Use the Internet Monitor query interface - Amazon CloudWatch

Use the Internet Monitor query interface

An option for understanding more about internet traffic for your AWS application is to use the Internet Monitor query interface. To use the query interface, you create a query with data filters that you choose, and then run the query to return a subset of your Internet Monitor data. Exploring the data that the query returns can give you insights into how your application is performing on the internet.

You can query and explore all the metrics that Internet Monitor captures with your monitor, including availability and performance scores, bytes transferred, round-trip times, and time to first byte (TTFB).

Internet Monitor uses the query interface to provide the data that you can explore in the Internet Monitor console dashboard. By using search options in the dashboard—on the Analyze page or the Optimize page—you can query and filter internet data for your application.

If you'd like more flexibility to explore and filter your data than the dashboard provides, you can use the query interface yourself, by using Internet Monitor API operations with the AWS Command Line Interface or with an AWS SDK. This section introduces the types of queries that you can use with the query interface, and the filters that you can specify to create a subset of data, to get insights about internet traffic for your application.

How to use the query interface

You create a query with the query interface by choosing a query type, and then specifying filter values, to return a specific desired subset of your log file data. Then, you can work with the data subset, to further filter and sort, create reports, and so on.

The query process works like this:

  1. When you run a query, Internet Monitor returns a query ID that is unique to the query. This section describes the query types that are available, and options for filtering data in queries. To understand how this works, you can also review the section on query examples.

  2. You specify the query ID with your monitor name with the GetQueryResults API operation to return data results for the query. Each query type returns a different set of data fields. To learn more, see Get query results.

The query interface provides the following query types. Each query type returns a different set of information about your traffic from the log files, as shown.

  • Measurements: Provides availability score, performance score, total traffic, and round-trip times, at 5 minute intervals.

  • Top locations: Provides availability score, performance score, total traffic, and time to first byte (TTFB) information, for the top location and ASN combinations that you're monitoring, by traffic volume.

  • Top locations details: Provides TTFB for Amazon CloudFront, your current configuration, and the best performing Amazon EC2 configuration, at 1 hour intervals.

  • Overall traffic suggestions: Provides TTFB, using a 30-day weighted average, for all traffic in each AWS location that is monitored.

  • Overall traffic suggestions details: Provides TTFB, using a 30-day weighted average, for each top location, for a proposed AWS location.

  • Routing suggestions: Provides the predicted average round-trip time (RTT) from an IP prefix toward an AWS location for a DNS resolver. The RTT is calculated at one hour intervals, over a one hour period.

You can filter the data more by using specific criteria. With most query types, except routing suggestions, you can filter by specifying one or more of the following criteria:

  • AWS location: For AWS location, you can specify CloudFront or an AWS Region, such as us-east-2.

  • ASN: Specify the autonomous system number (ASN) of a DNS resolver (typically, an ISP), for example, 4225.

  • Client location: For location, specify a city, metro, subdivision, or country.

  • Proposed AWS location: Specify an AWS Region, such as us-east-2, or an AWS Local Zone. You can use this filter with the overall traffic suggestions details query type.

  • Geo: Specify geo for some queries. This is required for queries that use the Top locations query type, but not allowed for other query types. To understand when to specify geo for filter parameters, see the query examples section.

For the routing suggestions query type, you can filter the data more by specifying one or more of the following criteria:

  • Current AWS location: Specify an AWS Region, such as us-east-2.

  • Proposed AWS location: Specify an AWS Region, such as us-east-2, or an AWS Local Zone.

  • IPv4 prefix: Specify an IPv4 prefix in the standard format, similar to

  • Monitor ARN: Specify the ARN for a specific monitor.

  • DNS resolver IP: Specify the IP address of a DNS resolver.

  • DNS resolver ISP: Specify the name of a DNS resolver (typically an ISP), for example, Cloudflare.

  • DNS resolver ASN: Specify the autonomous system number (ASN) of a DNS resolver, for example, 4225.

The operators that you can use for filtering your data are EQUALS and NOT_EQUALS. For details about filtering parameters, see the FilterParameter API operation.

To see details about the query interface operations, see the following API operations in the Internet Monitor API Reference Guide:

  • To create and run a query, see the StartQuery API operation.

  • To stop a query, see the StopQuery API operation.

  • To return data for a query that you've created, see the GetQueryResults API operation.

  • To retrieve the status of a query, see the GetQueryStatus API operation.

Query examples

To create a query that you can use to retrieve a filtered set of data from your monitor's log file, you use the StartQuery API operation. You specify a query type and filter parameters for the query. Then, when you use the Internet Monitor query interface API operation to get query results using the query, it will retrieve the subset of your data that you want to work with.

To illustrate how query types and filter parameters work, let's look at some examples.

Example 1

Let's say that you want to retrieve all of your monitor's log file data for a specific country, except for one city. The following example shows filter parameters for a query that you could create with the StartQuery operation for this scenario.

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "MEASUREMENTS" FilterParameters: [ { Field: "country", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["Germany"] }, { Field: "city", Operator: "NOT_EQUALS", Values: ["Berlin"] }, ] }

Example 2

As another example, let's say that you want to see your top locations by metropolitan area. You could use the following example query for this scenario.

