Rebooting an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Amazon Aurora DB instance - Amazon Aurora

Rebooting an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Amazon Aurora DB instance

You might need to reboot your DB cluster or some instances within the cluster, usually for maintenance reasons. For example, suppose that you modify the parameters within a parameter group or associate a different parameter group with your cluster. In these cases, you must reboot the cluster for the changes to take effect. Similarly, you might reboot one or more reader DB instances within the cluster. You can arrange the reboot operations for individual instances to minimize downtime for the entire cluster.

The time required to reboot each DB instance in your cluster depends on the database activity at the time of reboot. It also depends on the recovery process of your specific DB engine. If it's practical, reduce database activity on that particular instance before starting the reboot process. Doing so can reduce the time needed to restart the database.

You can only reboot each DB instance in your cluster when it's in the available state. A DB instance can be unavailable for several reasons. These include the cluster being stopped state, a modification being applied to the instance, and a maintenance-window action such as a version upgrade.

Rebooting a DB instance restarts the database engine process. Rebooting a DB instance results in a momentary outage, during which the DB instance status is set to rebooting.


If a DB instance isn't using the latest changes to its associated DB parameter group, the AWS Management Console shows the DB parameter group with a status of pending-reboot. The pending-reboot parameter groups status doesn't result in an automatic reboot during the next maintenance window. To apply the latest parameter changes to that DB instance, manually reboot the DB instance. For more information about parameter groups, see Working with parameter groups.

Rebooting a DB instance within an Aurora cluster

This procedure is the most important operation that you take when performing reboots with Aurora. Many of the maintenance procedures involve rebooting one or more Aurora DB instances in a particular order.

To reboot a DB instance
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases, and then choose the DB instance that you want to reboot.

  3. For Actions, choose Reboot.

    The Reboot DB Instance page appears.

  4. Choose Reboot to reboot your DB instance.

    Or choose Cancel.

To reboot a DB instance by using the AWS CLI, call the reboot-db-instance command.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds reboot-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier mydbinstance

For Windows:

aws rds reboot-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier mydbinstance

To reboot a DB instance by using the Amazon RDS API, call the RebootDBInstance operation.

Rebooting an Aurora cluster with read availability

With the read availability feature, you can reboot the writer instance of your Aurora cluster without rebooting the reader instances in the primary or secondary DB cluster. Doing so can help maintain high availability of the cluster for read operations while you reboot the writer instance. You can reboot the reader instances later, on a schedule that's convenient for you. For example, in a production cluster you might reboot the reader instances one at a time, starting only after the reboot of the primary instance is finished. For each DB instance that you reboot, follow the procedure in Rebooting a DB instance within an Aurora cluster.

The read availability feature for primary DB clusters is available in Aurora MySQL version 2.10 and higher. Read availability for secondary DB clusters is available in Aurora MySQL version 3.06 and higher.

For Aurora PostgreSQL this feature is available by default in the following versions:

  • 15.2 and higher 15 versions

  • 14.7 and higher 14 versions

  • 13.10 and higher 13 versions

  • 12.14 and higher 12 versions

For more information on the read availability feature in Aurora PostgreSQL, see Improving the read availability of Aurora Replicas.

Before this feature, rebooting the primary instance caused a reboot for each reader instance at the same time. If your Aurora cluster is running an older version, use the reboot procedure in Rebooting an Aurora cluster without read availability instead.


The change to reboot behavior in Aurora DB clusters with read availability is different for Aurora global databases in Aurora MySQL versions lower than 3.06. If you reboot the writer instance for the primary cluster in an Aurora global database, the reader instances in the primary cluster remain available. However, the DB instances in any secondary clusters reboot at the same time.

A limited version of the improved read availability feature is supported by Aurora global databases for Aurora PostgreSQL versions 12.16, 13.12, 14.9, 15.4, and higher.

You frequently reboot the cluster after making changes to cluster parameter groups. You make parameter changes by following the procedures in Working with parameter groups. Suppose that you reboot the writer DB instance in an Aurora cluster to apply changes to cluster parameters. Some or all of the reader DB instances might continue using the old parameter settings. However, the different parameter settings don't affect the data integrity of the cluster. Any cluster parameters that affect the organization of data files are only used by the writer DB instance.

