Alfresco (Server) connector overview - Amazon Q Business

Alfresco (Server) connector overview

The following table gives an overview of the Amazon Q Business Alfresco (Server) connector and its supported features.

Category Feature Support
Security Authentication type Basic
Authentication credentials


  • Alfresco username

  • Alfresco password

Access Control List (ACL) crawling Yes. For more information, see ACL crawling.
Identity crawling Yes
Crawl features Custom metadata Yes
Entities Yes. The following entities are supported:
  • Document

  • Comments

Field mappings Yes. Supports both default and custom field mappings. For more information, see Field mappings.
Filters Yes. The following filters are supported:
  • Include Aspects

  • Crawl specfic Alfresco site

  • Include/exclude by file path

  • Include/exclude by file name

  • Include/exclude by file type

Sync mode Supports full and incremental sync.
File types Supports all files supported by Amazon Q.