Creating an Amazon Q Business application using IAM Federation through Okta - Amazon Q Business

Creating an Amazon Q Business application using IAM Federation through Okta

As the first step towards creating a generative artificial intelligence (AI) assistant, you configure your external identity provider and connect it to AWS Identity and Access Management.

When you create an application environment, you can also choose to create a Amazon Q Business web experience which your end users can use to chat with your application. You also add subscriptions for end users logging into your Amazon Q Business web experience using Okta. Any user logging into your web experience is automatically provisioned a subscription of the type you select.

To learn more about identity federation using AWS Identity and Access Management, see the following topics:

The following steps show how to integrate Amazon Q Business with Okta as an example. Integrating Amazon Q Business with Okta requires that you switch between tasks on the Amazon Q Business console and the Okta admin console.


Before you start to integrate Amazon Q Business with Okta, make sure that you have:

  • Created an Okta account and added at least one user with a valid email address. For more information, see Manage users on the Okta Help Center.

  • Created IAM policies containing the permissions outlined in IAM role for an Amazon Q Business web experience using IAM Federation to:

    • Allow an Amazon Q Business web experience to invoke the API operations required to integrate your application

    • (If you're creating a Amazon Q Business default web experience) Allow Amazon Q Business to access the resources it needs to create a web experience

    • (If you're using OIDC) Allow an Amazon Q Business web experience to invoke the API operations required to decrypt the Secrets Manager secret you created for your OIDC web experience

    You will need these roles to complete creating your Amazon Q Business IAM federated application.


    To create a new policy, follow the instructions in Creating IAM policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  • (Optional) Checked how subscriptions work for Amazon Q Business applications using IAM Federation.

Step 1: Create and configure an Okta application

This procedure outlines how to create and configure an Okta instance for an Amazon Q Business application using a built-in web experience and a custom Amazon Q Business application client you develop using Amazon Q Business APIs.


Amazon Q Business doesn't support OIDC for Google and Microsoft Entra ID.


To create an Okta instance

  1. Sign into Okta and go to the admin console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Applications, and then choose Create App Integration.

  3. On the Create a new app integration page, choose SAML 2.0 and then choose Next.

  4. On the Create SAML Integration page, in General Settings, for App name, enter a name for the application and choose Next.

  5. In Configure SAML, do the following:

    1. For Single sign-on URL, enter your web application endpoint.

      If you're creating a custom Amazon Q Business application, this value is the endpoint URL of your Amazon Q Business application with /saml added at the end. For example http://localhost:8000/saml.

      If you're creating an Amazon Q Business application generated web experience endpoint URL, this value be the Amazon Q Business generated web experience URL with saml added at the end. For example,


      If you're creating an Amazon Q Business application generated web experience endpoint URL, a web experience URL will be generated by Amazon Q Business after you finish creating an Amazon Q Business application. For now, enter a placeholder URL. For example: You will update this at the end of your Amazon Q Business application creation process.

    2. Uncheck the Use this for Recipient URL and Destination URL box.

    3. Then, for the Recipient URL field, enter the following AWS endpoint:

    4. For Destination URL, enter your web application endpoint.

      If you're creating a custom Amazon Q Business application, this value is the endpoint URL of your Amazon Q Business application with /saml added at the end. For example http://localhost:8000/saml.

      If you're creating an Amazon Q Business application generated web experience endpoint URL, this value be the Amazon Q Business generated web experience URL with saml added at the end. For example,

      If you're creating an Amazon Q Business application generated web experience endpoint URL, a web experience URL will be generated by Amazon Q Business after you finish creating an Amazon Q Business application. For now, enter a placeholder URL. For example: You will update this at the end of your Amazon Q Business application creation process.

    5. For Audience URI (SP Identity ID), enter the following AWS endpoint:

    6. For Name ID format, set to Persistent.

    7. The, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Next.

  6. On the Create SAML Integration page, select the option that best fits your use case and then select Finish. You will be redirected to the application summary page.

  7. On the application summary page, from the top navigation menu, select Assignments, and then select Assign. Then, complete the following steps:

    1. To assign users to your Okta app, choose between Assign to People and Assign to Groups.

    2. In the dialog box that opens up, locate the users or groups you want to assign to your application and then select Assign.

