Interpreting Amazon SQS XML API responses - Amazon Simple Queue Service

Interpreting Amazon SQS XML API responses

In response to an action request, Amazon SQS returns an XML data structure that contains the results of the request. For more information, see the individual actions in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.

Successful XML response structure

If the request is successful, the main response element is named after the action, with Response appended (for example, ActionNameResponse).

This element contains the following child elements:

  • ActionNameResult – Contains an action-specific element. For example, the CreateQueueResult element contains the QueueUrl element which, in turn, contains the URL of the created queue.

  • ResponseMetadata – Contains the RequestId which, in turn, contains the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the request.

The following is an example successful response in XML format:

<CreateQueueResponse xmlns= xmlns:xsi= xsi:type=CreateQueueResponse> <CreateQueueResult> <QueueUrl></QueueUrl> </CreateQueueResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>cb919c0a-9bce-4afe-9b48-9bdf2412bb67</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </CreateQueueResponse>

XML error response structure

If a request is unsuccessful, Amazon SQS always returns the main response element ErrorResponse. This element contains an Error element and a RequestId element.

The Error element contains the following child elements:

  • Type – Specifies whether the error was a producer or consumer error.

  • Code – Specifies the type of error.

  • Message – Specifies the error condition in a readable format.

  • Detail – (Optional) Specifies additional details about the error.

The RequestId element contains the UUID of the request.

The following is an example error response in XML format:

<ErrorResponse> <Error> <Type>Sender</Type> <Code>InvalidParameterValue</Code> <Message> Value (quename_nonalpha) for parameter QueueName is invalid. Must be an alphanumeric String of 1 to 80 in length. </Message> </Error> <RequestId>42d59b56-7407-4c4a-be0f-4c88daeea257</RequestId> </ErrorResponse>