The Amazon Monitron workflow - Amazon Monitron

The Amazon Monitron workflow

The following diagram shows the basic workflow of Amazon Monitron.

  1. An Amazon Monitron sensor captures temperature and vibration data from the equipment (the asset) and transmits it to the gateway.

  2. An Amazon Monitron gateway transmits the data to the AWS Cloud using the factory's internet connection.

  3. The Amazon Monitron ML-based service in the AWS Cloud analyzes the sensor data.

    1. Amazon Monitron looks for abnormalities in the data that could indicate developing faults.

    2. If Amazon Monitron finds potential failures, it notifies reliability managers and technicians through the Amazon Monitron app so they can take appropriate action.

    3. Technicians investigate based on the alerts, and resolve the developing fault. They enter feedback on the accuracy of the alerts, and report the failure mode, cause, and action taken in the app. Amazon Monitron learns from this feedback and continually improves.

  4. The app displays current and past temperature and vibration data in charts that are easy to understand and can be used while investigating an issue.