    3. Then, choose Done.

  8. Next, you download the SAML payload and copy your Sign on URL.

    You need to provide the SAML payload when you create an identity provider in IAM.

    If you choose to create a web experience from the Amazon Q Business console (Step 4 of this page), you input the Sign on URL or Single Sign-On URL (the URL where users sign in to access an application integrated with an identity provider) as the Authentication URL. The standard authentication URL format for Okta is: https://<sub_domain><app_name>/<app_id>/sso/saml.

    From the top navigation menu of your application home page, select Sign On. Then, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Settings, from the SAML 2.0 section, from Metadata details section, to copy the metadata file XML file by choosing Copy. Then, save it in .xml format.


      You can also navigate to the metadata URL and copy the network response payload and paste it in a file that you save in .xml format.

      For more information, see Create SAML app integrations on the Okta Help Center website.

    2. Then, from Sign on URL, select the Copy icon to copy the Sign on URL. Save it in a text editor of your choice.


To create an Okta instance

  1. Sign into Okta and go to the admin console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Applications, and then choose Create App Integration.

  3. On the Create a new app integration page, do the following:

    • Choose OIDC – OpenID Connect.

    • Choose Web application.

    • Then, choose Next.

  4. On the New Web App Integration page, do the following:

    • In General Settings, for App name, enter a name for the application.

    • In Grant type, for Core grants, ensure that Authorization Code is selected.

    • In Sign-in-redirect URIs, add a URL that Okta will send the authentication response and ID token for the user's sign in request.

      If you're using a custom application, the value of this URL will be http://localhost:8080/authorization-code/callback, where http://localhost:8080 is your custom web experience endpoint URL.

      If you're creating an Amazon Q Business application generated web experience endpoint URL, this value will be the Amazon Q Business generated web experience URL with /authorization-code/callback added at the end. Amazon Q Business generates this web experience URL when you create a Amazon Q Business application using in Step 4. For now, enter a placeholder URL. For example: You will update this after you finish creating a Amazon Q Business application by inputting your Amazon Q Business web experience URL with /authorization-code/callback added at the end. For example,

    • In Assignments, select whether to assign the app integration to everyone in your org, only selected group(s), or skip assignment until after app creation.

    • Then, select Save.

  5. From the application summary page, from General, do the following:

    • From Client Credentials, copy and save the Client ID. You will input this as the Audience when you create an identity provider in AWS Identity and Access Management in the next step.

    • From CLIENT SECRETS, copy and save the Secret. If you choose to use an Amazon Q Business default web experience, you will need to input this in an Secrets Manager secret when you configure Web experience settings in the Amazon Q Business console.

  6. From the left navigation menu, select Security, and then select API.

  7. Then, from Authorization Servers, do the following:

    • Copy the Issuer URI, for example You will need to input this value as the Provider URL when you add your identity provider in IAM in Step 2.

    • Select default, and then select Claims.

  8. In Claims, select Add claim, and then do the following:

    • For Name, add

    • For Include in token type, choose ID token and select Always.

    • For Okta, the Value will be the following: {"principal_tags": {"Email": {} }}. For other identity providers, use a valid JSON object in the following format:

      "principal_tags": { "Email": [email] }

      To activate Amazon Q Business response personalization for your application, add the following optional tags: {"principal_tags": {"Email": {}, "country": { != null ? : ""}}}. Ensure that null values aren't passed via principal tags by using the operation user.$attribute != null ? user.$attribute : "".

    • For Include in, choose Any scope.

    • Select Create.

You are now ready to go to the AWS Identity and Access Management console and create an OIDC identity provider instance.

You are now ready to move to the AWS Identity and Access Management console to create an identity provider integration for your Okta instance.

Step 2: Add an identity provider in IAM

In this step, you add configure AWS Identity and Access Management by creating an identity provider integration for your Okta instance.


To connect Okta to AWS Identity and Access Management

  1. Sign in to the AWS Identity and Access Management console.

  2. In the left navigation menu, from Access management, select Identity providers.

  3. From Identity providers, select Add provider.

  4. In Add an identity provider, for Configure provider do the following:

    • For Provider type – Select SAML.

    • For Provider name – Add a name to identify your identity provider.

    • For Metadata document – Upload the .xml file you downloaded and saved from Okta in Step 1.

