plan.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • CapacityTaskId — (String)

        ID of the capacity task that you want to start.

      • OutpostId — (String)

        ID of the Outpost associated with the capacity task.

      • OrderId — (String)

        ID of the Amazon Web Services Outposts order of the host associated with the capacity task.

      • RequestedInstancePools — (Array<map>)

        List of the instance pools requested in the specified capacity task.

        • InstanceTyperequired — (String)

          The instance type of the hosts.

        • Countrequired — (Integer)

          The number of instances for the specified instance type.

      • DryRun — (Boolean)

        Results of the dry run showing if the specified capacity task is above or below the available instance capacity.

      • CapacityTaskStatus — (String)

        Status of the specified capacity task.

        Possible values include:
        • "REQUESTED"
        • "IN_PROGRESS"
        • "FAILED"
        • "COMPLETED"
        • "CANCELLED"
      • Failed — (map)

        Reason that the specified capacity task failed.

        • Reasonrequired — (String)

          The reason that the specified capacity task failed.

        • Type — (String)

          The type of failure.

          Possible values include:
      • CreationDate — (Date)

        Date that the specified capacity task was created.

      • CompletionDate — (Date)

        Date that the specified capacity task ran successfully.

      • LastModifiedDate — (Date)

        Date that the specified capacity task was last modified.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

startConnection(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Note: Amazon Web Services uses this action to install Outpost servers.

Starts the connection required for Outpost server installation.

Use CloudTrail to monitor this action or Amazon Web Services managed policy for Amazon Web Services Outposts to secure it. For more information, see Amazon Web Services managed policies for Amazon Web Services Outposts and Logging Amazon Web Services Outposts API calls with Amazon Web Services CloudTrail in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

Service Reference:


Calling the startConnection operation

var params = {
  AssetId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  ClientPublicKey: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  NetworkInterfaceDeviceIndex: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
  DeviceSerialNumber: 'STRING_VALUE'
outposts.startConnection(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • DeviceSerialNumber — (String)

      The serial number of the dongle.

    • AssetId — (String)

      The ID of the Outpost server.

    • ClientPublicKey — (String)

      The public key of the client.

    • NetworkInterfaceDeviceIndex — (Integer)

      The device index of the network interface on the Outpost server.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • ConnectionId — (String)

        The ID of the connection.

      • UnderlayIpAddress — (String)

        The underlay IP address.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

tagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Adds tags to the specified resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the tagResource operation

var params = {
  ResourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  Tags: { /* required */
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
outposts.tagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • ResourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

    • Tags — (map<String>)

      The tags to add to the resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

untagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Removes tags from the specified resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the untagResource operation

var params = {
  ResourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  TagKeys: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
outposts.untagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • ResourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

    • TagKeys — (Array<String>)

      The tag keys.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateOutpost(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates an Outpost.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateOutpost operation

var params = {
  OutpostId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  Description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  SupportedHardwareType: RACK | SERVER
outposts.updateOutpost(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • OutpostId — (String)

      The ID or ARN of the Outpost.

    • Name — (String)

      The name of the Outpost.

    • Description — (String)

      The description of the Outpost.

    • SupportedHardwareType — (String)

      The type of hardware for this Outpost.

      Possible values include:
      • "RACK"
      • "SERVER"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Outpost — (map)

        Information about an Outpost.

        • OutpostId — (String)

          The ID of the Outpost.

        • OwnerId — (String)

          The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outpost owner.

        • OutpostArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Outpost.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the Outpost.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the Outpost.

        • LifeCycleStatus — (String)

          The life cycle status.

        • AvailabilityZone — (String)

          The Availability Zone.

        • AvailabilityZoneId — (String)

          The ID of the Availability Zone.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The Outpost tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • SupportedHardwareType — (String)

          The hardware type.

          Possible values include:
          • "RACK"
          • "SERVER"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateSite(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the specified site.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateSite operation

var params = {
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  Description: 'STRING_VALUE',
outposts.updateSite(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

    • Name — (String)

      The name of the site.

    • Description — (String)

      The description of the site.

    • Notes — (String)

      Notes about a site.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Site — (map)

        Information about a site.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • AccountId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the site.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the site.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The site tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • Notes — (String)

          Notes about a site.

        • OperatingAddressCountryCode — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressStateOrRegion — (String)

          State or region where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressCity — (String)

          City where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • RackPhysicalProperties — (map)

          Information about the physical and logistical details for a rack at the site.

          • PowerDrawKva — (String)

            The power draw available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

            Possible values include:
            • "POWER_5_KVA"
            • "POWER_10_KVA"
            • "POWER_15_KVA"
            • "POWER_30_KVA"
          • PowerPhase — (String)

            The power option that you can provide for hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_PHASE"
            • "THREE_PHASE"
          • PowerConnector — (String)

            The power connector for the hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "L6_30P"
            • "IEC309"
            • "AH530P7W"
            • "AH532P6W"
          • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

            The position of the power feed.