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "TOP_LOCATIONS" FilterParameters: [ { Field: "geo", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["metro"] }, ] }

Example 3

Now, let's say that you want to see the top city-network combinations in the Los Angeles metro area. To do this, specify geo=city, and then set metro to Los Angeles. Now, the query returns the top city-networks in the Los Angeles metro area instead of the top metro+networks overall.

Here's the example query that you could use:

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "TOP_LOCATIONS" FilterParameters: [ { Field: "geo", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["city"] }, { Field: "metro", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["Los Angeles"] } ] }

Example 4

Next, let's say that you want to retrieve TTFB data for a specific subdivision (for example, a U.S. state).

The following is an example query for this scenario:

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "TOP_LOCATION_DETAILS" FilterParameters: [ { Field: "subdivision", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["California"] }, ] }

Example 5

Now, let's say that you want to retrieve TTFB data for every location where your application has client traffic.

The following is an example query for this scenario:

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "OVERALL_TRAFFIC_SUGGESTIONS" FilterParameters: [] } Results: [us-east-1, 40, us-west-2, 30], [us-east-1, 40, us-west-1, 35], [us-east-1, 40, us-east-1, 44], [us-east-1, 40, CloudFront, 22], ... [us-east-2, 44, us-west-2, 30], [us-east-2, 44, us-west-1, 35], ...

Example 6

Let's say that you want to retrieve TTFB data for a specific new AWS Region.

The following is an example query for this scenario:

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "OVERALL_TRAFFIC_SUGGESTIONS_DETAILS" FilterParameters: [ { Field: "proposed_aws_location", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["us-west-2"] }, ] } Results: [San Jose, San Jose-Santa Clara, California, United States, 7922, us-east-1, 40, 350, 350, us-west-2, 45] [San Jose, San Jose-Santa Clara, California, United States, 7922, us-west-1, 35, 450, 450, us-west-2, 45]

Example 7

A final example is to retrieve data for specific DNS resolvers.

The following is an example query for this scenario:

{ MonitorName: "TestMonitor" StartTime: "2023-07-12T20:00:00Z" EndTime: "2023-07-12T21:00:00Z" QueryType: "ROUTING_SUGGESTIONS" FilterParameters: [ { Field: "proposed_aws_location", Operator: "EQUALS", Values: ["us-east-1"] }, ] } Results: [, 13335, Cloudflare, [], us-east-2, 200.0, us-east-1, 160.0] [, 13313, Cloudflare, [], us-east-2, 150.0, us-east-1, 125.0]

Get query results

After you define a query, you can return a set of results with the query by running another Internet Monitor API operation, GetQueryResults. When you run GetQueryResults, you specify the query ID for the query that you've defined, along with the name of your monitor. GetQueryResults retrieves data for the specified query into a result set.

When you run a query, make sure that the query has finished running before you use GetQueryResults to look at the results. You can determine if the query has completed by using the GetQueryStatus API operation. When the Status for the query is SUCCEEDED, you can go ahead with reviewing the results.

When your query completes, you can use the following information to help you review the results. Each query type that you use to create a query includes a unique set of data fields from the log files, as described in the following list:


The measurements query type returns the following data:

timestamp, availability, performance, bytes_in, bytes_out, rtt_p50, rtt_p90, rtt_p95

Top locations

The top locations query type groups data by location, and provides the data averaged over the time period. The data that it returns includes the following:

aws_location, city, metro, subdivision, country, asn, availability, performance, bytes_in, bytes_out, current_fbl, best_ec2, best_ec2_region, best_cf_fbl

Note that city, metro, and subdivision are only returned if you choose that location type for the geo field. The following location fields are returned, depending on the location type that you specify for geo:

city = city, metro, subdivision, country metro = metro, subdivision, country subdivision = subdivision, country country = country
Top locations details

The top locations details query type returns data grouped hour by hour. The query returns the following data:

timestamp, current_service, current_fbl, best_ec2_fbl, best_ec2_region, best_cf_fbl

Overall traffic suggestions

The overall traffic suggestions query type returns data grouped hour by hour. The query returns the following data:

current_aws_location, proposed_aws_location, average_fbl, traffic, optimized_traffic_excluding_cf, optimized_traffic_including_cf

Overall traffic suggestions details

The overall traffic suggestions details query type returns data grouped hour by hour. The query returns the following data:

aws_location, city, metro, subdivision, country, asn, traffic, current_aws_location, fbl_data

Routing suggestions

The routing suggestions query type returns data grouped hour by hour. The query returns the following data:

dns_resolver_ip, dns_resolver_asn, dns_resolver_isp, ipv4_prefixes, current_aws_location, current_latency, proposed_aws_location, proposed_latency

When you run the GetQueryResults API operation, Internet Monitor returns the following in the response:

  • A data string array that contains the results that the query returns. The information is returned in arrays that are aligned with the Fields field, also returned by the API call. Using the Fields field, you can parse the information from the Data repository and then further filter or sort it for your purposes.

  • An array of fields that lists the fields that the query returned data for (in the Data field response). Each item in the array is a name-datatype pair, such as availability_score-float.


If errors are returned when you use query interface API operations, verify that you have the required permissions to use Internet Monitor. Specifically, make sure that you have the following permissions:

internetmonitor:StartQuery internetmonitor:GetQueryStatus internetmonitor:GetQueryResults internetmonitor:StopQuery

These permissions are included in the recommended AWS Identity and Access Management policy to use the Internet Monitor dashboard in the console. For more information, see AWS managed policies for Internet Monitor.