    • For Add tags - optional – Add tags to resources to help identify, organize, or search for the identity provider you're adding.

    • Select Add provider.

  5. On the Identity provider summary page, from Provider, select the provider you just added do the following:

    • From Summary copy the ARN and save the value. You will need it when you add your trust policy and when you connect your AWS Identity and Access Management identity provider to your Okta instance. The format of the ARN is: arn:aws:iam::aws-account-id:saml-provider/assigned-iam-idp-name.

    • Then, select Assign role to create an IAM role with the necessary permissions for your identity provider.

  6. In Assign role, for Role options select Create a new role.

  7. Then, on the Selected trusted entity page, do the following:

    • For Trusted entity type select SAML 2.0 federation.

    • In SAML 2.0 federation, from the SAML 2.0-based provider dropdown, select the identity provider you added.

    • For Access to be allowed, select Allow programmatic access only.

    • For Attribute, select SAML:aud.

    • For Value, enter the following:

    • Select Next.

  8. On the Add permissions page, for Permissions policies choose an IAM policy with the required permissions and then select Next.

    For the policy permissions required, see IAM role for an Amazon Q Business web experience using IAM Federation.


    To create a new policy, follow the instructions in Creating IAM policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  9. In the Name, review, and create page, add a Role name, and optional role description and tags to identify your IAM role. Then, select Create role.

  10. From the Roles page, select the IAM role you just created. Then, from the role summary page, do the following:

    • Copy the role ARN and save it. You will need this information to connect your AWS Identity and Access Management identity provider instance to Okta. The format of the ARN will be like this: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/sample-role.

    • In Trust relationships, select Edit trust policy and select Add new statement to add the following trust policy, replacing the value for account_id with your AWS account ID and saml_provider with the assigned-iam-idp-name you copied from your IAM identity provider ARN you copied:

      { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::{{account_id}}:saml-provider/[[saml_provider]]" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "SAML:aud": "" } } }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::{{account_id}}:saml-provider/[[saml_provider]]" }, "Action": "sts:TagSession", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "aws:RequestTag/Email": "*" } } } ] }
    • Then, select Update policy.

You are now ready to return to Okta to complete the process of extablishing a trust relationship between AWS Identity and Access Management and Okta.


To connect Okta to AWS Identity and Access Management

  1. Sign in to the AWS Identity and Access Management console.

  2. In the left navigation menu, from Access management, select Identity providers.

  3. From Identity providers, select Add provider.

  4. In Add an identity provider, for Configure provider do the following:

    • For Provider type – Select OpenID Connect.

    • For Provider URL – Paste the Input URI you copied from the Okta console. For example,

    • For Audience – Copy and paste the Client ID you copied from Okta from the Okta console.

    • For Add tags - optional – Add tags to resources to help identify, organize, or search for the identity provider you're adding.

    • Select Add provider.

  5. On the Identity provider summary page, from Provider, select the provider you added do the following:

    • From Summary copy the ARN and save the value. You will need it when you add your trust policy and when you connect your AWS Identity and Access Management identity provider to your Okta instance. The format of the ARN is: arn:aws:iam::aws-account-id:oidc-provider/issuer.

    • Then, select Assign role to create an IAM role with the necessary permissions for your identity provider.

  6. In the Assign role dialog box that opens , for Role options select Create a new role.

  7. Then, on the Selected trusted entity page, do the following:

    • For Trusted entity type select Web identity.

    • In Web identity, from the Identity provider dropdown, select the identity provider you added.

    • For Audience, select your Client ID.

    • Select Next.

  8. On the Add permissions page, for Permissions policies choose an IAM policy to add, and then select Next. You can add an existing policy or update your policy you're creating to include required permissions. Your policy must contain the permissions outlined in IAM role for an Amazon Q Business web experience using IAM Federation.


    To create a new policy, follow the instructions in Creating IAM policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  9. In the Name, review, and create page, add a Role name add a role name, and optional role description and tags to identify your IAM role. Then, select Create role.