            Possible values include:
            • "ABOVE_RACK"
            • "BELOW_RACK"
          • UplinkGbps — (String)

            The uplink speed the rack supports for the connection to the Region.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_1G"
            • "UPLINK_10G"
            • "UPLINK_40G"
            • "UPLINK_100G"
          • UplinkCount — (String)

            The number of uplinks each Outpost network device.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
          • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

            The type of fiber used to attach the Outpost to the network.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_MODE"
            • "MULTI_MODE"
          • OpticalStandard — (String)

            The type of optical standard used to attach the Outpost to the network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

            Possible values include:
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
          • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

            The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000 lbs (907 kg).

            Possible values include:
            • "NO_LIMIT"
            • "MAX_1400_LBS"
            • "MAX_1600_LBS"
            • "MAX_1800_LBS"
            • "MAX_2000_LBS"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateSiteAddress(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the address of the specified site.

You can't update a site address if there is an order in progress. You must wait for the order to complete or cancel the order.

You can update the operating address before you place an order at the site, or after all Outposts that belong to the site have been deactivated.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateSiteAddress operation

var params = {
  Address: { /* required */
    AddressLine1: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    City: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    CountryCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    PostalCode: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    StateOrRegion: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    AddressLine2: 'STRING_VALUE',
    AddressLine3: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContactName: 'STRING_VALUE',
    ContactPhoneNumber: 'STRING_VALUE',
    DistrictOrCounty: 'STRING_VALUE',
    Municipality: 'STRING_VALUE'
  AddressType: SHIPPING_ADDRESS | OPERATING_ADDRESS, /* required */
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
outposts.updateSiteAddress(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

    • AddressType — (String)

      The type of the address.

      Possible values include:
    • Address — (map)

      The address for the site.

      • ContactName — (String)

        The name of the contact.

      • ContactPhoneNumber — (String)

        The phone number of the contact.

      • AddressLine1required — (String)

        The first line of the address.

      • AddressLine2 — (String)

        The second line of the address.

      • AddressLine3 — (String)

        The third line of the address.

      • Cityrequired — (String)

        The city for the address.

      • StateOrRegionrequired — (String)

        The state for the address.

      • DistrictOrCounty — (String)

        The district or county for the address.

      • PostalCoderequired — (String)

        The postal code for the address.

      • CountryCoderequired — (String)

        The ISO-3166 two-letter country code for the address.

      • Municipality — (String)

        The municipality for the address.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • AddressType — (String)

        The type of the address.

        Possible values include:
      • Address — (map)

        Information about an address.

        • ContactName — (String)

          The name of the contact.

        • ContactPhoneNumber — (String)

          The phone number of the contact.

        • AddressLine1required — (String)

          The first line of the address.

        • AddressLine2 — (String)

          The second line of the address.

        • AddressLine3 — (String)

          The third line of the address.

        • Cityrequired — (String)

          The city for the address.

        • StateOrRegionrequired — (String)

          The state for the address.

        • DistrictOrCounty — (String)

          The district or county for the address.

        • PostalCoderequired — (String)

          The postal code for the address.

        • CountryCoderequired — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code for the address.

        • Municipality — (String)

          The municipality for the address.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateSiteRackPhysicalProperties(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Update the physical and logistical details for a rack at a site. For more information about hardware requirements for racks, see Network readiness checklist in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

To update a rack at a site with an order of IN_PROGRESS, you must wait for the order to complete or cancel the order.


Calling the updateSiteRackPhysicalProperties operation

var params = {
  SiteId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  FiberOpticCableType: SINGLE_MODE | MULTI_MODE,
  MaximumSupportedWeightLbs: NO_LIMIT | MAX_1400_LBS | MAX_1600_LBS | MAX_1800_LBS | MAX_2000_LBS,
  PowerConnector: L6_30P | IEC309 | AH530P7W | AH532P6W,
  PowerDrawKva: POWER_5_KVA | POWER_10_KVA | POWER_15_KVA | POWER_30_KVA,
  UplinkGbps: UPLINK_1G | UPLINK_10G | UPLINK_40G | UPLINK_100G
outposts.updateSiteRackPhysicalProperties(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • SiteId — (String)

      The ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

    • PowerDrawKva — (String)

      The power draw, in kVA, available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

      Possible values include:
      • "POWER_5_KVA"
      • "POWER_10_KVA"
      • "POWER_15_KVA"
      • "POWER_30_KVA"
    • PowerPhase — (String)

      The power option that you can provide for hardware.

      • Single-phase AC feed: 200 V to 277 V, 50 Hz or 60 Hz

      • Three-phase AC feed: 346 V to 480 V, 50 Hz or 60 Hz

      Possible values include:
      • "SINGLE_PHASE"
      • "THREE_PHASE"
    • PowerConnector — (String)

      The power connector that Amazon Web Services should plan to provide for connections to the hardware. Note the correlation between PowerPhase and PowerConnector.