For example, in an Aurora MySQL cluster, you can update cluster parameters such as binlog_format and innodb_purge_threads on the writer instance before the reader instances. Only the writer instance is writing binary logs and purging undo records. For parameters that change how queries interpret SQL statements or query output, you might need to take care to reboot the reader instances immediately. You do this to avoid unexpected application behavior during queries. For example, suppose that you change the lower_case_table_names parameter and reboot the writer instance. In this case, the reader instances might not be able to access a newly created table until they are all rebooted.

For a list of all the Aurora MySQL cluster parameters, see Cluster-level parameters.

For a list of all the Aurora PostgreSQL cluster parameters, see Aurora PostgreSQL cluster-level parameters.


Aurora MySQL might still reboot some of the reader instances along with the writer instance if your cluster is processing a workload with high throughput.

The reduction in the number of reboots applies during failover operations also. Aurora MySQL only restarts the writer DB instance and the failover target during a failover. Other reader DB instances in the cluster remain available to continue processing queries through connections to the reader endpoint. Thus, you can improve availability during a failover by having more than one reader DB instance in a cluster.

Rebooting an Aurora cluster without read availability

Without the read availability feature, you reboot an entire Aurora DB cluster by rebooting the writer DB instance of that cluster. To do so, follow the procedure in Rebooting a DB instance within an Aurora cluster.

Rebooting the writer DB instance also initiates a reboot for each reader DB instance in the cluster. That way, any cluster-wide parameter changes are applied to all DB instances at the same time. However, the reboot of all DB instances causes a brief outage for the cluster. The reader DB instances remain unavailable until the writer DB instance finishes rebooting and becomes available.

This reboot behavior applies to all DB clusters created in Aurora MySQL version 2.09 and lower.

For Aurora PostgreSQL this behavior applies to the following versions:

  • 14.6 and lower 14 versions

  • 13.9 and lower 13 versions

  • 12.13 and lower 12 versions

  • All PostgreSQL 11 versions

In the RDS console, the writer DB instance has the value Writer under the Role column on the Databases page. In the RDS CLI, the output of the describe-db-clusters command includes a section DBClusterMembers. The DBClusterMembers element representing the writer DB instance has a value of true for the IsClusterWriter field.


With the read availability feature, the reboot behavior is different in Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL: the reader DB instances typically remain available while you reboot the writer instance. Then you can reboot the reader instances at a convenient time. You can reboot the reader instances on a staggered schedule if you want some reader instances to always be available. For more information, see Rebooting an Aurora cluster with read availability.

Checking uptime for Aurora clusters and instances

You can check and monitor the length of time since the last reboot for each DB instance in your Aurora cluster. The Amazon CloudWatch metric EngineUptime reports the number of seconds since the last time a DB instance was started. You can examine this metric at a point in time to find out the uptime for the DB instance. You can also monitor this metric over time to detect when the instance is rebooted.

You can also examine the EngineUptime metric at the cluster level. The Minimum and Maximum dimensions report the smallest and largest uptime values for all DB instances in the cluster. To check the most recent time when any reader instance in a cluster was rebooted, or restarted for another reason, monitor the cluster-level metric using the Minimum dimension. To check which instance in the cluster has gone the longest without a reboot, monitor the cluster-level metric using the Maximum dimension. For example, you might want to confirm that all DB instances in the cluster were rebooted after a configuration change.


For long-term monitoring, we recommend monitoring the EngineUptime metric for individual instances instead of at the cluster level. The cluster-level EngineUptime metric is set to zero when a new DB instance is added to the cluster. Such cluster changes can happen as part of maintenance and scaling operations such as those performed by Auto Scaling.

The following CLI examples show how to examine the EngineUptime metric for the writer and reader instances in a cluster. The examples use a cluster named tpch100g. This cluster has a writer DB instance instance-1234. It also has two reader DB instances, instance-7448 and instance-6305.

