Create a URL signature using C# and the .NET Framework - Amazon CloudFront

Create a URL signature using C# and the .NET Framework

The C# examples in this section implement an example application that demonstrates how to create the signatures for CloudFront private distributions using canned and custom policy statements. The examples include utility functions based on the AWS SDK for .NET that can be useful in .NET applications.

You can also create signed URLs and signed cookies by using the AWS SDK for .NET. In the AWS SDK for .NET API Reference, see the following topics:

To download the code, go to Signature Code in C#.


Creating a URL signature is just one part of the process of serving private content using a signed URL. For more information about the entire process, see Use signed URLs. For more information about using signed cookies, see Use signed cookies.

Use an RSA key in the .NET Framework

To use an RSA key in the .NET Framework, you must convert the AWS supplied .pem file to the XML format that the .NET Framework uses.

After conversion, the RSA private key file is in the following format:

Example : RSA private key in the XML .NET Framework format
<RSAKeyValue> <Modulus> wO5IvYCP5UcoCKDo1dcspoMehWBZcyfs9QEzGi6Oe5y+ewGr1oW+vB2GPB ANBiVPcUHTFWhwaIBd3oglmF0lGQljP/jOfmXHUK2kUUnLnJp+oOBL2NiuFtqcW6h/L5lIpD8Yq+NRHg Ty4zDsyr2880MvXv88yEFURCkqEXAMPLE= </Modulus> <Exponent>AQAB</Exponent> <P> 5bmKDaTz npENGVqz4Cea8XPH+sxt+2VaAwYnsarVUoSBeVt8WLloVuZGG9IZYmH5KteXEu7fZveYd9UEXAMPLE== </P> <Q> 1v9l/WN1a1N3rOK4VGoCokx7kR2SyTMSbZgF9IWJNOugR/WZw7HTnjipO3c9dy1Ms9pUKwUF4 6d7049EXAMPLE== </Q> <DP> RgrSKuLWXMyBH+/l1Dx/I4tXuAJIrlPyo+VmiOc7b5NzHptkSHEPfR9s1 OK0VqjknclqCJ3Ig86OMEtEXAMPLE== </DP> <DQ> pjPjvSFw+RoaTu0pgCA/jwW/FGyfN6iim1RFbkT4 z49DZb2IM885f3vf35eLTaEYRYUHQgZtChNEV0TEXAMPLE== </DQ> <InverseQ> nkvOJTg5QtGNgWb9i cVtzrL/1pFEOHbJXwEJdU99N+7sMK+1066DL/HSBUCD63qD4USpnf0myc24in0EXAMPLE==</InverseQ> <D> Bc7mp7XYHynuPZxChjWNJZIq+A73gm0ASDv6At7F8Vi9r0xUlQe/v0AQS3ycN8QlyR4XMbzMLYk 3yjxFDXo4ZKQtOGzLGteCU2srANiLv26/imXA8FVidZftTAtLviWQZBVPTeYIA69ATUYPEq0a5u5wjGy UOij9OWyuEXAMPLE= </D> </RSAKeyValue>

Canned policy signing method in C#

The following C# code creates a signed URL that uses a canned policy by doing the following:

  • Creates a policy statement.

  • Hashes the policy statement using SHA1, and signs the result using RSA and the private key whose corresponding public key is in a trusted key group.

  • Base64-encodes the hashed and signed policy statement and replaces special characters to make the string safe to use as a URL request parameter.

  • Concatenates the values.

For the complete implementation, see the example at Signature Code in C#.


The keyId is returned when you upload a public key to CloudFront. For more information, see 6 &Key-Pair-Id.

