A tag is a label that you can assign to an ACM certificate. Each tag consists of a key and a value. You can use the AWS Certificate Manager console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or ACM API to add, view, or remove tags for ACM certificates. You can choose which tags to display in the ACM console.
You can create custom tags that suit your needs. For example, you could tag multiple ACM
certificates with an Environment = Prod
or Environment = Beta
to identify which environment each ACM certificate is intended for. The following list
includes a few additional examples of other custom tags:
Admin = Alice
Purpose = Website
Protocol = TLS
Registrar = Route53
Other AWS resources also support tagging. You can, therefore, assign the same tag to
different resources to indicate whether those resources are related. For example, you can
assign a tag such as Website = example.com
to the ACM certificate, the load
balancer, and other resources used for your example.com website.