S3 Tables AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas - Amazon Simple Storage Service

S3 Tables AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas

The following sections include the supported AWS Regions and service quotas for S3 Tables.

S3 Tables AWS Regions and endpoints

S3 Tables is currently available in the following AWS Regions. To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. For more information, see AWS service endpoints. For more Amazon S3 endpoint information, see Amazon S3 endpoints.

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol Signature Version(s) Support
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 s3tables.us-east-1.amazonaws.com HTTPS 4
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 s3tables.us-east-2.amazonaws.com HTTPS 4
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 s3tables.us-west-2.amazonaws.com HTTPS 4

S3 Tables service quotas

Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas. For more Amazon S3 service quota information, see Amazon S3 quotas.

Name Default Adjustable Description
Table Buckets 10 To request a quota increase, contact AWS Support. The number of Amazon S3 table buckets that you can create per AWS Region in an account.
Namespaces 100 To request a quota increase, contact AWS Support. The number of Amazon S3 table namespaces that you can create per table bucket.
Tables 100 To request a quota increase, contact AWS Support. The number of Amazon S3 tables that you can create per table bucket.