Setting up PostgreSQL logical replication with Multi-AZ DB clusters for Amazon RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service

Setting up PostgreSQL logical replication with Multi-AZ DB clusters for Amazon RDS

By using PostgreSQL logical replication with your Multi-AZ DB cluster, you can replicate and synchronize individual tables rather than the entire database instance. Logical replication uses a publish and subscribe model to replicate changes from a source to one or more recipients. It works by using change records from the PostgreSQL write-ahead log (WAL). For more information, see Performing logical replication for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

When you create a new logical replication slot on the writer DB instance of a Multi-AZ DB cluster, the slot is asynchronously copied to each reader DB instance in the cluster. The slots on the reader DB instances are continuously synchronized with those on the writer DB instance.

Logical replication is supported for Multi-AZ DB clusters running RDS for PostgreSQL version 14.8-R2 and higher, and 15.3-R2 and higher.


In addition to the native PostgreSQL logical replication feature, Multi-AZ DB clusters running RDS for PostgreSQL also support the pglogical extension.

For more information about PostgreSQL logical replication, see Logical replication in the PostgreSQL documentation.


To configure PostgreSQL logical replication for Multi-AZ DB clusters, you must meet the following prerequisites.

Setting up logical replication

To set up logical replication for a Multi-AZ DB cluster, you enable specific parameters within the associated DB cluster parameter group, then create logical replication slots.


Starting with PostgreSQL version 16, you can use reader DB instances of the Multi-AZ DB cluster for logical replication.

To set up logical replication for an RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB cluster
  1. Open the custom DB cluster parameter group associated with your RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB cluster.

  2. In the Parameters search field, locate the rds.logical_replication static parameter and set its value to 1. This parameter change can increase WAL generation, so enable it only when you’re using logical slots.

  3. As part of this change, configure the following DB cluster parameters.

    • max_wal_senders

    • max_replication_slots

    • max_connections

    Depending on your expected usage, you might also need to change the values of the following parameters. However, in many cases, the default values are sufficient.

    • max_logical_replication_workers

    • max_sync_workers_per_subscription

  4. Reboot the Multi-AZ DB cluster for the parameter values to take effect. For instructions, see Rebooting a Multi-AZ DB cluster and reader DB instances for Amazon RDS.

  5. Create a logical replication slot on the writer DB instance of the Multi-AZ DB cluster as explained in Working with logical replication slots. This process requires that you specify a decoding plugin. Currently, RDS for PostgreSQL supports the test_decoding, wal2json, and pgoutput plugins that ship with PostgreSQL.

    The slot is asynchronously copied to each reader DB instance in the cluster.

  6. Verify the state of the slot on all reader DB instances of the Multi-AZ DB cluster. To do so, inspect the pg_replication_slots view on all reader DB instances and make sure that the confirmed_flush_lsn state is making progress while the application is actively consuming logical changes.

    The following commands demonstrate how to inspect the replication state on the reader DB instances.

    % psql -h postgres=> select slot_name, slot_type, confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots; slot_name | slot_type | confirmed_flush_lsn --------------+-----------+--------------------- logical_slot | logical | 32/D0001700 (1 row) postgres=> select slot_name, slot_type, confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots; slot_name | slot_type | confirmed_flush_lsn --------------+-----------+--------------------- logical_slot | logical | 32/D8003628 (1 row) % psql -h postgres=> select slot_name, slot_type, confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots; slot_name | slot_type | confirmed_flush_lsn --------------+-----------+--------------------- logical_slot | logical | 32/D0001700 (1 row) postgres=> select slot_name, slot_type, confirmed_flush_lsn from pg_replication_slots; slot_name | slot_type | confirmed_flush_lsn --------------+-----------+--------------------- logical_slot | logical | 32/D8003628 (1 row)

After you complete your replication tasks, stop the replication process, drop replication slots, and turn off logical replication. To turn off logical replication, modify your DB cluster parameter group and set the value of rds.logical_replication back to 0. Reboot the cluster for the parameter change to take effect.

Limitations and recommendations

The following limitations and recommendations apply to using logical replication with Multi-AZ DB clusters running PostgreSQL version 16:

  • You can use only writer DB instances to create or drop logical replication slots. For example, the CREATE SUBSCRIPTION command must use the cluster writer endpoint in the host connection string.

  • You must use the cluster writer endpoint during any table synchronization or resynchronization. For example, you can use the following commands to resynchronize a newly added table:

    Postgres=>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION subscription-name CONNECTION host=writer-endpoint Postgres=>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION subscription-name REFRESH PUBLICATION
  • You must wait for table synchronization to complete before using the reader DB instances for logical replication. You can use the pg_subscription_rel catalog table to monitor table synchronization. Table synchronization is complete when the srsubstate column is set to ready (r).

  • We recommend using instance endpoints for the logical replication connection once initial table synchronization is complete. The following command reduces load on the writer DB instance by offloading replication to one of the reader DB instances:

    Postgres=>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION subscription-name CONNECTION host=reader-instance-endpoint

    You can't use the same slot on more than one DB instance at a time. When two or more applications are replicating logical changes from different DB instances in the cluster, some changes might be lost due to a cluster failover or network issue. In these situations, you can use instance endpoints for logical replication in the host connection string. The other application using the same configuration will show the following error message:

    replication slot slot_name is already active for PID x providing immediate feedback.
  • While using the pglogical extension, you can only use the cluster writer endpoint. The extension has known limitations that can create unused logical replication slots during table synchronization. Stale replication slots reserve write-ahead log (WAL) files and can lead to disk space problems.