Modifying a subnet group - Amazon ElastiCache

Modifying a subnet group

You can modify a subnet group's description, or modify the list of subnet IDs associated with the subnet group. You cannot delete a subnet ID from a subnet group if a cache is currently using that subnet.

The following procedures show you how to modify a subnet group.

Modifying subnet groups (Console)

To modify a subnet group
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Subnet groups.

  3. In the list of subnet groups, select the radio button of the one you want to modify and choose Modify.

  4. In the Selected subnets panel, choose Manage.

  5. Make any changes to the selected subnets and click Choose.

  6. Click Save changes to save your changes.

Modifying subnet groups (AWS CLI)

At a command prompt, use the command modify-cache-subnet-group to modify a subnet group.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache modify-cache-subnet-group \ --cache-subnet-group-name mysubnetgroup \ --cache-subnet-group-description "New description" \ --subnet-ids "subnet-42df9c3a" "subnet-48fc21a9"

For Windows:

aws elasticache modify-cache-subnet-group ^ --cache-subnet-group-name mysubnetgroup ^ --cache-subnet-group-description "New description" ^ --subnet-ids "subnet-42df9c3a" "subnet-48fc21a9"

This command should produce output similar to the following:

{ "CacheSubnetGroup": { "VpcId": "vpc-73cd3c17", "CacheSubnetGroupDescription": "New description", "Subnets": [ { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-42dcf93a", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } }, { "SubnetIdentifier": "subnet-48fc12a9", "SubnetAvailabilityZone": { "Name": "us-west-2a" } } ], "CacheSubnetGroupName": "mysubnetgroup" } }

For more information, see the AWS CLI topic modify-cache-subnet-group.