      • Single-phase AC feed

        • L6-30P – (common in US); 30A; single phase

        • IEC309 (blue) – P+N+E, 6hr; 32 A; single phase

      • Three-phase AC feed

        • AH530P7W (red) – 3P+N+E, 7hr; 30A; three phase

        • AH532P6W (red) – 3P+N+E, 6hr; 32A; three phase

      Possible values include:
      • "L6_30P"
      • "IEC309"
      • "AH530P7W"
      • "AH532P6W"
    • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

      Indicates whether the power feed comes above or below the rack.

      Possible values include:
      • "ABOVE_RACK"
      • "BELOW_RACK"
    • UplinkGbps — (String)

      The uplink speed the rack should support for the connection to the Region.

      Possible values include:
      • "UPLINK_1G"
      • "UPLINK_10G"
      • "UPLINK_40G"
      • "UPLINK_100G"
    • UplinkCount — (String)

      Racks come with two Outpost network devices. Depending on the supported uplink speed at the site, the Outpost network devices provide a variable number of uplinks. Specify the number of uplinks for each Outpost network device that you intend to use to connect the rack to your network. Note the correlation between UplinkGbps and UplinkCount.

      • 1Gbps - Uplinks available: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8

      • 10Gbps - Uplinks available: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16

      • 40 and 100 Gbps- Uplinks available: 1, 2, 4

      Possible values include:
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
      • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
    • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

      The type of fiber that you will use to attach the Outpost to your network.

      Possible values include:
      • "SINGLE_MODE"
      • "MULTI_MODE"
    • OpticalStandard — (String)

      The type of optical standard that you will use to attach the Outpost to your network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.







      • OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4: 40GBASE-LR4

      • OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4: 100GBASE-SR4


      • OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4: 100GBASE-LR4

      • OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA: 100G PSM4 MSA

      • OPTIC_1000BASE_LX: 1000Base-LX

      • OPTIC_1000BASE_SX : 1000Base-SX

      Possible values include:
      • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
      • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
      • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
      • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
      • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
      • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
      • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
      • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
      • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
      • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
      • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
      • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
      • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
    • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

      The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000lbs.

      Possible values include:
      • "NO_LIMIT"
      • "MAX_1400_LBS"
      • "MAX_1600_LBS"
      • "MAX_1800_LBS"
      • "MAX_2000_LBS"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • Site — (map)

        Information about a site.

        • SiteId — (String)

          The ID of the site.

        • AccountId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account.

        • Name — (String)

          The name of the site.

        • Description — (String)

          The description of the site.

        • Tags — (map<String>)

          The site tags.

        • SiteArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.

        • Notes — (String)

          Notes about a site.

        • OperatingAddressCountryCode — (String)

          The ISO-3166 two-letter country code where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressStateOrRegion — (String)

          State or region where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • OperatingAddressCity — (String)

          City where the hardware is installed and powered on.

        • RackPhysicalProperties — (map)

          Information about the physical and logistical details for a rack at the site.

          • PowerDrawKva — (String)

            The power draw available at the hardware placement position for the rack.

            Possible values include:
            • "POWER_5_KVA"
            • "POWER_10_KVA"
            • "POWER_15_KVA"
            • "POWER_30_KVA"
          • PowerPhase — (String)

            The power option that you can provide for hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_PHASE"
            • "THREE_PHASE"
          • PowerConnector — (String)

            The power connector for the hardware.

            Possible values include:
            • "L6_30P"
            • "IEC309"
            • "AH530P7W"
            • "AH532P6W"
          • PowerFeedDrop — (String)

            The position of the power feed.

            Possible values include:
            • "ABOVE_RACK"
            • "BELOW_RACK"
          • UplinkGbps — (String)

            The uplink speed the rack supports for the connection to the Region.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_1G"
            • "UPLINK_10G"
            • "UPLINK_40G"
            • "UPLINK_100G"
          • UplinkCount — (String)

            The number of uplinks each Outpost network device.

            Possible values include:
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_1"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_2"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_3"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_4"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_5"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_6"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_7"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_8"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_12"
            • "UPLINK_COUNT_16"
          • FiberOpticCableType — (String)

            The type of fiber used to attach the Outpost to the network.

            Possible values include:
            • "SINGLE_MODE"
            • "MULTI_MODE"
          • OpticalStandard — (String)

            The type of optical standard used to attach the Outpost to the network. This field is dependent on uplink speed, fiber type, and distance to the upstream device. For more information about networking requirements for racks, see Network in the Amazon Web Services Outposts User Guide.

            Possible values include:
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_IR"
            • "OPTIC_10GBASE_LR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_SR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_ESR"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_IR4_LR4L"
            • "OPTIC_40GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_SR4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_CWDM4"
            • "OPTIC_100GBASE_LR4"
            • "OPTIC_100G_PSM4_MSA"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_LX"
            • "OPTIC_1000BASE_SX"
          • MaximumSupportedWeightLbs — (String)

            The maximum rack weight that this site can support. NO_LIMIT is over 2000 lbs (907 kg).

            Possible values include:
            • "NO_LIMIT"
            • "MAX_1400_LBS"
            • "MAX_1600_LBS"
            • "MAX_1800_LBS"
            • "MAX_2000_LBS"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.