Example : Canned policy signing method in C#
public static string ToUrlSafeBase64String(byte[] bytes) { return System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes) .Replace('+', '-') .Replace('=', '_') .Replace('/', '~'); } public static string CreateCannedPrivateURL(string urlString, string durationUnits, string durationNumber, string pathToPolicyStmnt, string pathToPrivateKey, string keyId) { // args[] 0-thisMethod, 1-resourceUrl, 2-seconds-minutes-hours-days // to expiration, 3-numberOfPreviousUnits, 4-pathToPolicyStmnt, // 5-pathToPrivateKey, 6-keyId TimeSpan timeSpanInterval = GetDuration(durationUnits, durationNumber); // Create the policy statement. string strPolicy = CreatePolicyStatement(pathToPolicyStmnt, urlString, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.Add(timeSpanInterval), ""); if ("Error!" == strPolicy) return "Invalid time frame." + "Start time cannot be greater than end time."; // Copy the expiration time defined by policy statement. string strExpiration = CopyExpirationTimeFromPolicy(strPolicy); // Read the policy into a byte buffer. byte[] bufferPolicy = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strPolicy); // Initialize the SHA1CryptoServiceProvider object and hash the policy data. using (SHA1CryptoServiceProvider cryptoSHA1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()) { bufferPolicy = cryptoSHA1.ComputeHash(bufferPolicy); // Initialize the RSACryptoServiceProvider object. RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); XmlDocument xmlPrivateKey = new XmlDocument(); // Load your private key, which you created by converting your // .pem file to the XML format that the .NET framework uses. // Several tools are available. xmlPrivateKey.Load(pathToPrivateKey); // Format the RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA and // create the signature. providerRSA.FromXmlString(xmlPrivateKey.InnerXml); RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter rsaFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(providerRSA); rsaFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm("SHA1"); byte[] signedPolicyHash = rsaFormatter.CreateSignature(bufferPolicy); // Convert the signed policy to URL-safe base64 encoding and // replace unsafe characters + = / with the safe characters - _ ~ string strSignedPolicy = ToUrlSafeBase64String(signedPolicyHash); // Concatenate the URL, the timestamp, the signature, // and the key pair ID to form the signed URL. return urlString + "?Expires=" + strExpiration + "&Signature=" + strSignedPolicy + "&Key-Pair-Id=" + keyId; } }

Custom policy signing method in C#

The following C# code creates a signed URL that uses a custom policy by doing the following:

  1. Creates a policy statement.

  2. Base64-encodes the policy statement and replaces special characters to make the string safe to use as a URL request parameter.

  3. Hashes the policy statement using SHA1, and encrypts the result using RSA and the private key whose corresponding public key is in a trusted key group.

  4. Base64-encodes the hashed policy statement and replacing special characters to make the string safe to use as a URL request parameter.

  5. Concatenates the values.

For the complete implementation, see the example at Signature Code in C#.


The keyId is returned when you upload a public key to CloudFront. For more information, see 6 &Key-Pair-Id.

Example : Custom policy signing method in C#
public static string ToUrlSafeBase64String(byte[] bytes) { return System.Convert.ToBase64String(bytes) .Replace('+', '-') .Replace('=', '_') .Replace('/', '~'); } public static string CreateCustomPrivateURL(string urlString, string durationUnits, string durationNumber, string startIntervalFromNow, string ipaddress, string pathToPolicyStmnt, string pathToPrivateKey, string keyId) { // args[] 0-thisMethod, 1-resourceUrl, 2-seconds-minutes-hours-days // to expiration, 3-numberOfPreviousUnits, 4-starttimeFromNow, // 5-ip_address, 6-pathToPolicyStmt, 7-pathToPrivateKey, 8-keyId TimeSpan timeSpanInterval = GetDuration(durationUnits, durationNumber); TimeSpan timeSpanToStart = GetDurationByUnits(durationUnits, startIntervalFromNow); if (null == timeSpanToStart) return "Invalid duration units." + "Valid options: seconds, minutes, hours, or days"; string strPolicy = CreatePolicyStatement( pathToPolicyStmnt, urlString, DateTime.Now.Add(timeSpanToStart), DateTime.Now.Add(timeSpanInterval), ipaddress); // Read the policy into a byte buffer. byte[] bufferPolicy = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strPolicy); // Convert the policy statement to URL-safe base64 encoding and // replace unsafe characters + = / with the safe characters - _ ~ string urlSafePolicy = ToUrlSafeBase64String(bufferPolicy); // Initialize the SHA1CryptoServiceProvider object and hash the policy data. byte[] bufferPolicyHash; using (SHA1CryptoServiceProvider cryptoSHA1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()) { bufferPolicyHash = cryptoSHA1.ComputeHash(bufferPolicy); // Initialize the RSACryptoServiceProvider object. RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); XmlDocument xmlPrivateKey = new XmlDocument(); // Load your private key, which you created by converting your // .pem file to the XML format that the .NET framework uses. // Several tools are available. xmlPrivateKey.Load(pathToPrivateKey); // Format the RSACryptoServiceProvider providerRSA // and create the signature. providerRSA.FromXmlString(xmlPrivateKey.InnerXml); RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter RSAFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(providerRSA); RSAFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm("SHA1"); byte[] signedHash = RSAFormatter.CreateSignature(bufferPolicyHash); // Convert the signed policy to URL-safe base64 encoding and // replace unsafe characters + = / with the safe characters - _ ~ string strSignedPolicy = ToUrlSafeBase64String(signedHash); return urlString + "?Policy=" + urlSafePolicy + "&Signature=" + strSignedPolicy + "&Key-Pair-Id=" + keyId; } }

