Logging API calls for integrated services
You can use CloudTrail to audit API calls made by services that are integrated with ACM. For more information about using CloudTrail, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide. The following examples show the types of logs that can be generated depending on the AWS resources on which you provision the ACM certificate.
Creating a load balancer
You can use CloudTrail to audit API calls made by services that are integrated with ACM. For more information about using CloudTrail, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide. The following examples show the types of logs that can be generated depending on the AWS resources on which you provision the ACM certificate.
Creating a Load Balancer
The following example shows a call to the CreateLoadBalancer
function by an IAM user named Alice. The name of the load balancer is
, and the listener is created using an
ACM certificate.
Registering an Amazon EC2 Instance with a Load Balancer
When you provision your website or application on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
instance, the load balancer must be made aware of that instance. This can be
accomplished through the Elastic Load Balancing console or the AWS Command Line Interface. The following
example shows a call to RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer
for a
load balancer named LinuxTest on AWS account 123456789012.
Encrypting a Private Key
The following example shows an Encrypt
call that encrypts the
private key associated with an ACM certificate. Encryption is performed
within AWS.
"sourceIPAddress":"AWS Internal",
Decrypting a Private Key
The following example shows a Decrypt
call that decrypts the
private key associated with an ACM certificate. Decryption is performed
within AWS, and the decrypted key never leaves AWS.
"sourceIPAddress":"AWS Internal",