Add a Cache-Control header to the response - Amazon CloudFront

Add a Cache-Control header to the response

The following viewer response function adds a Cache-Control HTTP header to the response. The header uses the max-age directive to tell web browsers to cache the response for a maximum of two years (63,072,000 seconds). For more information, see Cache-Control on the MDN Web Docs website.

See this example on GitHub.

JavaScript runtime 2.0
async function handler(event) { const response = event.response; const headers = response.headers; // Set the cache-control header headers['cache-control'] = {value: 'public, max-age=63072000'}; // Return response to viewers return response; }
JavaScript runtime 1.0
function handler(event) { var response = event.response; var headers = response.headers; // Set the cache-control header headers['cache-control'] = {value: 'public, max-age=63072000'}; // Return response to viewers return response; }