Provision access for alert ingestion to Incident Detection and Response - AWS Incident Detection and Response User Guide

Provision access for alert ingestion to Incident Detection and Response

To allow AWS Incident Detection and Response to ingest alarms from your account, install the AWSServiceRoleForHealth_EventProcessor service-linked role (SLR). AWS assumes the SLR to create an Amazon EventBridge-managed rule. The managed rule sends notifications from your accounts to AWS Incident Detection and Response. For information about this SLR, including the associated AWS managed policy, see Using service-linked roles in the AWS Health User Guide.

You can install this service-linked role in your account by following the instructions in Create service-linked role in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide. Or, you can use the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command:

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

Key outputs

  • Successful installation of the Service Linked Role in your account.

Related information

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