Helper methods for key value stores - Amazon CloudFront

Helper methods for key value stores

This section applies if you use the CloudFront Key Value Store to include key values in the function that you create. CloudFront Functions has a module that provides three helper methods to read values from the key value store.

To use this module in the function code, make sure that you have associated a key value store with the function.

Next, include the following statements in the first lines of the function code:

import cf from 'cloudfront'; const kvsId = "key value store ID"; const kvsHandle = cf.kvs(kvsId);

Your key value store ID might look like the following: a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE1

get() method

Use this method to return the key value for the key name that you specify.


get("key", options);
  • key: The name of the key whose value needs to be fetched

  • options: There is one option, format. It ensures that the function parses the data correctly. Possible values:

    • string: (Default) UTF8 encoded

    • json

    • bytes: Raw binary data buffer

Request example

const value = await kvsHandle.get("myFunctionKey", { format: "string"});


The response is a promise that resolves to a value in the format requested by using options. By default, the value is returned as a string.

Error handling

The get() method will return an error when the key that you requested doesn't exist in the associated key value store. To manage this use case, you can add a try and catch block to your code.

exists() method

Use this method to identify whether or not the key exists in the key value store.



Request example

const exist = await kvsHandle.exists("myFunctionkey");


The response is a promise that returns a Boolean (true or false). This value specifies whether or not the key exists in the key value store.

meta() method

Use this method to return metadata about the key value store.



Request example

const meta = await kvsHandle.meta();


The response is a promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • creationDateTime: The date and time that the key value store was created, in ISO 8601 format.

  • lastUpdatedDateTime: The date and time that the key value store was last synced from the source, in ISO 8601 format. The value doesn't include the propagation time to the edge.

  • keyCount: The total number of keys in the KVS after the last sync from the source.

Response example
