Using Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Lambda - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Using Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Lambda

Enabling notifications is a bucket-level operation. You store notification configuration information in the notification subresource that's associated with a bucket. After you create or change the bucket notification configuration, it usually takes about five minutes for the changes to take effect. When the notification is first enabled, an s3:TestEvent occurs. You can use any of the following methods to manage notification configuration:

  • Using the Amazon S3 console — You can use the console UI to set a notification configuration on a bucket without having to write any code. For more information, see Enabling and configuring event notifications using the Amazon S3 console.

  • Programmatically using the AWS SDKs — Internally, both the console and the SDKs call the Amazon S3 REST API to manage notification subresources that are associated with the bucket. For examples of notification configurations that use AWS SDK, see Walkthrough: Configuring a bucket for notifications (SNS topic or SQS queue).


    You can also make the Amazon S3 REST API calls directly from your code. However, this can be cumbersome because to do so you must write code to authenticate your requests.

Regardless of the method that you use, Amazon S3 stores the notification configuration as XML in the notification subresource that's associated with a bucket. For information about bucket subresources, see Bucket configuration options.


If you have multiple failed event notifications due to deleted destinations you may receive the Unable to validate the following destination configurations when trying to delete them. You can resolve this in the S3 console by deleting all the failed notifications at the same time.

Configuring event notifications programmatically

By default, notifications aren't enabled for any type of event. Therefore, the notification subresource initially stores an empty configuration.

<NotificationConfiguration xmlns=""> </NotificationConfiguration>

To enable notifications for events of specific types, you replace the XML with the appropriate configuration that identifies the event types you want Amazon S3 to publish and the destination where you want the events published. For each destination, you add a corresponding XML configuration.

To publish event messages to an SQS queue

To set an SQS queue as the notification destination for one or more event types, add the QueueConfiguration.

<NotificationConfiguration> <QueueConfiguration> <Id>optional-id-string</Id> <Queue>sqs-queue-arn</Queue> <Event>event-type</Event> <Event>event-type</Event> ... </QueueConfiguration> ... </NotificationConfiguration>
To publish event messages to an SNS topic

To set an SNS topic as the notification destination for specific event types, add the TopicConfiguration.

<NotificationConfiguration> <TopicConfiguration> <Id>optional-id-string</Id> <Topic>sns-topic-arn</Topic> <Event>event-type</Event> <Event>event-type</Event> ... </TopicConfiguration> ... </NotificationConfiguration>
To invoke the AWS Lambda function and provide an event message as an argument

To set a Lambda function as the notification destination for specific event types, add the CloudFunctionConfiguration.

<NotificationConfiguration> <CloudFunctionConfiguration>    <Id>optional-id-string</Id>    <CloudFunction>cloud-function-arn</CloudFunction>         <Event>event-type</Event>       <Event>event-type</Event>       ...   </CloudFunctionConfiguration> ... </NotificationConfiguration>
To remove all notifications configured on a bucket

To remove all notifications configured on a bucket, save an empty <NotificationConfiguration/> element in the notification subresource.

When Amazon S3 detects an event of the specific type, it publishes a message with the event information. For more information, see Event message structure.

For more information about configuring event notifications, see the following topics: