Amazon SQS supported JMS 1.1 implementations - Amazon Simple Queue Service

Amazon SQS supported JMS 1.1 implementations

The Amazon SQS Java Messaging Library supports the following JMS 1.1 implementations. For more information about the supported features and capabilities of the Amazon SQS Java Messaging Library, see the Amazon SQS FAQ.

Supported common interfaces

  • Connection

  • ConnectionFactory

  • Destination

  • Session

  • MessageConsumer

  • MessageProducer

Supported message types

  • ByteMessage

  • ObjectMessage

  • TextMessage

Supported message acknowledgment modes






The UNORDERED_ACKNOWLEDGE mode isn't part of the JMS 1.1 specification. This mode helps Amazon SQS allow a JMS client to explicitly acknowledge a message.

JMS-defined headers and reserved properties

For sending messages

When you send messages, you can set the following headers and properties for each message:

  • JMSXGroupID (required for FIFO queues, not allowed for standard queues)

  • JMS_SQS_DeduplicationId (optional for FIFO queues, not allowed for standard queues)

After you send messages, Amazon SQS sets the following headers and properties for each message:

  • JMSMessageID

  • JMS_SQS_SequenceNumber (only for FIFO queues)

For receiving messages

When you receive messages, Amazon SQS sets the following headers and properties for each message:

  • JMSDestination

  • JMSMessageID

  • JMSRedelivered

  • JMSXDeliveryCount

  • JMSXGroupID (only for FIFO queues)

  • JMS_SQS_DeduplicationId (only for FIFO queues)

  • JMS_SQS_SequenceNumber (only for FIFO queues)