  10. From the Roles page find and select the IAM role you created. Then, from the role summary page, in Trust relationships, select Edit trust policy and select Add new statement

  11. Then, add the following statement to your existing trust policy, replacing account-id with your AWS account ID, clientId with the OIDC client ID you copied, and iss with the issuer value from your IAM identity provider ARN:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::{{account_id}}:oidc-provider/{{iss}}" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "{{iss}}:aud": "{{clientId}}" } } }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::{{account_id}}:oidc-provider/{{iss}}" }, "Action": "sts:TagSession", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "aws:RequestTag/Email": "*" } } } ] }
  12. Then, select Update policy.

Now, move on to the Amazon Q Business console to create your application.

Step 3: Connect IAM to Okta

In this step, you complete configuring the trust relationship between AWS Identity and Access Management and Okta.

  1. Sign into Okta and go to the admin console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Applications, and then choose the Okta application you created.

  3. In General, from SAML Settings choose Edit.

  4. In Edit SAML, for General Settings choose Next.

  5. In Configure SAML, scroll down to the Attribute Statements section, and add the following attributes:

    Attribute 1

    • For the Name field, provide the following for the email attribute:

    • For the Name format field, keep it set to Unspecified.

    • For the Value field, provide a mapping to the attribute by selecting from the dropdown list.


      You can add more attributes to enable Amazon Q Business response personalization. To do this, provide the following value for the Name field:<attributeName>. Keep the Name format field Unspecified. For Value, provide an attribute mapping by selecting a user attribute like from the dropdown list.

    Attribute 2

    • For the Name field, provide the following name for the role attribute: .

    • For the Name format field, keep it set to Unspecified.

    • For the Value field, add a mapping to the attribute in the following format using the values you copied from Step 2 of this section: IAMroleArn,IAMidpArn. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/sample-role,arn:aws:iam::111122223333:saml-provider/okta-idp.

    Attribute 3

    • Then, for the Name field, provide the following name for the role session name attribute:

    • For the Name format field, keep it set to Unspecified.

    • For the Value field, provide a mapping to the attribute by selecting from the dropdown list.

    • Choose Next, and then choose Finish.

Now, move on to the Amazon Q Business console to create your application.


This step isn't needed for OIDC.

Step 4: Create Amazon Q Business application

To create an Amazon Q Business application environment, you can use either the AWS Management Console or the Amazon Q Business API.

If you're using an Amazon Q Business default web experience for your application, you can choose to generate it in this step. If you're using this generated URL as your web experience endpoint, you need to return to Okta to update your identity provider instance with this information.

When you create an application, you also add subscriptions for end users logging into your Amazon Q Business web experience using Okta. Any user logging into your web experience is automatically provisioned a subscription of the type you select.


User subscriptions are connected to the AWS account Amazon Q Business applications are attached to. If the same user logs in to an Amazon Q Business application using multiple AWS accounts, they're charged multiple times. Create an Amazon Q Business application using IAM Identity Center for user management to avoid this issue.

For a consolidated view of your user subscriptions—including a list of subscribed users, their subscription status, and applications, accounts, or services a user can access through their subscriptions—see the Amazon Q subscriptions page. Subscriptions can only be viewed centrally and not be created or updated from the Amazon Q subscription management console.

For more information on user subscriptions for an IAM federated Amazon Q Business application, see Subscriptions for applications using IAM Federation.

As a prerequisite, make sure that you complete the setting up tasks. If you're using the AWS CLI or the API, make sure that you created the required IAM roles.

The following tabs provide a procedure for creating your Amazon Q Business application environment using the AWS Management Console and code examples for using the AWS CLI.


To create an application

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. On the Create application page, for What kind of application do you want to create?, enter the following information for your Amazon Q Business application:

    1. Application name – A name for your Amazon Q Business application environment for easy identification. This name is only visible in the AWS Management Console. The name can include hyphens (-), but not spaces, and can have a maximum of 1,000 alphanumeric characters. Amazon Q Business auto-generates an application name for you, unless ypu choose to enter a custom name.

    2. Outcome – Select Web experience to create a web experience for your application. Amazon Q Business creates a web experience by default when you create an application. If you don't want to create a web experience, unselect this option.

  3. For Access management method, choose AWS IAM Identity Provider.

    Then, for Choose an identity provider type, choose between Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and OpenID Connect (OIDC).

    1. For SAML, do the following:

      1. For Select Identity Provider, choose the identity provider you've created in AWS Identity and Access Management to use with your Amazon Q Business application.