Utility methods for signature generation

The following methods get the policy statement from a file and parse time intervals for signature generation.

Example : Utility methods for signature generation
public static string CreatePolicyStatement(string policyStmnt, string resourceUrl, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string ipAddress) { // Create the policy statement. FileStream streamPolicy = new FileStream(policyStmnt, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(streamPolicy)) { string strPolicy = reader.ReadToEnd(); TimeSpan startTimeSpanFromNow = (startTime - DateTime.Now); TimeSpan endTimeSpanFromNow = (endTime - DateTime.Now); TimeSpan intervalStart = (DateTime.UtcNow.Add(startTimeSpanFromNow)) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); TimeSpan intervalEnd = (DateTime.UtcNow.Add(endTimeSpanFromNow)) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); int startTimestamp = (int)intervalStart.TotalSeconds; // START_TIME int endTimestamp = (int)intervalEnd.TotalSeconds; // END_TIME if (startTimestamp > endTimestamp) return "Error!"; // Replace variables in the policy statement. strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("RESOURCE", resourceUrl); strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("START_TIME", startTimestamp.ToString()); strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("END_TIME", endTimestamp.ToString()); strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("IP_ADDRESS", ipAddress); strPolicy = strPolicy.Replace("EXPIRES", endTimestamp.ToString()); return strPolicy; } } public static TimeSpan GetDuration(string units, string numUnits) { TimeSpan timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(); switch (units) { case "seconds": timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, int.Parse(numUnits)); break; case "minutes": timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, int.Parse(numUnits), 0); break; case "hours": timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(numUnits), 0 ,0); break; case "days": timeSpanInterval = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(numUnits),0 ,0 ,0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid time units;" + "use seconds, minutes, hours, or days"); break; } return timeSpanInterval; } private static TimeSpan GetDurationByUnits(string durationUnits, string startIntervalFromNow) { switch (durationUnits) { case "seconds": return new TimeSpan(0, 0, int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow)); case "minutes": return new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow), 0); case "hours": return new TimeSpan(int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow), 0, 0); case "days": return new TimeSpan(int.Parse(startIntervalFromNow), 0, 0, 0); default: return new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0); } } public static string CopyExpirationTimeFromPolicy(string policyStatement) { int startExpiration = policyStatement.IndexOf("EpochTime"); string strExpirationRough = policyStatement.Substring(startExpiration + "EpochTime".Length); char[] digits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; List<char> listDigits = new List<char>(digits); StringBuilder buildExpiration = new StringBuilder(20); foreach (char c in strExpirationRough) { if (listDigits.Contains(c)) buildExpiration.Append(c); } return buildExpiration.ToString(); }

See also