Amazon RDS for Db2 default roles - Amazon Relational Database Service

Amazon RDS for Db2 default roles

RDS for Db2 adds the following six roles and grants them to the master_user_role with the ADMIN option. When the database is provisioned, RDS for Db2 grants master_user_role to the master user. The master user can in turn grant these roles to other users, groups, or roles with native GRANT statements by connecting to the database.

  • DBA – RDS for Db2 creates this empty role with DATAACCESS authorization. The master user can add more authorizations or privileges to this role, and then grant the role to other users, groups, or roles.

  • DBA_RESTRICTED – RDS for Db2 creates this empty role. The master user can add privileges to this role, and then grant the role to other users, groups, or roles.

  • DEVELOPER – RDS for Db2 creates this empty role with DATAACCESS authorization. The master user can add more authorizations or privileges to this role, and then grant the role to other users, groups, or roles.

  • ROLE_NULLID_PACKAGES – RDS for Db2 grants EXECUTE privileges to this role on ALL NULLID packages that were bound by Db2 when CREATE DATABASE was run.

  • ROLE_PROCEDURES – RDS for Db2 grants EXECUTE privileges to this role on all SYSIBM procedures.

  • ROLE_TABLESPACES – RDS for Db2 grants USAGE privileges on tablespaces created by the CREATE DATABASE command.