Authentication methods - AWS Identity and Access Management

Authentication methods


Unless you are using the AWS SDKs or CLI, you must write code to calculate signatures that provide authentication information in your requests. Signature calculation in AWS Signature Version 4 can be a complex undertaking, and we recommend that you use the AWS SDKs or CLI whenever possible.

You can express authentication information by using one of the following methods.

HTTP authorization header

The HTTP Authorization header is the most common method of authenticating a request. All REST API operations (except for browser-based uploads using POST requests) require this header. For more information about the authorization header value, and how to calculate signature and related options, see Authenticating Requests: Using the Authorization Header (AWS Signature Version 4) in the Amazon S3 API Reference.

The following is an example of the Authorization header value. Line breaks are added to this example for readability. In your code, the header must be a continuous string. There is no comma between the algorithm and Credential, but the other elements must be separated by commas.

Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20130524/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;range;x-amz-date, Signature=fe5f80f77d5fa3beca038a248ff027d0445342fe2855ddc963176630326f1024

The following table describes the various components of the Authorization header value in the preceding example:

Component Description


The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature. You must provide this value when you use AWS Signature Version 4 for authentication.The string specifies AWS Signature Version 4 (AWS4) and the signing algorithm (HMAC-SHA256).


Your access key ID and the scope information, which includes the date, Region, and service that were used to calculate the signature.

This string has the following form:


Where: <date> value is specified using YYYYMMDD format. <aws-service> value is s3 when sending request to Amazon S3.


A semicolon-separated list of request headers that you used to compute Signature. The list includes header names only, and the header names must be in lowercase. For example: host;range;x-amz-date


The 256-bit signature expressed as 64 lowercase hexadecimal characters. For example:fe5f80f77d5fa3beca038a248ff027d0445342fe2855ddc963176630326f1024

Note that the signature calculations vary depending on the option you choose to transfer the payload.

Query string parameters

You can use a query string to express a request entirely in a URL. In this case, you use query parameters to provide request information, including the authentication information. Because the request signature is part of the URL, this type of URL is often referred to as a presigned URL. You can use presigned URLs to embed clickable links in HTML, which can be valid for up to seven days. For more information, see Authenticating Requests: Using Query Parameters (AWS Signature Version 4) in the Amazon S3 API Reference.

The following is an example presigned URL. Line breaks are added to this example for readability: ? X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 & X-Amz-Credential=<your-access-key-id>/20130721/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request & X-Amz-Date=20130721T201207Z & X-Amz-Expires=86400 & X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host &X-Amz-Signature=<signature-value>

The X-Amz-Credential value in the URL shows the "/" character only for readability. In practice, it should be encoded as %2F. For example:


The following table describes the query parameters in the URL that provide authentication information.

Query string parameter name Description


Identifies the version of AWS Signature and the algorithm that you used to calculate the signature.For AWS Signature Version 4, you set this parameter value to AWS4-HMAC-SHA256. This string identifies AWS Signature Version 4 (AWS4) and the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm (HMAC-SHA256).


In addition to your access key ID, this parameter also provides scope (AWS Region and service) for which the signature is valid. This value must match the scope you use in signature calculations, discussed in the following section.

The general form for this parameter value is as follows:

<your-access-key-id>/<date>/<AWS Region>/<AWS-service>/aws4_request

For example: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20130721/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request

For a list of AWS regional strings, see Regional Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.


The date and time format must follow the ISO 8601 standard, and must be formatted with the yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ format. For example if the date and time was "08/01/2016 15:32:41.982-700" then it must first be converted to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and then submitted as "20160801T223241Z".


Provides the time period, in seconds, for which the generated presigned URL is valid. For example, 86400 (24 hours). This value is an integer. The minimum value you can set is 1, and the maximum is 604800 (seven days).A presigned URL can be valid for a maximum of seven days because the signing key you use in signature calculation is valid for up to seven days.


Lists the headers that you used to calculate the signature. The following headers are required in the signature calculations:

  • The HTTP host header.

  • Any x-amz-* headers that you plan to add to the request.

For added security, you should sign all the request headers that you plan to include in your request.


Provides the signature to authenticate your request. This signature must match the signature the service calculates; otherwise, the service denies the request. For example, 733255ef022bec3f2a8701cd61d4b371f3f28c9f193a1f02279211d48d5193d7

Signature calculations are described in the following section.


Optional credential parameter if using credentials sourced from the STS service.