Add or remove a line widget on a CloudWatch dashboard - Amazon CloudWatch

Add or remove a line widget on a CloudWatch dashboard

With the line widget, you can compare metrics over periods of time. You also can use the widget's mini-map zoom feature to inspect sections of line graphs without changing between zoomed-in and zoomed-out views. The procedures in this section describe how to add and remove a line widget on a CloudWatch dashboard. For information about using the widget's mini-map zoom feature with line graphs, see Zooming in on a line or stacked area graph.

A screenshot of the line widget with the zoom feature.
To add a line widget to a dashboard
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards, and then choose a dashboard.

  3. Choose the + symbol, and select Line.

  4. Choose Metrics.

  5. Choose Browse, and select the metric that you want to graph.

  6. Choose Create widget, and then choose Save dashboard.

To remove a line widget from a dashboard
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards, and then choose a dashboard.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the line widget that you want to remove, choose Widget actions, and then choose Delete.

  4. Choose Save dashboard.