Monitoring your resources with Amazon Route 53 health checks and Amazon CloudWatch - Amazon Route 53

Monitoring your resources with Amazon Route 53 health checks and Amazon CloudWatch

You can monitor your resources by creating Amazon Route 53 health checks, which use CloudWatch to collect and process raw data into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are recorded for a period of two weeks, so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your resources are performing. By default, metric data for Route 53 health checks is automatically sent to CloudWatch at one-minute intervals.

For more information about Route 53 health checks, see Monitoring health checks using CloudWatch. For more information about CloudWatch, see What is Amazon CloudWatch? in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Metrics and dimensions for Route 53 health checks

When you create a health check, Amazon Route 53 starts to send metrics and dimensions once a minute to CloudWatch about the resource that you specify. The Route 53 console lets you view the status of your health checks. You can also use the following procedures to view the metrics in the CloudWatch console or view them by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To view metrics using the CloudWatch console
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Metrics.

  3. On the All Metrics tab, choose Route 53.

  4. Choose Health Check Metrics.

To view metrics using the AWS CLI
  • At a command prompt, use the following command:

    aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace "AWS/Route53"

CloudWatch metrics for Route 53 health checks

The AWS/Route53 namespace includes the following metrics for Route 53 health checks.


For a calculated health check, the number of health checks that are healthy.

Valid statistics: Average (recommended), Minimum, Maximum

Units: Count


The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Route 53 health checkers to establish a TCP connection with the endpoint. You can view ConnectionTime for a health check either across all regions or for a selected geographic region.

Valid statistics: Average (recommended), Minimum, Maximum

Units: Milliseconds


The percentage of Route 53 health checkers that consider the selected endpoint to be healthy.

Valid statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum

Units: Percent


The status of the health check endpoint that CloudWatch is checking. 1 indicates healthy, and 0 indicates unhealthy.

Valid statistics: Minimum, Average, and Maximum

Units: none


The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Route 53 health checkers to complete the SSL handshake. You can view SSLHandshakeTime for a health check either across all regions or for a selected geographic region.

Valid statistics: Average (recommended), Minimum, Maximum

Units: Milliseconds


The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Route 53 health checkers to receive the first byte of the response to an HTTP or HTTPS request. You can view TimeToFirstByte for a health check either across all regions or for a selected geographic region.

Valid statistics: Average (recommended), Minimum, Maximum

Units: Milliseconds

Dimensions for Route 53 health check metrics

Route 53 metrics for health checks use the AWS/Route53 namespace and provide metrics for HealthCheckId. When retrieving metrics, you must supply the HealthCheckId dimension.

In addition, for ConnectionTime, SSLHandshakeTime, and TimeToFirstByte, you can optionally specify Region. If you omit Region, CloudWatch returns metrics across all regions. If you include Region, CloudWatch returns metrics only for the specified region.

For more information, see Monitoring health checks using CloudWatch.