First, the reboot-db-instance command reboots one of the reader instances. The wait command waits until the instance is finished rebooting.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-6305 { "DBInstance": { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-6305", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting", ... $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-6305

The CloudWatch get-metric-statistics command examines the EngineUptime metric over the last five minutes at one-minute intervals. The uptime for the instance-6305 instance is reset to zero and begins counting upwards again. This AWS CLI example for Linux uses $() variable substitution to insert the appropriate timestamps into the CLI commands. It also uses the Linux sort command to order the output by the time the metric was collected. That timestamp value is the third field in each line of output.

$ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" \ --period 60 --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Maximum \ --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-6305 --output text \ | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 231.0 2021-03-16T18:19:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 291.0 2021-03-16T18:20:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 351.0 2021-03-16T18:21:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 411.0 2021-03-16T18:22:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 471.0 2021-03-16T18:23:00+00:00 Seconds

The minimum uptime for the cluster is reset to zero because one of the instances in the cluster was rebooted. The maximum uptime for the cluster isn't reset because at least one of the DB instances in the cluster remained available.

$ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" \ --period 60 --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum \ --dimensions Name=DBClusterIdentifier,Value=tpch100g --output text \ | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 63099.0 2021-03-16T18:12:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63159.0 2021-03-16T18:13:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63219.0 2021-03-16T18:14:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63279.0 2021-03-16T18:15:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 51.0 2021-03-16T18:16:00+00:00 Seconds $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" \ --period 60 --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Maximum \ --dimensions Name=DBClusterIdentifier,Value=tpch100g --output text \ | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 63389.0 2021-03-16T18:16:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63449.0 2021-03-16T18:17:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63509.0 2021-03-16T18:18:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63569.0 2021-03-16T18:19:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63629.0 2021-03-16T18:20:00+00:00 Seconds

Then another reboot-db-instance command reboots the writer instance of the cluster. Another wait command pauses until the writer instance is finished rebooting.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-1234 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-1234", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting", ... $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-1234

Now the EngineUptime metric for the writer instance shows that the instance instance-1234 was rebooted recently. The reader instance instance-6305 was also rebooted automatically along with the writer instance. This cluster is running Aurora MySQL 2.09, which doesn't keep the reader instances running as the writer instance reboots.

$ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" \ --period 60 --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Maximum \ --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-1234 --output text \ | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 63749.0 2021-03-16T18:22:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63809.0 2021-03-16T18:23:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 63869.0 2021-03-16T18:24:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 41.0 2021-03-16T18:25:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 101.0 2021-03-16T18:26:00+00:00 Seconds $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" \ --period 60 --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Maximum \ --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-6305 --output text \ | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 411.0 2021-03-16T18:22:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 471.0 2021-03-16T18:23:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 531.0 2021-03-16T18:24:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 49.0 2021-03-16T18:26:00+00:00 Seconds

Examples of Aurora reboot operations

The following Aurora MySQL examples show different combinations of reboot operations for reader and writer DB instances in an Aurora DB cluster. After each reboot, SQL queries demonstrate the uptime for the instances in the cluster.

Finding the writer and reader instances for an Aurora cluster

In an Aurora MySQL cluster with multiple DB instances, it's important to know which one is the writer and which ones are the readers. The writer and reader instances also can switch roles when a failover operation happens. Thus, it's best to perform a check like the following before doing any operation that requires a writer or reader instance. In this case, the False values for IsClusterWriter identify the reader instances, instance-6305 and instance-7448. The True value identifies the writer instance, instance-1234.

$ aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-id tpch100g \ --query "*[].['Cluster:',DBClusterIdentifier,DBClusterMembers[*].['Instance:',DBInstanceIdentifier,IsClusterWriter]]" \ --output text Cluster: tpch100g Instance: instance-6305 False Instance: instance-7448 False Instance: instance-1234 True

Before we start the examples of rebooting, the writer instance has an uptime of approximately one week. The SQL query in this example shows a MySQL-specific way to check the uptime. You might use this technique in a database application. For another technique that uses the AWS CLI and works for both Aurora engines, see Checking uptime for Aurora clusters and instances.