      2. For Authentication URL, provide the authentication URL for Okta. Your authentication URL must be of the following format: https://<sub_domain><app_name>/<app_id>/sso/saml. Enter the Sign on URL you copied in Step 1.

        When end users navigate to the web experience URL they're redirected to this authentication URL where they provide their login ID and password. After successful authentication, they're redirected back to the web experience URL to begin chatting.

    2. For OIDC, do the following:

      1. For Select Identity Provider, choose the identity provider you've created in AWS Identity and Access Management to use with your Amazon Q Business application.

      2. For ClientID for OIDC, input the OIDC client ID you copied in Step 1.

      3. For AWS Secrets Manager, choose to create a new Secrets Manager secret or add an existing one to allow Amazon Q Business to access your Okta instance. Your secret must contain the client secret you copied from your Okta instance.

      4. In Choose method to authorize Amazon Q Business web experience to use Secrets, choose an existing IAM role to allow your Amazon Q Business web experience to access the AWS resources it needs to function.

        For the policy permissions required, see IAM role for an Amazon Q Business web experience using IAM Federation.


        To create a new policy, follow the instructions in Creating IAM policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  4. For Default subscription settings, for Subcription tier, choose between Q Business Pro and Q Business Lite. Any user logging in to your web experience will be assigned this subscription type by default.

  5. For Application details – Amazon Q Business chooses the following configuration settings for your application by default:

    1. For Application service access – Amazon Q Business will create a new service-linked role for your application.

    2. Encryption – Amazon Q Business will create an AWS owned AWS KMS key to encrypt your data.

    3. Web experience service access – If you've chosen to create a web experience, Amazon Q Business creates a service access role to allow end users to log in to a Amazon Q Business web experience.

  6. (Optional) To customize Application details, expand the Application details section, and then do the following:

    1. In Application service access, for Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business, choose from the following options:

      1. Create and use a new service-linked role (SLR) – Create and use a new Amazon Q Business-managed IAM role to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

      2. Create and use a new service role (SR) – Create and use a new IAM role for Amazon Q Business to allow it to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.

      3. Use an existing service role (SR)/service-linked role (SLR) – Use an existing service role or service-linked IAM role to allow Amazon Q Business to access the AWS resources it needs to create your application.


        For more information about example service roles, see IAM role for an Amazon Q Business application. For information on service-linked roles, including to manage them, see Using service-linked roles.

      4. Service role name – A name for the service (IAM) role you created for easy identification on the console.

    2. For Encryption – Amazon Q Business encrypts your data by default using AWS managed AWS KMS keys. To customize your encryption settings, select Customize encryption settings (advanced). Then, you can choose to use an existing AWS KMS key or create a new one.

    3. In Web experience service access, enter the following information:

      1. For Choose a method to authorize Amazon Q Business – A service access role assumed by end users when they sign in to your web experience that grants them permission to start and manage conversations Amazon Q Business. You can choose to use an existing role or create a new role.

      2. Service role name – A name for the service role you created for easy identification on the console.

  7. To start creating your application, choose Create.


    If you're creating a web experience, you can also choose to create your application and view your web experience by selecting Create and open web experience.

  8. Once the application creation process completes, the web experience settings section on your application summary page will display your Amazon Q Business web experience URL. Copy the URL to a file and then, depending on the authentication type you've chosen, do the following:

    1. If you're using SAML – Add /saml at the end of the URL. Then, Return to the Okta console, edit your SAML application to update Single sign-on URL and Destination URL you added in Step 1 to your web experience URL. Remember to save your changes.

    2. If you're using OIDC – Add /authorization-code/callback at the end of the URL. Then, return to the Okta console to edit your OIDC application and update the Sign-in-redirect URI value you added in Step 1. Remember to save your changes.


To configure an Amazon Q Business application

aws qbusiness create-application \ --display-name application-name \ --iam-identity-provider-arn iam-identity-provider-arn \ --client-id-for-oidc client-id-for-oidc \ --identity-type identity-type\ --role-arn roleArn \ --description application-description \ --enryption-configuration kmsKeyId=<kms-key-id> \ --attachments-configuration attachmentsControlMode=ENABLED

You've finished configuring your Amazon Q Business application. Your authenticated end users can now log in and chat with your web experience.