Use DeleteDistribution with an AWS SDK or CLI - Amazon CloudFront

Use DeleteDistribution with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use DeleteDistribution.


To delete a CloudFront distribution

The following example deletes the CloudFront distribution with the ID EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE. Before you can delete a distribution, you must disable it. To disable a distribution, use the update-distribution command. For more information, see the update-distribution examples.

When a distribution is disabled, you can delete it. To delete a distribution, you must use the --if-match option to provide the distribution's ETag. To get the ETag, use the get-distribution or get-distribution-config command.

aws cloudfront delete-distribution \ --id EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE \ --if-match E2QWRUHEXAMPLE

When successful, this command has no output.

SDK for Java 2.x

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

The following code example updates a distribution to disabled, uses a waiter that waits for the change to be deployed, then deletes the distribution.

import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DeleteDistribution { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeleteDistribution.class); public static void deleteDistribution(final CloudFrontClient cloudFrontClient, final String distributionId) { // First, disable the distribution by updating it. GetDistributionResponse response = cloudFrontClient.getDistribution(b -> b .id(distributionId)); String etag = response.eTag(); DistributionConfig distConfig = response.distribution().distributionConfig(); cloudFrontClient.updateDistribution(builder -> builder .id(distributionId) .distributionConfig(builder1 -> builder1 .cacheBehaviors(distConfig.cacheBehaviors()) .defaultCacheBehavior(distConfig.defaultCacheBehavior()) .enabled(false) .origins( .comment(distConfig.comment()) .callerReference(distConfig.callerReference()) .defaultCacheBehavior(distConfig.defaultCacheBehavior()) .priceClass(distConfig.priceClass()) .aliases(distConfig.aliases()) .logging(distConfig.logging()) .defaultRootObject(distConfig.defaultRootObject()) .customErrorResponses(distConfig.customErrorResponses()) .httpVersion(distConfig.httpVersion()) .isIPV6Enabled(distConfig.isIPV6Enabled()) .restrictions(distConfig.restrictions()) .viewerCertificate(distConfig.viewerCertificate()) .webACLId(distConfig.webACLId()) .originGroups(distConfig.originGroups())) .ifMatch(etag));"Distribution [{}] is DISABLED, waiting for deployment before deleting ...", distributionId); GetDistributionResponse distributionResponse; try (CloudFrontWaiter cfWaiter = CloudFrontWaiter.builder().client(cloudFrontClient).build()) { ResponseOrException<GetDistributionResponse> responseOrException = cfWaiter .waitUntilDistributionDeployed(builder ->; distributionResponse = responseOrException.response() .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Could not disable distribution")); } DeleteDistributionResponse deleteDistributionResponse = cloudFrontClient .deleteDistribution(builder -> builder .id(distributionId) .ifMatch(distributionResponse.eTag())); if (deleteDistributionResponse.sdkHttpResponse().isSuccessful()) {"Distribution [{}] DELETED", distributionId); } } }

For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using CloudFront with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.