Troubleshooting your Amazon Q Business Confluence (Cloud) connector - Amazon Q Business

Troubleshooting your Amazon Q Business Confluence (Cloud) connector

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Confluence (Cloud) connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
CNF-5500 Null/empty username. Provide username.
CNF-5501 Error validating credentials due to Invalid username or password. Provide valid username/password
CNF-5502 Null/empty confluence AppKey. Provide confluence AppKey.
CNF-5503 Null/empty confluence Secret. Provide confluence Secret.
CNF-5504 Null/empty Client Access Token. Provide Client Access Token.
CNF-5505 Null/empty Client Refresh Token Provide Client Refresh Token
CNF-5506 Incorrect auth type. Auth type should be Basic or OAuth2 or Personal-token.
CNF-5507 Null/empty auth type. Auth Type should not be null or empty value.
CNF-5508 Empty/null host URL. Host Url should not be null or empty value.
CNF-5509 Null/empty crawl type. Crawl Type should not be null or empty value.
CNF-5510 Null/empty Repository Configurations. Repository Configurations should not be null or empty value.
CNF-5511 Incorrect type. type should be SAAS or ON_PREM.
CNF-5512 Invalid inclusion file type patterns. Provide the correct inclusion patterns.
CNF-5513 Invalid exclusion file type patterns. Provide the correct exclusion patterns.
CNF-5514 Invalid regex patterns. Provide the correct regex patterns.
CNF-5515 Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. Provide valid username and password.
CNF-5516 Error validating credentials due to invalid client id or client secret. Provide valid client id and client secret.
CNF-5517 Error validating crawl type. Provide valid crawl type.
CNF-5518 Invalid URI. Provide valid URI.
CNF-5519 Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Space Entity. Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Space Entity.
CNF-5520 Null/empty IndexFieldName in Blog Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldName in Blog Entity.
CNF-5521 Null/empty IndexFieldType in Space Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldType in Space Entity.
CNF-5522 Null/empty password. Provide password.
CNF-5523 Incorrect auth type. Auth type should be Basic or OAuth2.
CNF-5524 Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Page Entity. Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Page Entity.
CNF-5525 Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Blog Entity Please provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Blog Entity
CNF-5526 Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Comment Entity. Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Comment Entity.
CNF-5527 Null/empty DataSourceFieldName in Attachment Entity. Provide value for DataSourceFieldName in Attachment Entity.
CNF-5528 Null/empty IndexFieldName. IndexFieldName field can't be null or empty value.
CNF-5529 Null/empty IndexFieldName in Space Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldName in Space Entity.
CNF-5530 Null/empty IndexFieldName in Page Entity Please provide value for IndexFieldName in Page Entity
CNF-5531 Invalid isCrawlPersonalSpace value. isCrawlPersonalSpace should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5532 Invalid isCrawlArchivedSpace value. isCrawlArchivedSpace should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5533 Invalid isCrawlArchivedPage value. isCrawlArchivedPage should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5534 Invalid isCrawlPage value. isCrawlPage should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5535 Invalid isCrawlBlogComment value. isCrawlBlogComment should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5536 Invalid isCrawlBlogComment value. isCrawlBlogComment should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5537 Invalid isCrawlBlogAttachment value. isCrawlBlogAttachment should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5538 Error validating on protocol. Provide valid protocol.
CNF-5539 Null/empty IndexFieldName in Comment Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldName in Comment Entity.
CNF-5540 Null/empty Personal Access Token. Provide Personal Access Token.
CNF-5541 Invalid OAuth value. Give a valid OAuth URL.
CNF-5542 Invalid Space value. Give a valid Space URL.
CNF-5543 Archived Space Exception. Check Archived Space.
CNF-5544 JSON Exception for Space. Check Space.
CNF-5545 JSON Exception for Comment. Check Comment.
CNF-5546 JSON Exception for Comment. Check Comment.
CNF-5547 JSON Exception for Comment. Check Comment.
CNF-5548 JSON Exception for Attachment. Check Attachment.
CNF-5549 JSON Exception for Blog. Check Blog.
CNF-5550 JSON Exception for Page. Check Page.
CNF-5551 JSON Exception for Label. Check Label.
CNF-5552 JSON Exception for ACL. Check ACL.
CNF-5553 JSON Exception for Groups. Check Groups.
CNF-5554 JSON Exception for Group Members. Check Group Members.
CNF-5555 JSON Exception for Space Group. Check Space Group.
CNF-5556 Exception in CommentItem. Check the CommentItem class.
CNF-5557 Invalid isCrawlPageComment value. isCrawlPageComment should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5558 Invalid isCrawlPageAttachment value. isCrawlPageAttachment should be a boolean value true or false.
CNF-5559 Null/empty Repository Configurations. Repository Configurations should not be null or empty value.
CNF-5560 Null/empty IndexFieldName in Attachment. Please provide value for IndexFieldName in Attachment Entity.
CNF-5561 Invalid proxy url. Proxy url should not contain http: or https.
CNF-5562 Null/Empty proxy port. Provide a valid proxy port.
CNF-5563 Invalid Host URL. Provide valid Host URL.
CNF-5564 Invalid proxy port value. Provide a valid proxy port.
CNF-5565 Confluence server not reachable. Provide a valid proxy and server details.
CNF-5566 Null/empty IndexFieldType in Page Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldType in Page Entity.
CNF-5567 Null/empty IndexFieldType in Blog Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldType in Blog Entity.
CNF-5568 Null/empty IndexFieldType in Comment Entity. Provide value for IndexFieldType in Comment Entity.
CNF-5569 Null/empty IndexFieldType in Attachment. Provide value for IndexFieldType in Attachment. Entity
CNF-5570 JSON Exception for Content Ancestors. Check your Ancestors.
CNF-5571 Invalid Host URL Pattern. Provide valid Host URL Pattern.
CNF-5572 Error validating credentials due to Invalid access or refresh token. Invalid AccessToken/RefreshToken.