$ mysql -h -P 3306 -u my-user -p ... mysql> select date_sub(now(), interval variable_value second) "Last Startup", -> time_format(sec_to_time(variable_value),'%Hh %im') as "Uptime" -> from performance_schema.global_status -> where variable_name='Uptime'; +----------------------------+---------+ | Last Startup | Uptime | +----------------------------+---------+ | 2021-03-08 17:49:06.000000 | 174h 42m| +----------------------------+---------+

Rebooting a single reader instance

This example reboots one of the reader DB instances. Perhaps this instance was overloaded by a huge query or many concurrent connections. Or perhaps it fell behind the writer instance because of a network issue. After starting the reboot operation, the example uses a wait command to pause until the instance becomes available. By that point, the instance has an uptime of a few minutes.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-6305 { "DBInstance": { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-6305", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting", ... } } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-6305 $ mysql -h -P 3306 -u my-user -p ... mysql> select date_sub(now(), interval variable_value second) "Last Startup", -> time_format(sec_to_time(variable_value),'%Hh %im') as "Uptime" -> from performance_schema.global_status -> where variable_name='Uptime'; +----------------------------+---------+ | Last Startup | Uptime | +----------------------------+---------+ | 2021-03-16 00:35:02.000000 | 00h 03m | +----------------------------+---------+

Rebooting the reader instance didn't affect the uptime of the writer instance. It still has an uptime of about one week.

$ mysql -h -P 3306 -u my-user -p ... mysql> select date_sub(now(), interval variable_value second) "Last Startup", -> time_format(sec_to_time(variable_value),'%Hh %im') as "Uptime" -> from performance_schema.global_status where variable_name='Uptime'; +----------------------------+----------+ | Last Startup | Uptime | +----------------------------+----------+ | 2021-03-08 17:49:06.000000 | 174h 49m | +----------------------------+----------+

Rebooting the writer instance

This example reboots the writer instance. This cluster is running Aurora MySQL version 2.09. Because the Aurora MySQL version is lower than 2.10, rebooting the writer instance also reboots any reader instances in the cluster.

A wait command pauses until the reboot is finished. Now the uptime for that instance is reset to zero. It's possible that a reboot operation might take substantially different times for writer and reader DB instances. The writer and reader DB instances perform different kinds of cleanup operations depending on their roles.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-1234 { "DBInstance": { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-1234", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting", ... } } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-1234 $ mysql -h -P 3306 -u my-user -p ... mysql> select date_sub(now(), interval variable_value second) "Last Startup", -> time_format(sec_to_time(variable_value),'%Hh %im') as "Uptime" -> from performance_schema.global_status where variable_name='Uptime'; +----------------------------+---------+ | Last Startup | Uptime | +----------------------------+---------+ | 2021-03-16 00:40:27.000000 | 00h 00m | +----------------------------+---------+

After the reboot for the writer DB instance, both of the reader DB instances also have their uptime reset. Rebooting the writer instance caused the reader instances to reboot also. This behavior applies to Aurora PostgreSQL clusters and to Aurora MySQL clusters before version 2.10.

$ mysql -h -P 3306 -u my-user -p ... mysql> select date_sub(now(), interval variable_value second) "Last Startup", -> time_format(sec_to_time(variable_value),'%Hh %im') as "Uptime" -> from performance_schema.global_status where variable_name='Uptime'; +----------------------------+---------+ | Last Startup | Uptime | +----------------------------+---------+ | 2021-03-16 00:40:35.000000 | 00h 00m | +----------------------------+---------+ $ mysql -h -P 3306 -u my-user -p ... mysql> select date_sub(now(), interval variable_value second) "Last Startup", -> time_format(sec_to_time(variable_value),'%Hh %im') as "Uptime" -> from performance_schema.global_status where variable_name='Uptime'; +----------------------------+---------+ | Last Startup | Uptime | +----------------------------+---------+ | 2021-03-16 00:40:33.000000 | 00h 01m | +----------------------------+---------+

Rebooting the writer and readers independently

These next examples show a cluster that runs Aurora MySQL version 2.10. In this Aurora MySQL version and higher, you can reboot the writer instance without causing reboots for all the reader instances. That way, your query-intensive applications don't experience any outage when you reboot the writer instance. You can reboot the reader instances later. You might do those reboots at a time of low query traffic. You might also reboot the reader instances one at a time. That way, at least one reader instance is always available for the query traffic of your application.

