Amazon Monitron is no longer open to new customers. Existing customers can
continue to use the service as normal. For capabilities similar to Amazon
Monitron, see our blog post
Deleting a service-linked role for Amazon Monitron
You don't need to manually delete the AWSServiceRoleForMonitron[_{SUFFIX}] role. When you delete a Amazon Monitron project that you created through Amazon Monitron in the AWS Management Console, Amazon Monitron cleans up the resources and deletes the service-linked role for you.
You can also use the IAM console, the AWS CLI or the AWS API to manually delete the service-linked role. To do this, you must first manually clean up the resources for your service-linked role and then you can manually delete it.
If the Amazon Monitron service is using the role when you try to delete the resources, then the deletion might fail. If that happens, wait for a few minutes and try the operation again.
To delete Amazon Monitron resources used by the AWSServiceRoleForMonitron[_{SUFFIX}]
Delete Amazon Monitron projects using this service-linked role.
To manually delete the service-linked role using IAM
Use the IAM console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS API to delete the AWSServiceRoleForMonitron[_{SUFFIX}] service-linked role. For more information, see Deleting a service-linked role in the IAM User Guide.