Update functions - Amazon CloudFront

Update functions

You can update a function at any time. The changes are made only to the version of the function that is in the DEVELOPMENT stage. To copy the updates from the DEVELOPMENT stage to LIVE, you must publish the function.

You can update a function's code in the CloudFront console or with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To update function code
  1. Sign in to the CloudFront console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/v4/home#/functions and choose the Functions page.

    Choose the function to update.

  2. Choose Edit and make the following changes:

    • Update any fields in the Details section.

    • Change the function code. Choose the Build tab, make changes, then choose Save changes to save changes to the code.

To update the function code
  1. Open a command line window.

  2. Run the following command.

    This example uses the fileb:// notation to pass in the file. It also includes line breaks to make the command more readable.

    aws cloudfront update-function \ --name MaxAge \ --function-config '{"Comment":"Max Age 2 years","Runtime":"cloudfront-js-2.0","KeyValueStoreAssociations":{"Quantity":1,"Items":[{"KeyValueStoreARN":"arn:aws:cloudfront::111122223333:key-value-store/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111"}]}}' \ --function-code fileb://function-max-age-v1.js \ --if-match ETVABCEXAMPLE
    • You identify the function by both its name and its ETag (in the if-match parameter). Make sure that you use the current ETag. You can obtain it using a describe operation.

    • You must include the function-code, even if you don't want to change it.

    • Be careful with the function-config. You should pass everything that you want to keep in the configuration. Specifically, handle the key value store as follows:

      • To retain the existing key value store association (if there is one), specify the name of the existing store.

      • To change the association, specify the name of the new key value store.

      • To remove the association, omit the KeyValueStoreAssociations parameter.

    When the command is successful, you see output like the following.

    ETag: ETVXYZEXAMPLE FunctionSummary: FunctionConfig: Comment: Max Age 2 years \ Runtime: cloudfront-js-2.0 \ KeyValueStoreAssociations= \ {Quantity=1, \ Items=[{KeyValueStoreARN='arn:aws:cloudfront::111122223333:key-value-store/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111'}]} \ FunctionMetadata: \ CreatedTime: '2021-04-18T20:38:56.915000+00:00' \ FunctionARN: arn:aws:cloudfront::111122223333:function/MaxAge \ LastModifiedTime: '2023-12-19T23:41:15.389000+00:00' \ Stage: DEVELOPMENT \ Name: MaxAge \ Status: UNPUBLISHED

Most of the information is repeated from the request. Other information is added by CloudFront.

  • ETag – This value changes each time you modify the key value store.

  • FunctionARN – The ARN for your CloudFront function.

  • Stage – The stage for the function (LIVE or DEVELOPMENT).

  • Status – The status of the function (PUBLISHED or UNPUBLISHED).