The following example uses a cluster named cluster-2393, running Aurora MySQL version 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.0. This cluster has a writer instance named instance-9404 and three reader instances named instance-6772, instance-2470, and instance-5138.

$ aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-id cluster-2393 \ --query "*[].['Cluster:',DBClusterIdentifier,DBClusterMembers[*].['Instance:',DBInstanceIdentifier,IsClusterWriter]]" \ --output text Cluster: cluster-2393 Instance: instance-5138 False Instance: instance-2470 False Instance: instance-6772 False Instance: instance-9404 True

Checking the uptime value of each database instance through the mysql command shows that each one has roughly the same uptime. For example, here is the uptime for instance-5138.

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'uptime'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | Uptime | 3866 | +---------------+-------+

By using CloudWatch, we can get the corresponding uptime information without actually logging into the instances. That way, an administrator can monitor the database but can't view or change any table data. In this case, we specify a time period spanning five minutes, and check the uptime value every minute. The increasing uptime values demonstrate that the instances weren't restarted during that period.

$ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-9404 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 4648.0 2021-03-17T23:42:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4708.0 2021-03-17T23:43:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4768.0 2021-03-17T23:44:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4828.0 2021-03-17T23:45:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4888.0 2021-03-17T23:46:00+00:00 Seconds $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-6772 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 4315.0 2021-03-17T23:42:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4375.0 2021-03-17T23:43:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4435.0 2021-03-17T23:44:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4495.0 2021-03-17T23:45:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4555.0 2021-03-17T23:46:00+00:00 Seconds

Now we reboot one of the reader instances, instance-5138. We wait for the instance to become available again after the reboot. Now monitoring the uptime over a five-minute period shows that the uptime was reset to zero during that time. The most recent uptime value was measured five seconds after the reboot finished.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-5138 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-5138", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-5138 $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-5138 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 4500.0 2021-03-17T23:46:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4560.0 2021-03-17T23:47:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4620.0 2021-03-17T23:48:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 4680.0 2021-03-17T23:49:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 5.0 2021-03-17T23:50:00+00:00 Seconds

Next, we perform a reboot for the writer instance, instance-9404. We compare the uptime values for the writer instance and one of the reader instances. By doing so, we can see that rebooting the writer didn't cause a reboot for the readers. In versions before Aurora MySQL 2.10, the uptime values for all the readers would be reset at the same time as the writer.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-9404 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-9404", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-9404 $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-9404 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 371.0 2021-03-17T23:57:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 431.0 2021-03-17T23:58:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 491.0 2021-03-17T23:59:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 551.0 2021-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 37.0 2021-03-18T00:01:00+00:00 Seconds $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-6772 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 5215.0 2021-03-17T23:57:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 5275.0 2021-03-17T23:58:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 5335.0 2021-03-17T23:59:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 5395.0 2021-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 5455.0 2021-03-18T00:01:00+00:00 Seconds

To make sure that all the reader instances have all the same changes to configuration parameters as the writer instance, reboot all the reader instances after the writer. This example reboots all the readers and then waits until all of them are available before proceeding.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-6772 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-6772", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-2470 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-2470", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-5138 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-5138", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-6772 $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-2470 $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-5138

Now we can see that the writer DB instance has the highest uptime. This instance's uptime value increased steadily throughout the monitoring period. The reader DB instances were all rebooted after the reader. We can see the point within the monitoring period when each reader was rebooted and its uptime was reset to zero.

$ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-9404 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 457.0 2021-03-18T00:08:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 517.0 2021-03-18T00:09:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 577.0 2021-03-18T00:10:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 637.0 2021-03-18T00:11:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 697.0 2021-03-18T00:12:00+00:00 Seconds $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-2470 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 5819.0 2021-03-18T00:08:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 35.0 2021-03-18T00:09:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 95.0 2021-03-18T00:10:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 155.0 2021-03-18T00:11:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 215.0 2021-03-18T00:12:00+00:00 Seconds $ aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name "EngineUptime" \ --start-time "$(date -d '5 minutes ago')" --end-time "$(date -d 'now')" --period 60 \ --namespace "AWS/RDS" --statistics Minimum --dimensions Name=DBInstanceIdentifier,Value=instance-5138 \ --output text | sort -k 3 EngineUptime DATAPOINTS 1085.0 2021-03-18T00:08:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 1145.0 2021-03-18T00:09:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 1205.0 2021-03-18T00:10:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 49.0 2021-03-18T00:11:00+00:00 Seconds DATAPOINTS 109.0 2021-03-18T00:12:00+00:00 Seconds

