Editing Wi-Fi gateway name - Amazon Monitron

Amazon Monitron is no longer open to new customers. Existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. For capabilities similar to Amazon Monitron, see our blog post.

Editing Wi-Fi gateway name

You can change the display name for your Wi-Fi gateway to find it faster. To edit a gateway name, open your web or mobile app and do the following.

To edit Wi-Fi gateway name

  1. Select the gateway name you want to edit from the Gateways page.

    List of gateways showing names, connection status, and WiFi identifiers.

    Mobile app view

    Gateway management interface showing a list of 7 gateways with their status and network details.

    Web app view

  2. A pop-up will appear prompting you to add a customized name for the gateway.

    Edit gateway name screen with input field and on-screen keyboard for customization.

    Mobile app view

    Gateway management interface showing a list of gateways and an edit name popup.

    Web app view

  3. Enter the new name for the gateway and choose Save.

    Mobile interface for editing a gateway name, with text input field and keyboard.

    Mobile app view

    Gateway management interface showing list of gateways and edit name popup.

    Web app view

  4. You will see a success message confirming the new gateway name.

    Mobile app interface showing a list of online gateways with customizable names and statuses.

    Mobile app view

    Gateway management interface showing 7 gateways with status, type, and network details.

    Web app view