Use wildcards in alternate domain names - Amazon CloudFront

Use wildcards in alternate domain names

When you add alternate domain names, you can use the * wildcard at the beginning of a domain name instead of adding subdomains individually. For example, with an alternate domain name of *, you can use any domain name that ends with in your URLs, such as,,, and so on. The path to the object is the same regardless of the domain name, for example:




Follow these requirements for alternate domain names that include wildcards:

  • The alternate domain name must begin with an asterisk and a dot (*.).

  • You cannot use a wildcard to replace part of a subdomain name, like this: *

  • You cannot replace a subdomain in the middle of a domain name, like this: subdomain.*

  • All alternate domain names, including alternate domain names that use wildcards, must be covered by the subject alternative name (SAN) on the certificate.

A wildcard alternate domain name, such as *, can include another alternate domain name that’s in use, such as