Applying a cluster parameter change to an Aurora MySQL version 2.10 cluster

The following example demonstrates how to apply a parameter change to all DB instances in your Aurora MySQL 2.10 cluster. With this Aurora MySQL version, you reboot the writer instance and all the reader instances independently.

The example uses the MySQL configuration parameter lower_case_table_names for illustration. When this parameter setting is different between the writer and reader DB instances, a query might not be able to access a table declared with an uppercase or mixed-case name. Or if two table names differ only in terms of uppercase and lowercase letters, a query might access the wrong table.

This example shows how to determine the writer and reader instances in the cluster by examining the IsClusterWriter attribute of each instance. The cluster is named cluster-2393. The cluster has a writer instance named instance-9404. The reader instances in the cluster are named instance-5138 and instance-2470.

$ aws rds describe-db-clusters --db-cluster-id cluster-2393 \ --query '*[].[DBClusterIdentifier,DBClusterMembers[*].[DBInstanceIdentifier,IsClusterWriter]]' \ --output text cluster-2393 instance-5138 False instance-2470 False instance-9404 True

To demonstrate the effects of changing the lower_case_table_names parameter, we set up two DB cluster parameter groups. The lower-case-table-names-0 parameter group has this parameter set to 0. The lower-case-table-names-1 parameter group has this parameter group set to 1.

$ aws rds create-db-cluster-parameter-group --description 'lower-case-table-names-0' \ --db-parameter-group-family aurora-mysql5.7 \ --db-cluster-parameter-group-name lower-case-table-names-0 { "DBClusterParameterGroup": { "DBClusterParameterGroupName": "lower-case-table-names-0", "DBParameterGroupFamily": "aurora-mysql5.7", "Description": "lower-case-table-names-0" } } $ aws rds create-db-cluster-parameter-group --description 'lower-case-table-names-1' \ --db-parameter-group-family aurora-mysql5.7 \ --db-cluster-parameter-group-name lower-case-table-names-1 { "DBClusterParameterGroup": { "DBClusterParameterGroupName": "lower-case-table-names-1", "DBParameterGroupFamily": "aurora-mysql5.7", "Description": "lower-case-table-names-1" } } $ aws rds modify-db-cluster-parameter-group \ --db-cluster-parameter-group-name lower-case-table-names-0 \ --parameters ParameterName=lower_case_table_names,ParameterValue=0,ApplyMethod=pending-reboot { "DBClusterParameterGroupName": "lower-case-table-names-0" } $ aws rds modify-db-cluster-parameter-group \ --db-cluster-parameter-group-name lower-case-table-names-1 \ --parameters ParameterName=lower_case_table_names,ParameterValue=1,ApplyMethod=pending-reboot { "DBClusterParameterGroupName": "lower-case-table-names-1" }

The default value of lower_case_table_names is 0. With this parameter setting, the table foo is distinct from the table FOO. This example verifies that the parameter is still at its default setting. Then the example creates three tables that differ only in uppercase and lowercase letters in their names.

mysql> create database lctn; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec) mysql> use lctn; Database changed mysql> select @@lower_case_table_names; +--------------------------+ | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+ | 0 | +--------------------------+ mysql> create table foo (s varchar(128)); mysql> insert into foo values ('Lowercase table name foo'); mysql> create table Foo (s varchar(128)); mysql> insert into Foo values ('Mixed-case table name Foo'); mysql> create table FOO (s varchar(128)); mysql> insert into FOO values ('Uppercase table name FOO'); mysql> select * from foo; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+ mysql> select * from Foo; +---------------------------+ | s | +---------------------------+ | Mixed-case table name Foo | +---------------------------+ mysql> select * from FOO; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Uppercase table name FOO | +--------------------------+

Next, we associate the DB parameter group with the cluster to set the lower_case_table_names parameter to 1. This change only takes effect after each DB instance is rebooted.

$ aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier cluster-2393 \ --db-cluster-parameter-group-name lower-case-table-names-1 { "DBClusterIdentifier": "cluster-2393", "DBClusterParameterGroup": "lower-case-table-names-1", "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "EngineVersion": "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.0" }

The first reboot we do is for the writer DB instance. Then we wait for the instance to become available again. At that point, we connect to the writer endpoint and verify that the writer instance has the changed parameter value. The SHOW TABLES command confirms that the database contains the three different tables. However, queries that refer to tables named foo, Foo, or FOO all access the table whose name is all-lowercase, foo.

# Rebooting the writer instance $ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-9404 $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-9404

Now, queries using the cluster endpoint show the effects of the parameter change. Whether the table name in the query is uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case, the SQL statement accesses the table whose name is all lowercase.

mysql> select @@lower_case_table_names; +--------------------------+ | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+ | 1 | +--------------------------+ mysql> use lctn; mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_lctn | +----------------+ | FOO | | Foo | | foo | +----------------+ mysql> select * from foo; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+ mysql> select * from Foo; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+ mysql> select * from FOO; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+

The next example shows the same queries as the previous one. In this case, the queries use the reader endpoint and run on one of the reader DB instances. Those instances haven't been rebooted yet. Thus, they still have the original setting for the lower_case_table_names parameter. That means that queries can access each of the foo, Foo, and FOO tables.

mysql> select @@lower_case_table_names; +--------------------------+ | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+ | 0 | +--------------------------+ mysql> use lctn; mysql> select * from foo; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+ mysql> select * from Foo; +---------------------------+ | s | +---------------------------+ | Mixed-case table name Foo | +---------------------------+ mysql> select * from FOO; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Uppercase table name FOO | +--------------------------+

Next, we reboot one of the reader instances and wait for it to become available again.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-2470 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-2470", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-2470

While connected to the instance endpoint for instance-2470, a query shows that the new parameter is in effect.

mysql> select @@lower_case_table_names; +--------------------------+ | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+ | 1 | +--------------------------+

At this point, the two reader instances in the cluster are running with different lower_case_table_names settings. Thus, any connection to the reader endpoint of the cluster uses a value for this setting that's unpredictable. It's important to immediately reboot the other reader instance so that they both have consistent settings.

$ aws rds reboot-db-instance --db-instance-identifier instance-5138 { "DBInstanceIdentifier": "instance-5138", "DBInstanceStatus": "rebooting" } $ aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-id instance-5138

The following example confirms that all the reader instances have the same setting for the lower_case_table_names parameter. The commands check the lower_case_table_names setting value on each reader instance. Then the same command using the reader endpoint demonstrates that each connection to the reader endpoint uses one of the reader instances, but which one isn't predictable.

# Check lower_case_table_names setting on each reader instance. $ mysql -h \ -u my-user -p -e 'select @@aurora_server_id, @@lower_case_table_names' +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | @@aurora_server_id | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | instance-5138 | 1 | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ $ mysql -h \ -u my-user -p -e 'select @@aurora_server_id, @@lower_case_table_names' +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | @@aurora_server_id | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | instance-2470 | 1 | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ # Check lower_case_table_names setting on the reader endpoint of the cluster. $ mysql -h \ -u my-user -p -e 'select @@aurora_server_id, @@lower_case_table_names' +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | @@aurora_server_id | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | instance-5138 | 1 | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ # Run query on writer instance $ mysql -h \ -u my-user -p -e 'select @@aurora_server_id, @@lower_case_table_names' +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | @@aurora_server_id | @@lower_case_table_names | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | instance-9404 | 1 | +--------------------------+--------------------------+

With the parameter change applied everywhere, we can see the effect of setting lower_case_table_names=1. Whether the table is referred to as foo, Foo, or FOO the query converts the name to foo and accesses the same table in each case.

mysql> use lctn; mysql> select * from foo; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+ mysql> select * from Foo; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+ mysql> select * from FOO; +--------------------------+ | s | +--------------------------+ | Lowercase table name foo | +--------------------------+